Still can't find a lot of tech normally though
Guess they better not make the 4000 series video cards until every single person has a 3080
Or not make any model year 2023 vehicles because car lots are currently cleared out
Companies are not going to stop moving forward because chip makers are running behind
Ybarra always told me Xbox was always thinking to the next console I am sure Sony will do the same
Those aren't low margin products designed to get you into an ecosystem though. Cars are limited by supply but they will not spend for more chips in cars on another model. So if anything they will try and reduce their reliance on those materials so as to improve supply. They won't decide to add even more silicon just because.
Unless Sony or MS want to sell a pro at significantly above PS5 and Series X cost they won't do it. The ONLY way I see it happening are two ways
a) MS or Sony decide to sell a pro at much higher cost as a way to make consoles sell for profit and combat scalpers/high demand. $800 pro instead of an $800 retailer bundle.
b) MS or Sony get "free" upgrades from their suppliers. eg say they manufacture memory that has improved in performance from the supplier and they don't offer the old lower spec at an even lower cost anymore.