It's not much of a rabbit hole. There are only two novels and they cover the entire plot outline laid out for the cancelled season. They also include lots of artwork and designs done for the preproduction phase of the anime so you can basically imagine how it might have been like.
I don't think the second novel is out yet though.
Gunslinger Girl 10
Welp. That ended poorly.
The contrast between Henrietta/Jose and Elsa/Lauro is all the more poignant for the fact thatone pair is on a happy cruise, and the other is dead.
Fan translations of light novels are notorious for being machine translated garbage. Though I don't think the Gargantia novels are translated at all.
All these lists are missing one key show yet to air. Potential clusterfuck of the season Big Order.
Edit: What the hell Amagami SS? Peeping! The only true measure of love!
Is the 4th image really saying she was 'lonely and scared' because of the lack of peeping going on or was that just fortuitous timing with a speech on 'my emptiness and how only a serving of beige can fill it'?
How can they even know that when this isnt based on any previous work?
If Chrono and Link fused.
So a friend of mine from college sent me this. Apparently if you line up the posters you get the kill order for the characters lol. Don't have the balls to open, because well, possible spoilers. Don't want to check whether it is real or not. But those if you who don't care, feel free to take a peek.
Click at your own risk, last warning:
No idea. The non spoiler explanation I got from this person is that these are the posters for the promo art pieces together, and it somehow tell you who dies when. Haven't looked inside
So what's the general impression on Kabenari?
Amagami SS 04
They really nailed the harebrained dating sim game feel to a t. + That hilarious fade to black not even at the sex scene but just the mere kiss. 10/10
The worst part about that ending is now I'm kinda curious at just how stupid the other ones can get.
It's well-done for what it is: a loud Hollywood-style zombie action blockbuster.
That's just a theory though. You can't really call a series of posters put together spoilers.
Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon
Right, time to start wrapping up the DBZ films/OVA with the last film before Battle of Gods, Wrath of the Dragon.
So WotD largely center's around Taipon, the predecessor of OoT Link merged with Chrono and his relationship with Trunks, who to the films credit, isn't nearly as annoying as he was in previous films.
Film exclusive characters usually aren't that great, but Taipon's got some complexity and intrigue in him largely thanks to his backstory and interactions with Trunks. I like him overall and he's one of the high points for the film. He also has Future Trunks' sword which just begs for a very convoluted explanation about that works.
Can't really same the same about the other two characters in WotD. Hirudegarn has a unique design but doesn't have much going for him otherwise. Hoi meanwhile is just a generic "I want to unleash a kaiju like monster onto the universe so I can try to conquer/destroy the universe before it inevitably turns on me" villain.
The best way I could describe the action in this is if Dragon Ball Z met Kaiju films. It's largely the Z fighters trying (and mostly failing) to stop a 50ft monster. It's pretty enjoyable and the great animation only serves to its benefit.
That said the ending is a complete asspull. What the hell changed in the span of 15 minutes that all of a sudden Goku could kill Hirudegarn? There are also some padding issues but nothing too severe in this case.
Overall, Wrath of the Dragon is pretty good, brought down largely by a shitty ending, mostly uninspired villains and some padding issues.
Amagami SS 04
They really nailed the harebrained dating sim game feel to a t. + That hilarious fade to black not even at the sex scene but just the mere kiss. 10/10
The worst part about that ending is now I'm kinda curious at just how stupid the other ones can get.
Amagami SS had some pretty good arcs. I'm going to watch SS+ and SS++ at some point as well.
I'd very much say it is if it is right no? Either way I didn't want to ruin the show for myself or anyone else, hence why I marked it
Sorry but I can debunk this, as the bus has already died and it's present on all of the posters!
But if you look closely you'll realize the thematic consistency. In the first poster the bus is healthy and alive, with passengers in it. In the second one the bus is dead and everyone is standing outside. By the third poster, you can see rust and decay from the decomposition of the bus corpse!
Why do the best characters always have to die so early?Sorry but I can debunk this, as the bus has already died and it's present on all of the posters!
Why do the best characters always have to die so early?
Yea that ticked me off a bit since I found her to be the most likeable. Thankfully they fixed that mistake in SS+..Honestly the worst thing about Amagami was how they fucked over Rihoko so hard with her arc. It was terrible.
(The worst thing about SS+ was the lack of a teacher arc, despite the fact that they did the stalker arc)
You're still doing this? I'm impressed that you managed to make it all the way to the newer films! I'm still too scarred from how horrible Return of Cooler was to watch more of these.
So a friend of mine from college sent me this. Apparently if you line up the posters you get the kill order for the characters lol. Don't have the balls to open, because well, possible spoilers. Don't want to check whether it is real or not. But those if you who don't care, feel free to take a peek.
Click at your own risk, last warning:
Today's my birthday but I have a final in the afternoon :/
When I get back, I'm gonna binge something... Or fall asleep. Or both depending on what I choose.
Maybe I'll watch Kill me baby... Idk
Today's my birthday but I have a final in the afternoon :/
When I get back, I'm gonna binge something... Or fall asleep. Or both depending on what I choose.
Maybe I'll watch Kill me baby... Idk
Today's my birthday but I have a final in the afternoon :/
When I get back, I'm gonna binge something... Or fall asleep. Or both depending on what I choose.
Maybe I'll watch Kill me baby... Idk
Happy birthday and good luck for the test.
Looked on MAL at Big Order read the synopsis and thought 'huh they're doing a sort of Haruhi thing, might be interesting' then I clicked on pictures and saw the second image...
Every female character in bondage, young looking female character clinging to the male protagonist, switch from an interesting light blue background to uber edgy all black background, this is very close to 'so bad , it's good' territory and I've only seen two jpegs.
So what's the general impression on Kabenari?
I'm three episodes into LOGH, and man this shit is deep. I'm probably still gonna try to get the Sentai releases whenever they come out because I feel like this is potentially better watched in English. I already got spoiled as to which side wins the war and who even survives, but what's in-between is still nice to see. I decided to watch this series instead of getting the books (when the rest comes out), but the series feels like a direct adaptation of a historical war novel or something, like an Beevor book or something.
And I can totally understand why this was never marketed outside Japan until now (other than the expense that probably went into making it). The OVA was made at a time (the 90's basically) when whatever anime was coming over was either kids' fare or super-exploitative adult action. This looks like 85% House Of Cards and 15% Star Wars. In order for it to take off to its full potential with western audiences I feel like they'd have to get good English releases for the books, then do a live action adaptation or something. Some premium channel would have to pick it up hoping it has a counter to GOT on its hands.
Anyway, the animation quality of the first season isn't all that great, but does it change in the later seasons since those seem to have been made much later?
Insert generic anime happy birthday please don't sue us song here!Today's my birthday but I have a final in the afternoon :/
When I get back, I'm gonna binge something... Or fall asleep. Or both depending on what I choose.
Maybe I'll watch Kill me baby... Idk
Yeah, SS+ exists only to unfuck the Rihoko arc.Yea that ticked me off a bit since I found her to be the most likeable. Thankfully they fixed that mistake in SS+..
It is the curse of being a childhood friend in effect.