Chet Rippo
What about deep?
That's too deep.
What about deep?
Not every blond in armor is Saber!
Hmm, that seems to conflict with everything I've been taught...
Hmm, that seems to conflict with everything I've been taught...
What about deep?
I think it's justdeep.![]()
It's justThat's too deep.
Episode 10 is still the best episode of the series.Heroman 8 - 9
That was an awesome concluding fight for the arc. I even got my wish granted.Joey showing signs of having some super abilities, that super speed was just stunning. lol love him way more than Heroman's abilties. Hope he gets even better!
Stylish use of 3D glasses, and really flashy. Should have started ep 10 for the next arc, though.I want the Skrugg to return, the leader had the best lines and perfect personality
The anime has such low scores on aggragete sites (like a 6), I dont understand, at least from the first nine episodes its one of the better anime' Ive experience, hope it doesnt fall apart later.
Depends if you see Hyouka as a character piece or just another slice of life show I suppose. I think KyoAni has a greater plan for Hyouka, in the same way that they turned K-On!! into something much more than the manga ever aimed for.
Really now?
jman would like it if it was a jcstaff show.
If Chitanda was a Kugiloli, you'd rewatch every episode!Just call a spade a spade for crying out loud.
Really now?
It's also okay to point out that a show is doing more than just being shallow too.It's totally okay to like a show for shallow reasons. Really, it is.
Just let it go.
It's also okay to point out that a show is doing more than just being shallow too.
Why do you still hate K-On?![]()
From the official Magi twitter account:
From the official Magi twitter account:
You can just watch it for the moe girls. They tell you to do that, so it's okay!Speaking of jcstaff, I watched Joshiraku earlier. It's a shame 90% of the jokes are based in wordplay and such, there's really not much there for a gaijin such as myself. Characters seemed fun though.
Also aren't Aladdin's parachute pants a bit too low rise?
Speaking of jcstaff, I watched Joshiraku earlier. It's a shame 90% of the jokes are based in wordplay and such, there's really not much there for a gaijin such as myself. Characters seemed fun though.
You can just watch it for the moe girls. They tell you to do that, so it's okay!
i wanstFrom the official Magi twitter account:
it's a part of his little magic turbanSo, is that red jewel attached to his hair or forehead?
So, is that red jewel attached to his hair or forehead?
Arcana Famiglia is better than all of the shows you listed there that I've watched any of.Of all the people to tell that they've forgotten how bad most anime is you tell me? The person that hates almost everything? And concerning Arcana Famiglia, fuck yes I will single that shit out. It's still the only first episode of anything this season I have not been able to finish because it sucked too hard. I finished Campione. Finished Sword Art Online. Finished Binbougami ga. Finshed Hagure Yuusha no Estetica! Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Natsuyuki Rendezvous. Only show I wasn't able to even sit through all the way was La storia della Arcana Famiglia. Despite being not as pervy as some of the other drek I watched this season it's still a shittier show.
Being less bad than other stupid things might make the less bad one slightly more worth watching...Tell me what good it does to say that something is shit, but less shitty than most? Something's either good or not and just because it has competitors that are even worse does not make it better by default.
It doesn't help that you seem to have ignored everything I said and are just repeating yourself, even though I explained how some of the things you said were entirely wrong. I guess I'll have to say it again.Bodacious Space Pirates stuff. I'm not going to bother quoting this or spending too much time on it because I still have seen no more of the show than I did when I made the previous post. There's really nowhere for this to go because I never plan on watching another episode.
That's not a normal situation, she just is because she's special. (As for the teachers, that's a completely temporary situation. That ends after the first arc.)All I will say is this, it's unusual for Privateers, pirates, to become teachers at a school.
They don't. The Hakuoh Academy Yacht Club has a ship that, back in the past, used to be a pirate ship once. It isn't one anymore.It's unusual for a school to have a pirate ship.
You're completely, totally wrong here. None of this stuff is actually going on in Bodacious Space Pirates to any significant degree.What I'm saying is the level of integration between these pirate/privateers and the government suggests a cozier relationship than a standard Letter or Marquee would suggest. It's one thing to have a questionable, read illegal, lifestyle and it be sanctioned by the government so long as you do it towards a common enemy and a totally different thing to actually be welcomed by that government as upstanding citizens and allowed government jobs and shit like that. They are not merely granted authority by the government to sink and pillage the enemy they're welcomed with open arms as members of society which is fucking weird.
