That art piece actually looks like something which Ufotable might do... interesting...
That art piece actually looks like something which Ufotable might do... interesting...
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia 8:
As the student who has left his master, he was able to understand that the unusual art style Shinbo developed is useful to convey surrealism but when used all the time without regard to it's motif, such as seen in Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari, it's just a gimmick.
Spring 2012 Preliminary First Volume Sales
*8,918 *2 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*8,896 *2 Hyouka [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/29
*7,309 *1 AKB0048 [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*6,966 *2 Saki Achiga-hen Episode of Side-A [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/20
*4,698 *1 Natsu-iro Kiseki [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*4,494 *1 Tsuritama [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*4,138 *1 Eureka Seven AO [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*3,759 *1 Queen's Blade Rebellion [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*3,588 *1 Nazo no Kanojo X [DVD+BD]: 2012/07/04
*3,499 *1 Jormungand [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*3,302 *2 Sengoku Collection [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/06
*3,192 *2 Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? Of The Dead [DVD+BD]: 2012/05/25
*2,520 *2 Acchi Kocchi [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/06
*2,180 *1 Hiiro no Kakera [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*2,059 *1 Tasogare Otome x Amnesia [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*1,487 *1 Sankarea [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/29
**,882 *1 Kimi to Boku. 2 [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
**,612 *1 Zetman [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
Tsuritama's numbers seem a bit surprising, in a good way.
Is Kids on the Slope not out yet?
Yay first post in anime gaf. Well anyway like the school days thread suggested I watched the anime and was told to report here. First off what the f*ck did I just watch? I'm not sure how am I supposed to react. Is the anime supposed to be good or what? If so what us so good about it.? It is indeed probably the mist sickest shit I've ever watched in my life but other than that is it a legitimately good anime?
Ghos moe > zombie moe!
That's sad because Bakemonogatari is a masterpiece.
today is a good daySpring 2012 Preliminary First Volume Sales
*8,918 *2 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*8,896 *2 Hyouka [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/29
*7,309 *1 AKB0048 [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*6,966 *2 Saki Achiga-hen Episode of Side-A [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/20
*4,698 *1 Natsu-iro Kiseki [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*4,494 *1 Tsuritama [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*4,138 *1 Eureka Seven AO [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*3,759 *1 Queen's Blade Rebellion [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*3,588 *1 Nazo no Kanojo X [DVD+BD]: 2012/07/04
*3,499 *1 Jormungand [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*3,302 *2 Sengoku Collection [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/06
*3,192 *2 Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? Of The Dead [DVD+BD]: 2012/05/25
*2,520 *2 Acchi Kocchi [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/06
*2,180 *1 Hiiro no Kakera [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*2,059 *1 Tasogare Otome x Amnesia [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*1,487 *1 Sankarea [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/29
**,882 *1 Kimi to Boku. 2 [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
**,612 *1 Zetman [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
I love this show to bits already. Can't wait to watch moore! Dumb puns are my weakness.![]()
I look forward to the uncensored BD version.
Man fuck language.
today is a good dayunless you're Dusk Maiden
dat feel when i realize the best girl loses again in yet another series
goddamn it SAO
But the viewers are the girls are for the viewers, not the shitty MCs.
But I'm not Shirou. Fuck Shirou.But the viewers are the MC.
Looks kind of trashy. WTF at the website, that kind of has me more interested.Kids with telekinesis fighting mole men?
Spring 2012 Preliminary First Volume Sales
*8,918 *2 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*8,896 *2 Hyouka [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/29
*7,309 *1 AKB0048 [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*6,966 *2 Saki Achiga-hen Episode of Side-A [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/20
*4,698 *1 Natsu-iro Kiseki [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*4,494 *1 Tsuritama [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*4,138 *1 Eureka Seven AO [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*3,759 *1 Queen's Blade Rebellion [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*3,588 *1 Nazo no Kanojo X [DVD+BD]: 2012/07/04
*3,499 *1 Jormungand [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*3,302 *2 Sengoku Collection [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/06
*3,192 *2 Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? Of The Dead [DVD+BD]: 2012/05/25
*2,520 *2 Acchi Kocchi [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/06
*2,180 *1 Hiiro no Kakera [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
*2,059 *1 Tasogare Otome x Amnesia [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
*1,487 *1 Sankarea [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/29
**,882 *1 Kimi to Boku. 2 [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/27
**,612 *1 Zetman [DVD+BD]: 2012/06/22
Nyaruko selling more than... Twelve of the other shows on that list is a travesty.
