Crash Station
Branduil said:I hope no one says something like [C] looks better than Mononoke because that would be literally the craziest thing said in an anime thread.
Why, it totally does. Mononoke is ugly.
Branduil said:I hope no one says something like [C] looks better than Mononoke because that would be literally the craziest thing said in an anime thread.
cosmicblizzard said:Why, it totally does. Mononoke is ugly.
I think I might marathon it in a day or two.icarus-daedelus said:We Without Wings might be amusing if you're the type to enjoy razor blades in your breakfast cereal.
cosmicblizzard said:Why, it totally does. Mononoke is ugly.
Nose bleeding?icarus-daedelus said:Tell me what you think, and make sure to truck yourself to the hospital in case the bleeding gets too heavy!
Hardly. The girls are all unlikable whores with about as much personality as a piece of paper, at least from what I saw.tiff said:Nose bleeding?
How predictable.cosmicblizzard said:Why, it totally does. Mononoke is ugly.
icarus-daedelus said:Haha, that works. But I meant from the razor blades in your cereal.
I'm afraid you've let your shounen haato consume your real one.cosmicblizzard said:Why, it totally does. Mononoke is ugly.
UberTag said:I'm so thrilled that with time and reflection people have rightfully recognized Sailor Moon S as the pinnacle of the anime. There was a brief time around the turn of the millennium where people were lavishing that praise upon the pacing disaster that was Sailor Stars. Praise that was indeed misplaced.
That would require an odd strap, she'd need enough slack in that sling that it'd be dragging at her feet for that to have been plausible.Kagami said:As I recall, he didn't choose her as a sandbag--the gun was strapped to her.
See!Kagami said:They wear pants. They're just really short pants.
As for the question, it's one of those youth fashion things. Witches got popular, trend started, you know how kids are.
I don't think this got shown in the TV series until the second season, but:
Yeah, this. They only need the witches on the large neuroi. The small ones can be handled by regular forces. In season one, unless I'm forgetting, they didn't actually send out the regular military on deliberate strikes against large neuroi--they just wound up under attack by large one(s) while in transit.
Yeah there were futile attempts on a large neuroi in season 2 by Romagna ships, which Mio commented on, saying they probably wanted to try to earn some credit for themselves.
This seemed to be the purpose for sending out aircraft during those times ships were under attack by large neuroi (e.g. season 1 first two eps, season 2 Yoshika/Lynne episode)
It's deeper down the rabbit hole than any sane person should descend.tiff said:Strike Witches sounds deep as hell.
So you think it was a good show? That it was well done? Either it was intentionally crap and changing directors wouldn't matter because they wanted it to be that way or it's shit anyways and no-one could make it shine.Jexhius said:Madness. Pure madness!
No, no you don't.Izayoi said:I need to finish it!
It's more than imagery. You will feel real, physical pain while subjecting yourself to that atrocity.icarus-daedelus said:There's much painful imagery and bleeding invoked/caused by We Without Wings.
It's like you go out of your way to be wrong. Now I know why sports anime sucks so much.cosmicblizzard said:One Outs 9
If baseball was like this in real life, I'd probably go to more games. Just stopping in the middle of a game to give a speech while playing mind games with the opposing team's manager is definitely something this sport needs more of.
I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I guess stuff like this still works for me!cosmicblizzard said:Why, it totally does. Mononoke is ugly.
There's a difference between thinking "this show is good" and "changing the director would fundamentally change the show itself".mAcOdIn said:So you think it was a good show? That it was well done? Either it was intentionally crap and changing directors wouldn't matter because they wanted it to be that way or it's shit anyways and no-one could make it shine.
But it doesn't have Quile.icarus-daedelus said:There's much painful imagery and bleeding invoked/caused by We Without Wings.
Not in any detail. They're "familiars," but how they get them hasn't been explained unless I missed something in some book (that's actually in the same canon as the TV series, anyway.)Izayoi said:Is the whole ear/tail thing ever explained in Strike Witches?
Came out a year and a half before the TV series.Izayoi said:Woah, artstyle change for the OVA. That's always really jarring. Was this a pilot or something? I'm so confused.
Nope, sadly.Articalys said:Out of curiosity, did they ever report how many people ended up voting in the contest?
As awesome as the Big O is, I knew it wouldn't have the popularity to go the distance. Even if it's design is amazing.Instro said:Meh, I lost interest after Big O was knocked out.
I think you're placing the director on too high a pedestal, I would claim that the overall direction to pander even more openly was made by someone in an even higher position than the director and that at best we would have gotten slightly better directed crap as opposed to the crap we got.Jexhius said:High school of the Dead
There's a difference between thinking "this show is good" and "changing the director would fundamentally change the show itself".
It takes a certain type of mind to see the original material, i.e. the manga, and then decide to make something more extreme and ridiculous. In other words, to extract what makes the original work unique (which isn't the same as saying what makes it 'good') and then play it up is part of what made it entertaining to those who liked it.
There's no guarantee that a difference director wouldn't have looked at the manga and tried to tone it down which would have just left the laughable 'plot' and 'characters' to hold it together.
I'm sorry I couldn't save you.Izayoi said:Too late!
Now for season 2.
