Got the game for free through work and yikes does it look bad on PS4. People were amazed by the graphics in the OT so didn't think I would notice the game's resolution but fucking aliasing everywhere.
Is battle of Jaku available for everyone? It's not letting me download it.
Saw this in EA's Star Wars twitter account:
Q: "Will we get clone wars in 2016?"
A: "Our team is focusing on the original trilogy for this release of Star Wars Battlefront."
So no TFA then?
Im tired of the people playing to just rack kills and not push the objective. No one cares about your kill count.
Did tou use this guide ?
It will 2 shot you (2 shots for body 1 for head shots) up to 20m.
Keep in mind, it can still 2 shot at 30m if one of those shots is a head shot.
The graph in that link should give you a pretty clear picture how the damage drop off works for it.
This one does the same damage as the DL-44 up close but it will still kill you with 3 shots at long range. I also love the T-21B for the extra zoom.
Played this last night.
What a waste of fucking money![]()
Played this last night.
What a waste of fucking money![]()
I'm clean, only 30 kills with the DL-44.
Well maybe not that clean after all.
Say what you want about the content or depth but when you're playing in an arm wrestle of a game in Supremacy with the audio turned up this game is off the charts.
You have more kills with homing shot than any of the primaries.
I can't even..
Got the game for free through work and yikes does it look bad on PS4. People were amazed by the graphics in the OT so didn't think I would notice the game's resolution but fucking aliasing everywhere.
Is battle of Jaku available for everyone? It's not letting me download it.
Every other game on ps4 must look like kof 14 to you then. If there is one thing this game isn't is ugly.
So I'm on an X-Wing on WA, being chased by two TIEs. Can't get them off out of me. There's two more X-Wings and they don't give a fuck about me. I end up lasting almost a minute till I get shoot down. X-Wings still far from where I was.
This game makes me rage so fucking much sometimes man.
Holy hell is A Wing OP, just went 50 to 1 in one on supremacy, it's so easy to dodge shots and get behind TIE fighters. Its hitbox is tiny.
Holy hell is A Wing OP, just went 50 to 1 in one on supremacy, it's so easy to dodge shots and get behind TIE fighters. Its hitbox is tiny.
It boggles my mind why they haven't balanced this game yet.
Gemüsepizza;189044000 said:Well they had their release party yesterday:
I guess they probably had a pretty stressful crunch period to get this game out in time for the movie, and then have been on vacation for a while. The party happening now could be a sign that they are returning to their workplace or something, I don't know. If that were true, maybe this isn't the best way to release a multiplayer game, where the health of the community is dependent on communication with devs and on their support, especially shortly after release.
When will developers get a clue and realize k/d stats ruin their games. Are they afraid nobody will play it if they can't look at their precious k/d? I think game modes should have mode specific stats and not global ones. Show the k/d in blast and nothing else.
Cool, totally forgot about the companion app.
That CA-87 is probably the most underused in the game. I rarely ever get killed by it.
When will developers get a clue and realize k/d stats ruin their games. Are they afraid nobody will play it if they can't look at their precious k/d? I think game modes should have mode specific stats and not global ones. Show the k/d in blast and nothing else.
Ok I'm totally sold on fighter squadron and in the camp of people that want them to bring back that mode where you fly and board the ships
Titan mode ! YAS
Would be so amazing in this.. And in anything since BF2142 (where it was, indeed, also amazing).
Imagine capturing points and then having to board a Medium class star ship hovering in the atmosphere... Shiiiit !
Would be the best mode ever. Never understood why titan mode didn't become standard in some form in battlefield post 2142. Probably my favorite battlefield mode.
I have never been killed by a homing missle since I unlocked the bodyguard trait :]
Ah you again...
Not all of Dice are on vacation. And srsly grant DICE some time. Getting this done in 2 years was probably very stressful.
And we will probably only see one more patch this months. More stuff will happen next year.
By the the time the summer comes around, Battlefront will probably play very different.
Anyone else had a glitch where they can't use Star Cards after playing as a hero in Heroes vs Villains?
Anyone else had a glitch where they can't use Star Cards after playing as a hero in Heroes vs Villains? Any time it happens I basically have to offer myself up to the nearest enemy so they can kill me and I get to respawn with working cards.
That was the only game with Titans. I love Carrier Assault, but it's just not the same.
It's a known bug introduced in the latest patch. Really annoying. Hope they patch it soon
Yeah. I heard Carrier assault was titan mode esque ? never played battlefield 4 so can't comment. I have pretty much the rest of the franchise though.. In either case, battlefront is like Made for a mode like that.
Would be pretty cool with a turning point with the death star. So you all start in a fighter squadron-thing and the imperials have to protect something and the rebels attack. X-wings vs tie-fighters or whatever. If the rebels win the battle continues on inside the death star with a final battle
Play some smaller game modes then. That gun is pervasive in them.
Yes. I was playing Fighter Squadron mode yesterday and thinking how great it would be if there was a Death Star Trench Run mode or something similar.
Is that some BF4-mode?
No, he's referring to the end of a New Hope when Luke + co go into the Death Star trench to shoot the ion torpedoes down the exhaust port.