Terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo magazine. 12 dead. 11 wounded.

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Yea! Lets stick it to those religious leaders who had nothing to do with this! GRILL THEM! Ask them ALL THE QUESTIONS!

We had an Iman in Berlin evade clearification exactly on this topic during an interview with DER SPIEGEL. He danced around and it was sad. Didn't help his case at all.
There are apparently Imans in radicalized communities that would probably make the mental leap that ALL of a democratic public is the enemy as they voted in people that allowed freedom of press to print cartoons of a god that stated in his holy book all who do need to be punished.


A policeman yells journalists on the radio saying "Without you we would have had them for a long time." And he's right.
And he'd be completely wrong without the media I'm sure these guys would have been long gone and not identified as quickly as they have been. The actual tactical procedures AFAIK aren't being televised so they are doing nothing wrong


Google is helping to pay to get Charlie Hebdo's current circulation increased from about 50,000 an issue to over a million copies.


Charlie Hebdo will not stop skewering politics and religion alike despite the horrific January 7th attack that killed 12 people, including many of its staff and two policemen. Instead, the Paris-based journal will publish a million copies of its next edition on January 14th, compared to a normal printing run of around 50,000. It'll likely sell out easily, given an inspiring show of unity and support for freedom of speech displayed by the French populace. To make the run possible, the government kicked in almost €1 million ($1.2 million), while French newspapers pledged €250,000 ($296,000). Google's Press Innovation Fund added another €250,000 and the Guardian Media Group contributed £100,000 ($150,000). The paper is also asking the public to subscribe at a reduced rate or make a donation.
If he really already has killed 2 of the hostages it's all but certain that the other 5 are in mortal danger. It must be near impossible to stop a man with an AK.... Does the supermarket have open windows that he might be taken out through?


there has been reported that a 2nd women has been involved in the kosher shops situation, so two people has taken over the kosher shop


I was actually wondering about that earlier. Then again, you'd assume they have phones and could have called/texted him.

Of course. They could have simple walkie talkies. Who knows?

I find it ironic that there was an attack on media, and now media is giving these terrorists exactly what they want.


Even if they did this, they wouldn't question the normal ones. It will be the bat shit crazy ones like Choudary or the other crazy Sky had on the other day.

One of the most unfortunate aspects of the news coverage. Here in Pittsburgh we have Imams who are just as community focused and kind and amazing as any other religious leader but you'll never see them being interviewed after a tragedy like this.

Well, I take that back, NPR usually does a pretty good job of talking to normal ass people instead of the crazies.


Terrible news about the 2 newest victims.


they won't, but i really i hope they put mohammed on the cover.
I actually except them to. No way they are going to back down on this. Especially with the massive increase in circulation. No better way to show those murderers they accomplished nothing.


So apperantly the persons in Paris holding the hostages have said (and I quote Swedish newspaper) "We will keep the hostage untill the seige in Damadain (cant spell, but where the Brothers are) are over".
there has been reported that a 2nd women has been involved in the kosher shops situation, so two people has taken over the kosher shop
According to Le Monde:
- Kouachi brothers: Charlie Hebdo killings. Currently holding an hostage 50 kilometers from Paris.
- Amedy Coulibaly: killed a policewoman yesterday in Montrouge, still on the run.
- Suspect X (was Boumedienne a few minutes ago): holding hostages in a Kosher Mart. Already killed 2 people.


so you are saying all the Muslims are terrorist?

That's a very narrow minded view on the quote. He never implied Muslim = terrorist, just that Islam is the common denominator in many of these terrorist attacks (go look through the incidents in Pakistan, Russia, Africa, much of the shit happening in the Middle East etc).

The question is why Islam either attracts or is being so warped that it is breeding so many radicals capable and willing to commit such atrocities.

Christians and Catholics were commiting all manner of unspeakable shit hundreds or years ago but over the years it has moved progressively forward while sects within Islam have been moving progressively backwards. Islam was once the safe haven for scientist, mathematicians, forward thinking philosophers and any one wanting to expand their understanding of the sciences, arts and our society in general. At some point that went to shit and along the way more extreme interpretations managed to get a foothold.

The point is Islam is the elephant in the room. The majority of people dont think all Muslims are terrorists, but when looking at the bigger picture of world events, Islam appears often as the common denominator in these atrocities.

Personally I think it is counter productive to simply say "yes well clearly theres a few bad apples out there." We're talking more than a few bad apples. There are entire groups out there that want to mandate Shariah law for everyone and they are willing to kill anyone in their way to implement it. IS, Boko Haram, Al Queda, the Taliban. They are just the bugger players, there are many many more even smaller cells out there by different titles, but all fighting in the name of Islam.

Rather than tip toeing and skirting the issue by refusing to talk about why it is Islam is producing so many people willing to kill and be killed by some variations and interpretations of it isnt going to make the issue go away.

Whenever we have these threads I've seen members get shouted down for questioning Islams role in all of this as though they are being ignorant or Islamaphobic for even suggesting such a thing. At some point though you really have to begin questioning why this is so prevalent in Islam and how do we go about tackling that issue.


The hostages are Jews. You think a jihadi is going to care about the lives of Jews?

This we don't know. You think only Jews buy their groceries in kosher supermarkets ?

I grew up in France and when i was a kid the nearest " Epicerie " was Kosher and we'd routinely buy our some our groceries there.

You know that the neighbourhood is mainly populated by muslims and jews ? They have been living together there for decades, without any major incident. This isn't a jewish only neighbourhood.
According to Le Monde:
- Kouachi brothers: Charlie Hebdo killings. Currently holding an hostage 50 kilometers from Paris.
- Amedy Coulibaly: killed a policewoman yesterday in Montrouge, still on the run.
- Suspect X (was Boumedienne a few minutes ago): holding hostages in a Kosher Mart. Already killed 2 people.

