Shoutouts to devastator for the find.
Tekken 7 Oki:
Yeah, that's similar to what I was referring to
in this post. I never saw this version of it, but Lucky Chloe can spam an uppercut after leaving them in the face down feet away position that flips them right back to the same position.
This is usually caused by the new T7 juggle spike that you can barely see the effect of Josie's juggle spike at the start of the .gif. Defenders can hold back for a tech slide after the spike that blocks the followup, but leaves them in a stun that doesn't let them attack for around 20 frames or so.
If the defender doesn't tech backwards, a follow up ground hit is guaranteed and knocks them back down. For LC at least, she can spam the oki ground attack move over and over until the defender techrolls left or right. Teching backwards doesn't activate fast enough to get up. I don't know if Josie's is techable because the low kick is coming out faster.
If someone finds a Lucky Chloe version, post it up please. I've only seen it live at the arcade.