Picking our next president.
(No churning butter on the EV, if that's what you're asking about)
Picking our next president.
(No churning butter on the EV, if that's what you're asking about)
Fallout 3 and Skyrim looked exactly like their pre-release demos so I think the days of the Oblivion approach (aim high and watch as the consoles strip away then graphics features) are over. Someone posted some screens of the first Skyrim trailer recently and it looked worse than my vanilla PC copy experience.
Ok now I can play witcher 3. Got distracted with a Jurassic World Lego Set.
There are dinosaur looking monsters thoDid someone find a hidden dinosaur enemy in the game?
Did someone find a hidden dinosaur enemy in the game?
So I finally finished with training for today. Did I missed anything good?
Oh man, this hotel is super nice. I can't believe I'm getting to stay here.and next weekend as well! I get paid dinner too. I love this job.
Australia is now part of Europe. XD
No. No. What?
The inventory is one of the worst things about RE5.
Yeah, the combat system is fine in a vacuum, the problem is that the encounter design, set pieces and bosses are crap compared to RE4, which means the combat system feels kind of wasted. Sort of like RE6 actually.
Australia is now part of Europe. XD
Why the fuck can I not request a weapon I gave to fucking Sheva to hold because of this fucking bullshit inventory system designed by a drooling 3 year old?
And no, she's not using it.
Edit: Yeah, sure, you piece of shit game, keep the rifle locked to Sheva for no reason, then send her out all by her lonely and have me play guardian angel from the other side of the street with my shitty non-long range weapons.
Why the fuck can I not request a weapon I gave to fucking Sheva to hold because of this fucking bullshit inventory system designed by a drooling 3 year old?
And no, she's not using it.
Edit: Yeah, sure, you piece of shit game, keep the rifle locked to Sheva for no reason, then send her out all by her lonely and have me play guardian angel from the other side of the street with my shitty non-long range weapons.
Bruh, at some point you just have to stop and ask yourself if it's worth it to keep playing.
No way. You're pulling my leg.Australia is now part of Europe. XD
Bruh, at some point you just have to stop and ask yourself if it's worth it to keep playing.
No way. You're pulling my leg.
Holy crap some of these Eurovision dresses and clothes are hilarious!
Australia scared me. Who is that ?!
Australia scared me. Who is that ?!
Australia scared me. Who is that ?!
Holy crap some of these Eurovision dresses and clothes are hilarious!
Anything stupid happen yet? This is the first year in a while that I'm not drinking with a bunch a people and laughing at it; mostly because I'm currently poor as shit and living in the middle of no where right now
Russian songInstead of playing Witcher 3 or Life is Strange, I'm watching eurovision and drinking. This is a relaxing weekend.
Anything I should be doing besides messing with Durante's fix for Deadly Premonition? Not even having everything up to Ultra, and I'm getting 14FPS with the opening. Wtf...
Did you see UK. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)I think not.
Last year was pretty hilarious with the one male presentator referring with 'hashtag MILF' to the other female presentator.
I screencapped it.
JaseC, please explain.
You might actually need to raise the settings to get it to run well. The game is a bit odd.
Also you should probably look at the DPfix thread for all the other stuff you need to do to it.
Will do, will have to go through that thread from the start. It may just be the movies that are messed up, since when I got to the initial dream sequence, it was 60FPS.
Yes Sheva, thank you for pointing the light in the completely opposite direction from the enemies approaching.
Everyone defending this turd never ever played it single player, admit it.
You got me there, cowboy.Yes Sheva, thank you for pointing the light in the completely opposite direction from the enemies approaching.
Everyone defending this turd never ever played it single player, admit it.
Yes Sheva, thank you for pointing the light in the completely opposite direction from the enemies approaching.
Everyone defending this turd never ever played it single player, admit it.
I have, and multiple times. It's definitely a flawed game, but I personally still think it's worth playing for the combat. I like how you can pick up multiple copies of weapons, so you can arm Sheva to mirror you if you have a particular ammo surplus.
RE6's skill system is a complete joke compared to RE4 and RE5. In the latter games, it's actually enjoyable and addictive to upgrade your weapons. RE6 improved the combat but excised the soul, man.
Ah, that's so embarrising for him.L.O.R.D must be a big fan since this apparently just released today
Sure you did.wait , what ?
i found this image in imgur ... going to google right now to find some sample for her
Someone on the Witcher subreddit had an awesome idea to apply the oil paint Photoshop filter on some Witcher 3 pictures. Behold the beauty of it, GAF.If it's even possible, someone needs to make a post process filter that makes the whole game look like this in real time.