Yes this was just mentioned on Cnn now, so this is obviously a cell


The most disturbing thing now is, that 100% of media footage is now focused on this Hyper Cacher hostage-taking, nothing about Dammattin-en-Goële anymore.

Honestly, I've a news channel on since 9am, and they've said NOTHING new about Dammattin-en-Goële in the last 5 hours.

Police probably take their time to consider all options, and there's just nothing to say. Should something happen, we'll have news, but that can take many hours, or even days.

Last time, in 2012, RAID waited 32h before launching the assault, and there wasn't even an hostage.... and there's people that think they launched it too early).

The GIGN also waited 14h before assaulting the plane diverted by terrorist after they made it land in Marignan (south of France).

I wish that the assault(s) will be as good as the one on this plane, btw. 4 terrorists controlling a plane full of passangers, and not a single casualty when they assaulted it (beside terrorists, obviously). As flawless as you can hope.


According to Le Monde:
- Kouachi brothers: Charlie Hebdo killings. Currently holding an hostage 50 kilometers from Paris.
- Amedy Coulibaly: killed a policewoman yesterday in Montrouge, still on the run.
- Suspect X (was Boumedienne a few minutes ago): holding hostages in a Kosher Mart. Already killed 2 people.

Oh! So the kosher mini-mart guy isn't Amedy apparently?
According to Le Monde:
- Kouachi brothers: Charlie Hebdo killings. Currently holding an hostage 50 kilometers from Paris.
- Amedy Coulibaly: killed a policewoman yesterday in Montrouge, still on the run.
- Suspect X (was Boumedienne a few minutes ago): holding hostages in a Kosher Mart. Already killed 2 people.

Amedy is also in the Kosher supermarket. He is the one with the two AKs.


Marine lepen mourning Charlie hebdo is pretty ironic. Front national is not really Charlie..

I disagree with everything you said, but I will still defend your right to say it with my life? After all freedom of speech is in literally every western constitution.


This we don't know. You think only Jews buy their groceries in kosher supermarkets ?

I grew up in France and when i was a kid the nearest " Epicerie " was Kosher and we'd routinely buy our some our groceries there.

You know that the neighbourhood is mainly populated by muslims and jews ? They have been living together there for decades, without any major incident. This isn't a jewish only neighbourhood.

Important to remember. Kosher markets are awesome and while I'm ethnically jewish when I shop at kosher markets it's because the prices and cuts, not because of any religious obligation.


That's a very narrow minded view on the quote. He never implied Muslim = terrorist, just that Islam is the common denominator in many of these terrorist attacks (go look through the incidents in Pakistan, Russia, Africa, much of the shit happening in the Middle East etc).

The question is why Islam either attracts or is being so warped that it is breeding so many radicals capable and willing to commit such atrocities.

Christians and Catholics were commiting all manner of unspeakable shit hundreds or years ago but over the years it has moved progressively forward while sects within Islam have been moving progressively backwards. Islam was once the safe haven for scientist, mathematicians, forward thinking philosophers and any one wanting to expand their understanding of the sciences, arts and our society in general. At some point that went to shit and along the way more extreme interpretations managed to get a foothold.

The point is Islam is the elephant in the room. The majority of people dont think all Muslims are terrorists, but when looking at the bigger picture of world events, Islam appears often as the common denominator in these atrocities.

Personally I think it is counter productive to simply say "yes well clearly theres a few bad apples out there." We're talking more than a few bad apples. There are entire groups out there that want to mandate Shariah law for everyone and they are willing to kill anyone in their way to implement it. IS, Boko Haram, Al Queda, the Taliban. They are just the bugger players, there are many many more even smaller cells out there by different titles, but all fighting in the name of Islam.

Rather than tip toeing and skirting the issue by refusing to talk about why it is Islam is producing so many people willing to kill and be killed by some variations and interpretations of it isnt going to make the issue go away.

Whenever we have these threads I've seen members get shouted down for questioning Islams role in all of this as though they are being ignorant or Islamaphobic for even suggesting such a thing. At some point though you really have to begin questioning why this is so prevalent in Islam and how do we go about tackling that issue.

100% This.

The only people who can tackle the issue though is other Muslims. This can not be done by some external party. My main concern is that with each attack the general consensus of Islam goes down, thus provoking retaliation from non-Muslims on innocent Muslims which in turns extradites these normal Muslims, pushing them to radicalization. It's a viscous cycle, kept spinning by two dangerous parties.

The only, and really horrific (but least damaging) resolve I can see to this is that ISIS do take over Iraq but are kept contained, so that those who want Sharia Law and strict Islamic following can leave the west and live there. I don't support this idea at all, but its the only out I see.
According to Le Monde:
- Kouachi brothers: Charlie Hebdo killings. Currently holding an hostage 50 kilometers from Paris.
- Amedy Coulibaly: killed a policewoman yesterday in Montrouge, still on the run.
- Suspect X (was Boumedienne a few minutes ago): holding hostages in a Kosher Mart. Already killed 2 people.

So theres one more on the run?
So theres one more on the run?

I don't think so, Amedy listed as 'on the run' here, was witnessed going into the Kosher supermarket (a tall black man with two AKs).
So there's two hostage situations each involving two terrorists, as far as I can tell.

edit: BBC just confirming it is Amedy in the store


One of my best friends just told me on Skype that a friend of one of his friends is among the hostages :/
I hope everything will be all-right.

I have close friends (which incidentely are jews) that live a couple hundred meters from there, I may be in the same kind of situation... But even if that's not the case, I make wishes for people there.
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