Gold Member

Given the minefield that is Steam Early Access, I thought it might be an idea to post those games you did take a chance on and you've considered worth your money/time. I'll keep the OP updated with any new additions. Search below the posts for any deals not from Steam on prices etc.
Thread rules
Must not be affiliated with game
Must show receipts if requested or in community doubt. This means you must own the game or have access to an account that owns the game
Must give short description and where applicable what is a comparable mainstream game
Provide a few gifs if possible
One game per post
I'll update the OP when people post more games
If you support the game being on the list, like the post for that game. This will become the effective '+1' button
Current list
Earthfall - Co-op shooter like L4D
Megasphere - Shooter platformer
Wolcen - Dungeon Crawler
It Lurks Below - aRPG elements, combines steamworld dig and terraria like
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