STP and all solar stocks were hurt big time today because of falling oil prices, which is RETARDED. Lower oil prices don't mean shit, solar energy is here to stay and can only gain market share, lower oil prices makes everything else more affordable, giving businesses breathing room to invest in the solar market for tougher times.
No wonder they are so volatile, a lot of shareholders are who have a taste for bubbles.
Everything else was nice today, except NVDA. Hopeless NVDA:|
I really feel like selling ATVID and taking all my profits to buy 100 shares of ERTS. I think I could make at least 10$ a share on ERTS, but I missed the bottom. I need more time.
If CGT can go back up to 14$, as much I like the company, I'm sick of seeing it never surpass 14, so I might sell then and make $1000.
ADSK, I want to see them go back up over 40 and stay there over 40, but I might sell in the mid-40s instead of 50s as originally planned. Would still make around $1000.
NVDA and IMMR make me weep
CM (I don't own them, Canadian Imperial Bank) was up almost 7% today.
Still have my eyes on CM, CRDN, CELG, BA, BP, PTR (Petro China) and ERTS. But mainly on ERTS.
EDIT: Added FPL Group to my watchlist (not my current to-buy list because they haven't dropped enough recently): Had a steady rise since its foundation except in the late 90s. Also added SO.
EDIT2: Never wanted to buy MSFT but tomorrow if it opens down 6% or so, it could be a decent opportunity for a potential 5$ a share over a few months.