Don't think anything is going to beat 5's opening for me. Hell, that's what got me to buy the game after having skipped Tekken 4.
To me, TTT2's excessive use of dubstep depreciated from the better tracks in the game unfortunately. TTT2's credits song of Night Falls followed by the Landscape Under the Ghost remix is one of the most memorable tracks to me too...
But I honestly get headaches in the purple stage to the point it leaves a sour taste.
For me, Tekken 3 wins just because of the most consistent series of highs. Tekken 2, TTT1, and T5 all have tracks that reach and sometimes excel in the greatness but their overall soundtrack don't reach the near untouchable status Tekken 3 invokes when I listen to it.
I think you mean "intro's" instead of "trailers"
My highlight of the Tekken 5.0 intro:
After the Tekken 4 rivalry seeing its continuation into the ring, and with each exchange having a neutral result (headlock --> overhead press slam -> 619 -> crescent kick blocking a double axe handle). That was just too sick!
It's also worth mentioning how King had so many new animations in T5 that made everything come together. He got so many new multi-throws, the jaguar step, the re-animated tombstone, re-animated giant swing, the missionary costume.
Excellent taste AAK
That Tekken 7 intro is nice. If they can capture that same intensity with the entire cast it could top Tekken 5. Tekken 7 intro
Here is one of the best martial arts mashups on the web. It's my personal favorite. Here: martial arts montage That Tekken 7 intro already has similar energy. They just need to skip all the drama and go from dynamic choreographed close up to close up. Tekken 5 intro had that Hong Kong cinema energy.
Tekken 7 intro is great so far.
I would've prefered Briareos over Gigas. If Gigas turns out to be Marduk that could be interesting on the story front. I don't think Tekken Team could do something that inspired. We will see.
Josie doesn't have chickens, what an inferior character. ;P
Noooo I've lost GrayFox to the troll customs too![]()
I bet you like Duck King too.
i do too
Ggs guys. Sorry had to go, family wanted to watch news.
I hit Sasuke with:
That was my goal for the day.
All is good in the world.
Josie doesn't have chickens, what an inferior character. ;P
Good games, Sasuke, Grayfox.
Dang, i needed some time to warm up today ;/
I will announce it here and now, next time we play, I'll hit you with a Dempsey Roll... at the wall. I'll go full Ippo on you ;p
Good games. Bruce and Paul give me a hard time (especially Paul).
I'm going to start playing again for NEC so doea anyone want to play with me this weekend & next week?
So why don't we have a Tekken anime when Bandai Namco actually has an anime production studio?
Tekken had two anime, the 90s OVA and the CG movie. They both sucked. I don't think anyone is really asking for more. Besides, BV are moreso in distribution and finances. They don't actually "make" the stuff on the discs, but they'll put their money in the production committee pot to get things done, then promote and distribute the discs.
Tekken had two anime, the 90s OVA and the CG movie. They both sucked.
Another panel for another character that I don't play.
At least I got judo pants that I can develop to go with Shaheen's BJJ gi.
Pray you'll never see, even accidentally, the sequel: Kazuya's Revenge.
It's not a bad Tekken movie, it's one of the worst movies ever produced.
Don't let anyone's curiosity make them watch it. There's nothing bad that's good. It's just extremely dull, awfully written and produced pos and has exactly nothing to do with Tekken storyline.
I feel so bad for Kane Kosugi, he has the worst agent ever. Such skilled martial artist gets in the shitiest movies.
I can only give props to Gary Daniels brief fight as Bryan. He's such a cool sincere guy. And he's the only guy who actually looked into his character fighting style and tried to fight similarly.
But other then that first movie is a masterpiece compared to this.
They are direct to video for a reason lol
And Tekken movies don't....deserve the budget.
And Antman being C-List despite being a core avenger....ok lol
I agree in there current state Tekken movies don't deserve pocket lint. Before the Ant-man movie Ant-man wasn't a real known commodity. This is the first time I've heard Ant-man was a billion dollar franchise. LOL
Tekken had two anime, the 90s OVA and the CG movie. They both sucked. I don't think anyone is really asking for more. Besides, BV are moreso in distribution and finances. They don't actually "make" the stuff on the discs, but they'll put their money in the production committee pot to get things done, then promote and distribute the discs.
Honestly the 90s OVA wasnt too bad. Just needed about 30 more minutes of development.
I always thought the VF anime was well done. Kinda funny since Virtua Fighter doesn't really emphasize much on its story.
It's funny, but it feels like that whole movie derailed Alisa's entire relationship with Lars (no big loss) and turned her into another one of Xiaoyu's kawaii school dayz friends. Just look at their ending videos from Tekken Tag 2 and tell me they don't look like deleted scenes from Blood Vengeance.
What is the reason behind them not making another Tekken movie with the BV engine, except about other Tekken characters instead.
Just watched Alisa's TTT2 ending.
This is actually my first time watching it.........and it's really bad.
But despite that, it's not literally a deleted scene from BV.......the CG quality is different and the models looks different......unless your post is implying the ending is conveying similar Alisa corny-ness as the BV movie did.
Still waiting on our Terminator Alisa, Namco......................................