Street Fighter V |OTVII| New Generation - Connection To Haters Was Lost

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I have no faith Injustice 2 and Tekken 7 will have much of a playerbase on PC not long after release. Injustice was pretty much dead the day it came out (and having a broken port certainly didn't help).

SF4 is pretty much the only fighting game on PC that I was constantly able to find matches in before SFV. Every other game only has a select few players and they are always the hardcore fans of that game, so you just get bodied if you try to play online.

Ugh, I really don't wanna go back to PS4 for fighters.
I'm still getting Tekken 7 and Rev 2 for PC, I can only hope beyond hope that they actually have something resembling a playerbase there, but I just want to give them a shot.


I'm sticking to PS4 for my fighting games, at least that way i know the online community will remain strong. Hopefully crossplay online will become a thing soon.
No cross-play for Marvel would make that game DOA for me. Cross-play is becoming a mandatory feature for fighting games IMO.
With the announcement that the game's gonna use Sony and Microsoft's own servers for the PS4/X1 versions, it's now incredibly unlikely there will be any cross-play between the platforms even PC/X1 or PC/PS4.
I want to see Ed have a mix of psycho power and boxing while doing cool shit like this


What's this from?
No cross-play for Marvel would make that game DOA for me. Cross-play is becoming a mandatory feature for fighting games IMO.

Reason Tekken 7 went from a must buy to wait for cheaper price, plus I am on PC, outside the main stay games like CSGO, and a few MMOs, gamin communities dry up fast, I expect T7 to be dead in 18months, probably shorter is the reviews are bad..


With the announcement that the game's gonna use Sony and Microsoft's own servers for the PS4/X1 versions, it's now incredibly unlikely there will be any cross-play between the platforms even PC/X1 or PC/PS4.

It almost makes me not want to play it now. It is such a killer feature for SFV. Seems archaic to not have it.
Not gonna claim to know exactly why it's an issue (Publishers keep saying security reasons but I don't buy it) but is from the side of Sony and Microsoft.

Harada confirmed that he wants to implement crossplay but he's not allowed to.
Wasn't the balance patch supposed to be out end of April? Did they officially delay it?

Balance patch, the new CFN and Ed are coming out in the same patch and that patch has been delayed.

There's first gonna be a free CFN beta on PC that's available for everyone even people who don't own the game.

The patch is gonna come out after that's done.


Balance patch, the new CFN and Ed are coming out in the same patch and that patch has been delayed.

There's first gonna be a free CFN beta on PC that's available for everyone even people who don't own the game.

The patch is gonna come out after that's done.

Ed will be playable in that beta as well


Not gonna claim to know exactly why it's an issue (Publishers keep saying security reasons but I don't buy it) but is from the side of Sony and Microsoft.

Harada confirmed that he wants to implement crossplay but he's not allowed to.

I'd combine PC with some platform just to maintain a Player Base on PC. Dunno what's necessary, though.

It might just be me, but SF5 on PC has been running pretty poor as of late. Random moments of slowdown here and there. I think the game's servers are on its' last legs, tbh. No reason to explain it with my hardware and the settings I'm running the game at.



It almost makes me not want to play it now. It is such a killer feature for SFV. Seems archaic to not have it.
For sure. Crossplay is a revelation. Being able to go into any community or discussion about the game and ask if anybody wants to play (without having to worry about platform) is amazing.


GGs Producer. Chun vs. Alex continues to be a joke lol. Any advice? That HK seems to shut down all of Alex's options, jumps, normals, specials, everything.

EDIT: Off topic, but lol at anyone who says this game is actually well balanced. Balrog is so incredibly broken. Some characters just aren't even playing the same game as the rest of the cast.
GGs Producer. Chun vs. Alex continues to be a joke lol. Any advice? That HK seems to shut down all of Alex's options, jumps, normals, specials, everything.

EDIT: Off topic, but lol at anyone who says this game is actually well balanced. Balrog is so incredibly broken. Some characters just aren't even playing the same game as the rest of the cast.
It's weird, but I feel like season 1 had stronger top tiers and it was still fairer since everyone had stronger tools. Must be due to v-reversals, aa jabs and footsie buttons being nerfed in season 2 with no replacements being included for the weaker characters lacking reversals in particular. Then you've got stronger crush counter buttons in Urien/Balrog, safe as hell forward pressure moves such as EX dash punch/EX shoulder and weaker v-reversals all around with few defensive buffs for the already weaker characters (think Alex and Nash if the player isn't Bonchan lol). The solution is simple. We need better heavy/medium AAs, spam friendly crush counters normalized (even if damage doesn't change much) and better v-reversals/EX wakeup moves for the defensively weak characters. I feel like relatively safe forward pressure moves aren't the end of the world.

Get ready for nerfs on f.HP and Urien st.HP while Balrog's st.HK stays the same lol)
The number of Karin's jab AA on cross up was stupid. It caught Haitani every time when trying to get out of the corner.

I really do hope to see more in the balance change.
Hunter v Hunter gets really creepy really fast. It's cool, but not in the same boat as OP or Naruto (when it was good) IMO, much more balanced anime and manga. Artist seems a little too obsessed with gore and demonic themes for my tastes, and it absolutely DOES NOT end on a satisfying note lol.

Back on topic, when is this friggin patch? I'm hoping for some stealth buffs to Ken or Ryu and to try out the new kid.

oh I see no date yet, well hopefully everything releases this month.


The number of Karin's jab AA on cross up was stupid. It caught Haitani every time when trying to get out of the corner.

I really do hope to see more in the balance change.
I said this before, even Karin's jab AA is better than Kolin's but there's really nothing about jab AAs that need to be fixed anymore, it's the stupid fat hurt boxes on jump ins that should be changed.
For a character that has what Necalli has, that fucker shouldn't even have a command grab.

Though personally I'd settle for just the removal of his jab AA.
Learn how to deal with Bison's head stomp/devils reverse and use V-reversals liberally and 99% of Bison players just crumble.
Even at high level play, it looks like most people have no interest in playing a neutral ground game. I see jump approaches in the neutral constant that just don't work out, but the player gives it another try. I tend to think it isn't because jump-ins are too good, but because people are impatient and afraid of the footsies.

Karin nerfed
Chun nerfed
Ryu nothing done to
Ken's face made worse
Cammy's air throw is buffed
Ibuki buffed
Necalli buffed
FANG nerfed
Bison unchanged.


Even at high level play, it looks like most people have no interest in playing a neutral ground game. I see jump approaches in the neutral constant that just don't work out, but the player gives it another try. I tend to think it isn't because jump-ins are too good, but because people are impatient and afraid of the footsies.

Bison unchanged.
Better to be anti-aired than crush countered on the ground.
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