I am really excited about this show - I really rate Masashi Ishihama as an animation director so I am looking forward to seeing what he does as a series director, and the plot sounds pretty cool. I wasn't too sure about the character designs from the previous trailer, but I think that was because it was so heavily focused on the "school" stuff whereas we see more clips of other things happening here.Ratmen, really.
Bring on the autumn!
Nakama! Ours will be the hype train which doesn't derail. I'm sure it will at least be better than Lupin.
July 2-8 fulll anime BD/DVD sales
*7, 1,400 **1,400 Acchi Kocchi vol.2
*9, 1,264 **1,264 Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou vol.4 Limited Edition
11, *,943 *,***,943 Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou vol.4 Limited Edition
14, *,752 *,***,752 Acchi Kocchi vol.2
well to be fair, nyaruko is more anime per min than most anime.
July 2-8 fulll anime BD/DVD sales
*1, 4,896 **4,896 Inazuma Eleven Go: Kyuukyoku no Kizuna Gryphon Limited Edition
*1, 8,855 *,**8,855 Inazuma Eleven Go: Kyuukyoku no Kizuna Gryphon Limited Edition
GTO 2012
I wish zeroshiki could still come here, because I have to imagine that he's watching this show. I only just noticed it when I checked the wiki.
I'm saving it for later, but since it's apparently a reboot, I just had to see if "the scene" was in the show and yes, it is!
Good old GTO.
(I should finish the animu one of these days)
Sorry, Magi train is the best hype train.
Not trying to reach Jupiter.Wha-
What have I been doing with my life all this time...
There's nothing impressive about betting on an adaptation of a manga you've already read by a competent studio. I don't think anyone here has read From the New World, so it being terrible is a genuine possibility.
Not trying to reach Jupiter.
Trains and rail networks are not built to be impressive when they don't derail. They're built for the purpose of stability and transportable!
Have animation directors becoming series directors worked out well in the past?I am really excited about this show - I really rate Masashi Ishihama as an animation director so I am looking forward to seeing what he does as a series director, and the plot sounds pretty cool. I wasn't too sure about the character designs from the previous trailer, but I think that was because it was so heavily focused on the "school" stuff whereas we see more clips of other things happening here.Ratmen, really.
Bring on the autumn!
What? No.Arcana Famiglia is better than all of the shows you listed there that I've watched any of.
Why would I want to watch something so bad I can't finish it?Also, if you want something you won't be able to sit through, what about the imouto show? It's atrociously bad, and still would be even without the incest element.
Only if it's the terrorist's law that I watch a bad anime would knowing which one is the least bad be helpful.Being less bad than other stupid things might make the less bad one slightly more worth watching...
Ok, fine. I'm not really going any further than this.It doesn't help that you seem to have ignored everything I said and are just repeating yourself, even though I explained how some of the things you said were entirely wrong. I guess I'll have to say it again.
Well, you're the one assuming she's highly trained. For all we know she's a first year flunkie from the Witches Academy. Also she's 16, highly trained only goes so far at 16.It's stupidly sexist because she's supposed to be a highly trained warrior/mage, and he's a nobody. If it was the other way around, sure, it'd be much less so. And "it's because the show is for guys"... that's an explanation, but not an excuse.
No, I arrived at the opinion that Campione! is sexist for a different reason is all. I don't believe it is sexist because the boy saves the girl but it is sexist because of the way the girl is portrayed in every damn scene. So the show is sexist just not because it has a scene where a guy saves the day.Entirely agreed here, though. Are you taking back what you said in that first paragraph here?
Watching them got me nowhere too!The scenes just are, questioning their logic will get you nowhere, I think...
