Why did the easier humble key redemption portal get shut down again? Manually inputting them is a hassle.
Because Steam stopped supporting it.
Why did the easier humble key redemption portal get shut down again? Manually inputting them is a hassle.
Did they ever say why?Because Steam stopped supporting it.
I know what my next Steam purchase is going to be, looks amazing, so does the Jack box party pack.
Thanks for sharing.
i love the pixelart and epicnamebro recommending it really made me interested in it but i duno about that gameplay being right for meTower 57 looks really good. Great looking pixel art with co-op gameplay.
Gameplay trailer | Greenlight page
Wow, that looks pretty good indeed.
Any ETA of the Steam early access/release?
The only infection we have in the league thread is zkylewd
I don't think it will be Early Access. It will have expansions (episodes). The game is for iOS, PSV and PS4 as well. It won't be a freemium game. The game looks legit though. I really want to get my mitts on it. Reminds me of the Saga games... kinda.
The schedule is late 2015 for the phones and early 2016 for the other platforms.
Click or open in new window to make for original sized files.
The game will be 16:9
I don't think it will be Early Access. It will have expansions (episodes). The game is for iOS, PSV and PS4 as well. It won't be a freemium game. The game looks legit though. I really want to get my mitts on it. Reminds me of the Saga games... kinda.
The schedule is late 2015 for the phones and early 2016 for the other platforms.
Click or open in new window to make for original sized files.
The game will be 16:9
Didn't know Zodiac is coming to PC. I was planning to buy it for Vita later, but now PC it is.I don't think it will be Early Access. It will have expansions (episodes). The game is for iOS, PSV and PS4 as well. It won't be a freemium game. The game looks legit though. I really want to get my mitts on it. Reminds me of the Saga games... kinda.
The schedule is late 2015 for the phones and early 2016 for the other platforms.
Click or open in new window to make for original sized files.
The game will be 16:9
Didn't know Zodiac is coming to PC. I was planning to buy it for Vita later, but now PC it is.
I don't think it is. I can't find any reference to it coming to PC yet.
Welp, I thought it's coming to Steam.
Tower 57 looks good, maybe I'll back it if they get greenlit before the end of their KS campaign.
Been playing Velocity 2x on Vita... solid sequel. Wonder if it will ever make the jump to Steam like Velocity Ultra did.
Also finished Bit.Trip Runner 2. Strangely decent for a "runner" game. Definitely not something I'm into regularly... I blame PS+.
I don't think it is. I can't find any reference to it coming to PC yet.
Vita it is then!
Virtually every other article about the story doesn't mention a PC version, and it's absent from their website.
All this was just announced yesterday.
Couldn't see this mentioned yet (apologies if it has).
Neptunia Re;Birth 3 Beta
Be quick; they don't stay open long.
Couldn't see this mentioned yet (apologies if it has).
Neptunia Re;Birth 3 Beta
Be quick; they don't stay open long.
Couldn't see this mentioned yet (apologies if it has).
Neptunia Re;Birth 3 Beta
Be quick; they don't stay open long.
Tried the last 3 times to get into their tests. Fourth time is a charm.
This will be my third time trying to be part of their beta testing. I am not expecting that I will be picked as beta testerCouldn't see this mentioned yet (apologies if it has).
Neptunia Re;Birth 3 Beta
Be quick; they don't stay open long.
Couldn't see this mentioned yet (apologies if it has).
Neptunia Re;Birth 3 Beta
Be quick; they don't stay open long.
Can never seem to get in and yet I keep trying ... why?
Can never seem to get in and yet I keep trying ... why?
Haha, that too!
Can never seem to get in and yet I keep trying ... why?
Couldn't see this mentioned yet (apologies if it has).
Neptunia Re;Birth 3 Beta
Be quick; they don't stay open long.
Can never seem to get in and yet I keep trying ... why?
You just have to prove your love for NepNep. Show them what you'll do for her, show them your merchandise and your NepNep dakimakura.
Nah. Amnesia is the real hotness. Trust me on this.
Is this a lie, or is this a lie?
Nah. Amnesia is the real hotness. Trust me on this.
Pupo managed to do it, so there's a chance!
Is win7 required to get in?
In two weeks, you'll know the truth.
Two words. Dog Cage.
I want a #VivaPiñataPC campaign to start, goddamn microsoft not letting me buy it.
Spencer: We're pleased to announce Viva Pinata Saga from King, exclusive to Windows 10 app store!
You just have to prove your love for NepNep. Show them what you'll do for her, show them your merchandise and your NepNep dakimakura.
Only then will you be blessed with a beta.