Best of luck to you! Hope there isn't too much rejection with the transplant. Appreciate that you took the time to stop by.
godspeed to you on the track to better health, comradehey steamgaf.
hey steamgaf.
I remember you! Good luck with the transplant and sorting out your health issues.hey steamgaf.
hey steamgaf. I'm not sure if any of you remember me but I used to frequent this thread quite a bit. not to bum you out but in case any of you have wondered about my absence it's been due to my medical leave which started about a month ago.
as it turns out, I have kidney failure. I'm now on the transplant list and I'm confident I'll be okay eventually but I just wanted to let you guys know that I still poke in here every now and again. For those that I have made somewhat friends with despite being strangers I wish you the best. And even for those that I haven't really made friends with I wish you well too. Life is precious and your health is of utmost importance. Be good to yourself.
As for me, due to the kidney failure which has affected my blood pressure pretty severely my left eye is basically blind (treatment will either be laser surgery or an injection) so I've been without the joy of games for the past month or so. But trust me when I bounce back I'll be in this thread full force
anyway, sorry if this was incredibly depressing. just wanted to drop by and say hello again.
Why can I never pull shit like this off when I'm playing?
I remember you my friend, of course.hey steamgaf. I'm not sure if any of you remember me but I used to frequent this thread quite a bit. not to bum you out but in case any of you have wondered about my absence it's been due to my medical leave which started about a month ago.
as it turns out, I have kidney failure. I'm now on the transplant list and I'm confident I'll be okay eventually but I just wanted to let you guys know that I still poke in here every now and again. For those that I have made somewhat friends with despite being strangers I wish you the best. And even for those that I haven't really made friends with I wish you well too. Life is precious and your health is of utmost importance. Be good to yourself.
As for me, due to the kidney failure which has affected my blood pressure pretty severely my left eye is basically blind (treatment will either be laser surgery or an injection) so I've been without the joy of games for the past month or so. But trust me when I bounce back I'll be in this thread full force
anyway, sorry if this was incredibly depressing. just wanted to drop by and say hello again.
I don't recall the last time I had to do side quests in RPGs though. I don't do side stuff in anything.
i don't feel about using a guide, but it's annoying having to alt tab so often because shit's impossible to figure outHappy birthday!
Missed all the talk of La Mulana yesterday. It is a slow go since I'm playing 10-20 games at once, and I haven't looked online at all to see if anyone's even beaten the thing without a guide, so I don't feel too bad about using one. Stuff's too obtuse, but like zkylon said, it's fun as hell and makes you want to keep going despite the vague hinting.
love that the guy isn't on early access/greenlight yetnew video update for Yandere simulator
every time i see a new video i see a good progress
Oh great, Styx's on sale.
€10,17? Way too expensive, i'll wait till it's around €7.
There might be some issues with my brain's wiring.![]()
Why can I never pull shit like this off when I'm playing?
whirlwind thing is an ability on the combat ability tree
need like 20 points to get it
What currency change is taking place?I topped up my wallet using the same card I used five days ago and was again hit with a five-day market restriction. Bah. I'm going to have to call my bank later as the verification charges are no longer showing up among my online transaction list, plus I looked high and low and it doesn't seem possible to view charges in the currency they were placed in (first thing I tried was a reverse conversion using Google, but those values didn't work).
What currency change is taking place?
i do every single sidequest i can find in all wrpgs i play
they're often the best part of the game
The big climactic boss fight is so broken it's not even funny.
GREAT WORK CAPCPOM.So if you restrain Jill, Sheva just stands there next to you, wondering what you're doing. And once I hit the spider gem once, Jill basically just... runs back and forth between two points, ignoring me (2 minutes and counting, even shooting her or walking into her path doesn't do jack shit)... and Sheva has wandered off to go stand in the middle of the room.
The big climactic boss fight is so broken it's not even funny.
GREAT WORK CAPCPOM.So if you restrain Jill, Sheva just stands there next to you, wondering what you're doing. And once I hit the spider gem once, Jill basically just... runs back and forth between two points, ignoring me (2 minutes and counting, even shooting her or walking into her path doesn't do jack shit)... and Sheva has wandered off to go stand in the middle of the room.
BUT WESKER was so good before that right?
This is some Rustin Parr shit
I mostly just play JRPGs. Only WRPGs I can think of that I play are Bioware stuff. Only ever managed doing everything in all the Mass Effect games.
I've tried to play Mass Effect a handful of times now, but it's never really "clicked".
hey steamgaf. I'm not sure if any of you remember me
I'm not making it up, she's still running left and right.
this is the closest we'll get to Monster Hunter on Steam
think of the numerous quests and missions as a different kind of collectible
Haha, I've tried that.![]()
Not... really?
I mean,he gives you '7 minutes', but pisses off after less than 2?
I'm not making it up, she's still running left and right.
why are you playing witcha3 den -___-I mostly just play JRPGs. Only WRPGs I can think of that I play are Bioware stuff. Only ever managed doing everything in all the Mass Effect games.
hey steamgaf.
why are you playing witcha3 den -___-
ME feeds off your desire to be a science fiction space opera hero. Strangely, I have that very desire, but I couldn't get into the game for the life of me.
why are you playing witcha3 den -___-
holy shit , RE Revelations 2 modding is so cool
i hope there's a marauder shields reference in witcha3 somewhereCDPR is BioWare. BioWare is CDPR.
holy shit , RE Revelations 2 modding is so cool
I'm all for low poly modelling but what is going on with that elbow. I wonder if it's the topology or rig that's making that arm bend as horrifically as it is in that third screenshot.
that was a blocky model