Street Fighter V |OTVII| New Generation - Connection To Haters Was Lost

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What they should actually fix is how too often you can go for an intentional cross-under, but your character continues facing in the same direction so your button comes out the wrong way. Stupid as hell.

ah yeah i've had that happen several times. Definately could fix that up


could never
Ugh, my brand new replacement PS4 Pro is faulty (disc drive) all my games are physical, it took ages and a stroke of luck to get it to spit Mass Effect and SFV out, not to mention install failures. I think it's time to cross over to PC at least for SFV.
So no reveal..oh well.

Ugh, my brand new replacement PS4 Pro is faulty (disc drive) all my games are physical, it took ages and a stroke of luck to get it to spit Mass Effect and SFV out, not to mention install failures. I think it's time to cross over to PC at least for SFV.

Damn. That's a bad one..


I don't why people thought there would be a reveal lol. They usually give us a teaser before they announce something on Twitter or on the stream anyway. Folks only disappoint themselves in the end.


They can't keep their leaks contained
Delayed dlc character for the month
Atleast trailer confirming or showing new guy would be welcomed


I don't why people thought there would be a reveal lol. They usually give us a teaser before they announce something on Twitter or on the stream anyway. Folks only disappoint themselves in the end.
My thought as well. We usually hear Capcom announce that there'll be "something special" or something along those lines when they announve stuff at tournaments. Not sure where the idea came that Ed would be revealed today.


They prob wanna drop the Ed trailer along with a whole blog post about all the shit they're doing next month. I guess they wanted Marvel to have the spotlight this week too.


Karin's CA tends to whiff if juggled to close like in the corner or what we just saw. And Necalli's has a small window after a heavy stomp. If Haitani just done the medium stomp into Cr.MP he would have taken the round.

I can never understand why Capcom never fixes these. it took how many years to fix Sagat Ultra in the corner?

How would Capcom fix execution errors?


My thought as well. We usually hear Capcom announce that there'll be "something special" or something along those lines when they announve stuff at tournaments. Not sure where the idea came that Ed would be revealed today.

I guess they are just eager to see stuff so they just delude themselves into believing things that may not come to fruition. Hey, at least they are passionate, I'll give them that.


I want to see Ed have a mix of psycho power and boxing while doing cool shit like this



could never
1 Rog is enough thanks.

I want a Bryan Fury fighting style with Psycho Power flame effects on his hands or some shit.


Passing metallic gas
1 Rog is enough thanks.

I want a Bryan Fury fighting style with Psycho Power flame effects on his hands or some shit.

Well he's a kid so he's most likely going to be a speedy archetype. I expect a hit and run, maybe shades of S1 Nash kind of a design.


They are not. They confirmed they will be using steamworks/sony/microsoft servers. And there will be no fight money style system.

same netcode though? I am just hoping for the best so it launches smoothly lol

well, we shall hope for the best.


same netcode though? I am just hoping for the best so it launches smoothly lol

well, we shall hope for the best.

I'm not sure. I would assume that it will be a modified version if nothing else.

Also means there wont be cross play.


No cross-play for Marvel would make that game DOA for me. Cross-play is becoming a mandatory feature for fighting games IMO.

Haven't they already confirmed it not being cross-play? Or was that just UMvC3?

Either way, Injustice 2 and Tekken 7 aren't doing crossplay and I'm sure it will be fine. While I wish this wasn't the case for the sake of a longer lasting online player base.


No cross-play for Marvel would make that game DOA for me. Cross-play is becoming a mandatory feature for fighting games IMO.

I thought they essentially confirmed no crossplay since they were going to use platforms own multiplayer servers or whatever.

I just hope the online communities on steam stick around, since I'm going exclusively pc for all fighters going forward.


I have no faith Injustice 2 and Tekken 7 will have much of a playerbase on PC not long after release. Injustice was pretty much dead the day it came out (and having a broken port certainly didn't help).

SF4 is pretty much the only fighting game on PC that I was constantly able to find matches in before SFV. Every other game only has a select few players and they are always the hardcore fans of that game, so you just get bodied if you try to play online.
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