Ha, no, I definitely research stuff before I go diving in. Probably not to the extent that I should, but I try to do my homework first. I definitely waste too much time at work surfing investment sites. I jumped into MON after they had their massive 3Q earnings drop AND Goldman-Sachs put them on their "America's Conviction Buy List." Fat lot of good that did. I think it would be a good long-term hold, but unfortunately my call expires August 15th 
I want the risk though, which is why I'm mired in that shit-tastic subpenny stock too. I am just fed up with the slow lane of eking out 10-15% gains a year on principal that I just can't grow that fast. So I am on the prowl, so to speak! I fully realize the risks, but I'm relatively young and have a very stable job. So far, buying options is turning out much better than the other plan I was considering - cashing out and betting the farm on one or two stocks a day that were showing upward momentum :lol If nothing else, it's fun to watch the swings, and it's fun to put in that limit order for a few cents over the bid and refresh, refresh, refresh to see if it goes through.
I want the risk though, which is why I'm mired in that shit-tastic subpenny stock too. I am just fed up with the slow lane of eking out 10-15% gains a year on principal that I just can't grow that fast. So I am on the prowl, so to speak! I fully realize the risks, but I'm relatively young and have a very stable job. So far, buying options is turning out much better than the other plan I was considering - cashing out and betting the farm on one or two stocks a day that were showing upward momentum :lol If nothing else, it's fun to watch the swings, and it's fun to put in that limit order for a few cents over the bid and refresh, refresh, refresh to see if it goes through.