I told you!Cwarrior said:Katanagatari ep1
aagggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh fucking troll
I came in expecting some sort of ninja/samurai action what I got was 58min of talking heads going on about how awesome there ninja skills are and any minute now theyre going to fight it out to the death. What I really got was just blue balls for action.
mAcOdIn said:But merely being a credible entry in the zombie genre's a pretty low bar, especially up at the time of the first Resident Evil movie's release date, the genre wasn't exactly know for great movies. But I can accept that a fan of that narrow genre of movies may feel that it was a strong entry but I think that by default acknowledges the fact that it's a pretty piss poor genre if the average joe doesn't also feel it was a good movie without being predisposed to liking zombie movies.
Right, that's kinda what I mean, that cheese can work, so the latter Resident Evil movies may no longer be strong contenders for the zombie movie market as movies period I think they were all generally the same quality just not the latter ones are not aimed at the same market as the first.
There's two things here about realism.
There's realism for common, every day things and then there's situational realism, I expect the former but don't always expect the latter.
For instance zombies alone are unrealistic but I don't bitch about the Zombies. They're supernatural, fictional, whatever. Doesn't matter. They're not something I interact with since they're not real and I have no idea how a zombie would exist if it existed and how one would act in that situation. If you make a show in the future I don't bitch about the way FTL works or anything like because I don't know the science behind it, move on.
However there are common items. I would be angered if someone used a microwave to freeze popsicles. I know what a microwave does and know how it works, it doesn't freeze shit. I was pissed off in Kurozaka or whatever, that vampire anime, where in one of the final episodes they're driving a fan up a drawbridge or some shit, spin out and do a 180 and continue to drive backwards up the bridge, I know how a van works. And I know how guns work so I don't want to see people touching hot barrels or brass without showing or feeling pain, I don't want to see a frightened shaking girl used as a sandbag when it would be less steady than just fucking using your arm.
Now people also bitch about reloading or whatnot, yeah I get annoyed by that if it's an extended scene that follows the character the entire time but a lot of time the camera's moving and you don't always see the character, maybe he reloaded in that time? I don't know so I may find it amusing but I'm not going to totally get up in arms over it because, well, I don't know if he reloaded or not in that case. I don't know what a gunshot would do to a decayed zombie skull so I won't bitch about it, with only half the required knowledge I can't bitch.
So really, I expect people to know a little about what they write, just a little. If you're writing about a bunch of people with guns and it's set in the real world, then they should act as real guns and you should know how real guns work. I will give you the benefit of the doubt on ammo so long as you don't do something totally idiotic like tell the audience the character only has 2 rounds left and then show him clearly firing eight but so long as you're not that inept my brain can let it work because in any frames I don't see the character's hands and gun I can't deny the fact that perhaps he reloaded.
mAcOdIn said:I think you're placing the director on too high a pedestal, I would claim that the overall direction to pander even more openly was made by someone in an even higher position than the director and that at best we would have gotten slightly better directed crap as opposed to the crap we got.
trejo said:Bad Aria1110[IMG]
My sides are in so much pain right now. So worth it.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. GG's troll subs are great when the anime they're trolling really is awful.
Jexhius said:Azazel-San 12
Holy shit. Holy-Shit!
The haven't done Yoda speak anymore.Steroyd said:GG's subs pissed me off too much when they did the yoda speak all the way through, it was funny at first, but then it just got tedious, because everyone was subbed in that manner.
Cwarrior said:Katanagatari ep1
aagggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh fucking troll
I came in expecting some sort of ninja/samurai action what I got was 58min of talking heads going on about how awesome there ninja skills are and any minute now theyre going to fight it out to the death. What I really got was just blue balls for action.
7Th said:
Unknown Soldier said:Meh.
I liked it more when they spun it off as a mecha series (Xenoglossia). Well, I liked it conceptually, I heard Xenoglossia wasn't very good.
So it's a slice of life show?Dali said:It's not a terrible series if you can keep in your head that all the challenges and chest-beating and build-up in every episode will more than likely not lead to an awesome choreographed battle, but rather a solution given in the form of some slice of life lesson that is stupid but made to look deep and introspective within the context of the show (but is still stupid).
Hitokage said:Stars is good, but when you get past the fact it is far less available it isn't better than S.
However, its pacing was one of the things it had going for it. There are few episodes that don't move the plot forward in some way.
Steroyd said:Sailormoon
Repeat after me.
The sailor costumes are not a disguise, the sailor costumes are not a disguise.
It's quite impressive that Rei could suss out Tuxedo Mask's identity who actually wears a mask but not Sailor V >_>
A bad one that's in the guise of an action kung fu anime. Sure, why not.Jexhius said:So it's a slice of life show?
It wasn't sarcasm, I was asking a question. I'm not sure what caused the confusion.Dali said:A bad one that's in the guise of an action kung fu anime. Sure, why not.
Btw, usually sarcastic summaries are a clever interpretation of a post, not a selective bold that ignores the rest of the text completely.
Not surprising when you consider some of the media for this show.Sage00 said:I don't see how Katanagatari is 'in the guise' of anything. One main character doesn't even have a weapon, a fact that the show goes out of its way to explain is symbolic, and the other main character is a military strategist. Criticising it for a lack of what would frankly be quite silly and forced action sequences is the last thing I'd do.