So when you say you don't hate the characters you mean you don't hate they way they look? You're not talking about their actual characterization just the design? Isn't. That. Sexist? Should you not be judging everyone by their character and not by their appearance? And the blonde girl, they do tons with her, tons, just all of it bad.Heh... um, she has decent character design, despite the silly blonde hair. They don't do much with her, as you say, but the character designs are okay... and as for the guy, he's not the worst protagonist this season, certainly. He's very generic, but could be a lot worse... I've watched worse. That's very mild praise at best -- Campione is not a good show, and there isn't much positiver to say about it -- but it is true, it could be worse, and I was entertained at some moments of the episode. It was bad most of the time, certainly, though, and I doubt I'll keep watching for too much longer.
Way. Arcane Famiglia had, like Campione, a terrible cast of characters but Arcane Famiglia has way more bad characters.No way.
No, Angel Beats is total ass.And that's much much more wrong.
You were probably thinking of my comment regarding Hagure Yuusha no Estetica.Oh, on an unrelated note, did you mention something slightly relating to the stuff I complain about here recently? I couldn't find the comment again, but I thought I remember something...
Anyways, no, it doesn't actually bother me that much. To me world consistency is good, for sure, but the main consistency I care about is character consistency. Do the characters act like people? If the characters act like they belong in that world and act like you'd expect each of them to act within their defined personalities than they can sell a world setting no matter how insane.But there's lots that pisses me off about this show. Like, this show had more bras and panties in it in 5 minutes than all the shows I've watched this season and even though they were medieval era bras and panties they were expertly crafted by modern standards, you might say indistinguishable from what one would wear today. Grrr. Ah, but the main problem wasn't the quality of the bras and the panties mind you it was the stupid panty removing slight of hand that was the real issue, don't misunderstand me.
Has animation directors becoming series directors worked out well in the past?
It starts off completely different from the original, for what it's worth. I don't remember much about the anime or the original jdrama though.First ive heard of this
how does it compare to the original
Ginga e Kickoff 14
Okay, so my nitpick from the last couple of episodes still stands:
Also, I'm shocked that people actually care about sportsmanship in soccer because my understanding is that there's more diving in soccer than in the summer Olympics.[/IM]
(This shot is actually pretty neat, given what happens at the end of the episode actually. It cues the audience for the self-reflective moment that the coach will have anyway).
The only thing that was really weird about the episode was coach's breakdown. I don't have a problem with it per se, but the way it was handled in the episode made it felt like a scene that came out of a jdrama. It was supposed to be an emotional catharsis, but it was so overplayed that it was almost a parody of itself.
But hey, it's a sports show that's about more than sports, so I shouldn't complain too much.[/QUOTE]
I didnt much like watching old people sitting around talking about that, just let the kids have fun, really highly doubt the other characters were that emotionally broken from an own goal...
[quote="duckroll, post: 39707167"]From the official Magi twitter account: [url][/url][/QUOTE]
Every image makes it so tempting to go and start browsing fan arts for them, but spoilers...
[quote="Articalys, post: 39707261"]So the year of revivals continues. Remember this Shonen Jump countdown site?
Apparently it's for a new Dragon Ball film coming March next year. Toriyama seems to be heavily involved.
More dragonball? Why not something truly original, like a Psyren adaptation or ST&RS.
I'm surprised some of you haven't watched Honey & Clover, GTO and Planetes. I consider them essentials. I'm disappointed in you, AnimeGAF.
I'm surprised some of you haven't watched Honey & Clover, GTO and Planetes. I consider them essentials. I'm disappointed in you, AnimeGAF.
Planetes 01 - 26 (END)
What have I been doing with my life all this time...
If you aren't in the mood to watch it I wouldn't.LoGH 3
Wow, only three episodes in and I think I've found one of the smarmiest, most unlikeable pieces of shit I've come across in recent memory and the second season of GoT only finished airing a couple of weeks ago! It's interesting that the movie incorporated some of the scenes from this and I'm guessing the next episode and managed to weave them in rather effortlessly.
Huh?If you aren't in the mood to watch it I wouldn't.