Admiral Woofington
Here's my list for the great shows this season
Today's my birthday but I have a final in the afternoon :/
When I get back, I'm gonna binge something... Or fall asleep. Or both depending on what I choose.
Maybe I'll watch Kill me baby... Idk
Today's my birthday but I have a final in the afternoon :/
When I get back, I'm gonna binge something... Or fall asleep. Or both depending on what I choose.
Maybe I'll watch Kill me baby... Idk
Last page is sooooo old news nowSMH, I already said Happy Birthday last page you slackers.
SMH, I already said Happy Birthday last page you slackers.
I'm 1 post per page so my last post is always on top.
SMH, I already said Happy Birthday last page you slackers.
Stop pretending you don't love Hundred.Here's my list for the great shows this season
The alternate explanation of this is that those posters are arranged in the opposite order they were released, showing more characters as they revealed more of the cast.LOST VILLAGE SPOILERS IN THE LINK
So a friend of mine from college sent me this. Apparently if you line up the posters you get the kill order for the characters lol. Don't have the balls to open, because well, possible spoilers. Don't want to check whether it is real or not. But those if you who don't care, feel free to take a peek.
Click at your own risk, last warning:
Tamako Love Story
T'was mediocre. 6/10 thanks to being quite pleasant on the eyes as you'd expect from a KyoAni movie production. I'm pretty damn sure I wouldn't like the TV series. Kanna was a trash LN character through and through and someone like her wouldn't be tolerable for me in the long run
Less direct talk about mochi would've been nice, too. So many unfitting, forced analogies with it :/
given all the lists of anime, I am kind of surprised at how few people watched Re:zero it's not even showing up on this is garbage lists lol.
Congrats! You do not have to wait very long for the best fluffy, fuzzy haired best friend Kaoru, ufufufu~
Shit. I'm watching Tamako Market right now just so I can watch the movie, lol
I'm watching Hundred just to see how long it takes that dumbfuck to realizeEmile is a girl.
Honestly the worst thing about Amagami was how they fucked over Rihoko so hard with her arc. It was terrible.
(The worst thing about SS+ was the lack of a teacher arc, despite the fact that they did the stalker arc)
I'm three episodes into LOGH, and man this shit is deep. I'm probably still gonna try to get the Sentai releases whenever they come out because I feel like this is potentially better watched in English.
He has to know from that towel scene and just want to protect her secret, right....RIGHT!
I thought people were supposed to like the Tamako Love movie and be pretty smh about the tv series.
That's the general opinion I guess.
I liked the TV series though![]()
given all the lists of anime, I am kind of surprised at how few people watched Re:zero it's not even showing up on this is garbage lists lol.
Still pretty decent/good. Very by the books so far and I doubt that will change but the quirky cast, character interactions, dialogue and humor make it much more enticing than I'd guessed judging by the premise.
Watchable in 4:3So what's the general impression on Kabenari?
My question to those who watched Bungou today:
Does it seem like it will be taking the Kekkai Sensen route, with episodic content rather than something continuous?
Is the order of appearance of girls in the opening also the order of their arcs ? Cause the class rep is the last and the one I'd be a bit interested in. (Also the swimming club one)
Oh God I'm already falling down this dark well.
He has to know from that towel scene and just want to protect her secret, right....RIGHT!
I don't remember what the OP was like. I liked that Ayatsuji was last, but she was first in SS+.
Yes, please keep going down the well~
It's more tolerable than Attack on Titan, even though the sequencing and the setting and the looks are almost exactly like Titan. The MC is not running on full rage, but rather he has rationale and is willing to do something about the problem by developing his own weapon to kill the zombies, and even successfully tested it. The major characters seem to have more competent than their Titan counterparts.
What's hilarious isin the manga she tells him immediately after his fight with the president and they become a couple rather quickly. The whole "date" scene is still done but they hold hands at the viewing spot when no one's around.
Today's my birthday but I have a final in the afternoon :/
When I get back, I'm gonna binge something... Or fall asleep. Or both depending on what I choose.
Maybe I'll watch Kill me baby... Idk
I thought people were supposed to like the Tamako Love movie and be pretty smh about the tv series.
Netoge 01
I'm shocked, well.... not shocked that this H artist is doing the design for this anime, lol
Man, this one hit me because I admit to being a filthy Premium player on Dungeon Fighter Online. I have put down $100 every weekend for roughly the past two months of so. I'm starting to get one of the best stuff while also making mad tons of in game gold on my character.
(These two
you can make gold easy by just getting lucky, wtf are you doing spending so much on the game
buy me some karma koin pls
Damn, I wonder if/when they will adapt that part. It'll be a weak harem then, lol.