It's stupidly sexist because she's supposed to be a highly trained warrior/mage, and he's a nobody. If it was the other way around, sure, it'd be much less so. And "it's because the show is for guys"... that's an explanation, but not an excuse.Campione stuff
The show sucked but I'm not sure it's sexist. Ok, well it is but unless everyone on a team's on the exact same level in a show if someone gets saved by someone else does it have to be sexist? Her getting saved by the MC isn't inherently sexist, the show's aimed at men, the leads a man, deal with it. I wouldn't call a show where the female lead saves a male sexist by default either. Things are what they are and if you're going to have mixed gender team ups one of the genders is going to get saved by the other.
Entirely agreed here, though. Are you taking back what you said in that first paragraph here?Now the show's still sexist because she's nothing but a walking pair of tits, something for the MC to defend and someone to inspire the hero to do better. She's not a character but a plot device. So yeah, sexist show is sexist.
But I don't even care about that! What pisses me off is what a poor plot device she is! I mean, the girl can fly and she gets saved from falling! God damnit. You know, up until that point her flying was like the only fucking skill they even showed she had besides also speaking Japanese, naturally, so of all the lame things she needed to be rescued from a fall was the least of what I expected. It's also the most insulting to her as a chara.. ahem.. plot device because aside form looking pretty in a dress that's the only thing we expect her to do at that point, fucking fly. It's not like she was particularly built up in the first place but now the only thing they can do to degrade the poor woman now is have the main come in and have to translate Japanese for her, because being bilingual's the only strength she has now besides being a sex object.
The scenes just are, questioning their logic will get you nowhere, I think...But, I mean, again, it's not so much the sexism but the poor presentation of it. The show fails because the writing is fucking shit. They want her to seem cool but she's nerfed to hell, her one ability to fly's defeated in the first episode and she's repeatedly saved by some lame amateur. That's pretty insulting on it's own but then, then they have the nerve to write all the other scenes. Like seriously, why the fuck did they all go and get drunk? Just a normal nightcap for a 16 year old in Italy? Some kind of celebration for not defeating that God earlier in the episode? A celebration for delivering the tablet to the witch? Why the fuck is she getting drunk? Just for the undressing scene. It's so painful because that's the only reason the drinking scene prior existed, they didn't even bother writing in a reason for why they're getting drunk.
Heh... um, she has decent character design, despite the silly blonde hair. They don't do much with her, as you say, but the character designs are okay... and as for the guy, he's not the worst protagonist this season, certainly. He's very generic, but could be a lot worse... I've watched worse. That's very mild praise at best -- Campione is not a good show, and there isn't much positiver to say about it -- but it is true, it could be worse, and I was entertained at some moments of the episode. It was bad most of the time, certainly, though, and I doubt I'll keep watching for too much longer.There's not even a hint of characterization here, they're just moving her body through scene to scene for no reason but for her to be there. And that's why the show sucks. The girl doesn't even exist as a character and as a plot point they don't even bother figuring out how she/it gets from point a to b except that however it is it's on top of a car.
You say you don't completely hate the characters, I haven't even seen the characters yet, I doubt the show has any characters. Just fucking animated plot avatars.
No way.But it's still better than La storia della Arcana Famiglia.
And that's much much more wrong.And Angel Beats still sucks, not because of Key but because of itself.
dat pointless sarashi. I guess Japan can't handle shota nipples!
Looks kind of trashy. WTF at the website, that kind of has me more interested.
From the New World is confirmed to be yet another A-1 Pictures anime airing in Fall 2012.
Brand new trailer:
I apologize, your wording was just weird.And that's the thing. You're making me out to be some kind of guy insecure in his masculinity that's sending the progression on gender roles in society back several centuries. No, I just find most stuff aimed at women boring as shit. Shoujo and josei are generally very tropey, even moreso than shounen and seinen. I happen to not care about those tropes at all.
more like, in the left pic they gave him hips
Larger Zetsuen pics from the Manga-news twitter:
Toshiyuki Toyonaga plays Mahiro Fuwa ,Kouki Uchiyama plays Yoshino Takigawa.
At least you know...
I'm skeptical, it's giving me real Fractale vibes!This looks, um, kinda awesome. Is it an adaptation of something (besides the Dvorak symphony, hyuk hyuk) or an actual original work?
Yup. It's just simple denial. Your love for Mio is already well known and yet you spend every waking moment trying to hide it.I'm really simple to read.
Yup. It's just simple denial. Your love for Mio is already well known and yet you spend every waking moment trying to hide it.
I'm skeptical, it's giving me real Fractale vibes!
See, you're not even trying to make it less obvious.Who? She's the one with the headband, right?
Yup. It's just simple denial. Your love for Mio is already well known and yet you spend every waking moment trying to hide it.