Must be a generational thing since people talk about it being the Holy Grail of comedy
could be. im more Gen X in my pop culture tastes, and was introduced to it by my dad. this is kind of a common thing for kids of my generation, cos
Holy Grail was out on VHS in the 80s, and it was a good way to get introduced.
i rewatched it a few years ago. just incredible stuff, still highly recommended. even though it's a cliche that it is this great nerd thing, it is so wonderful. it is non-pretentious and constantly punching up. rather than most Hollywood movies that glamorize knights and kings and queens and the rich, this film takes a muddy, literally down-in-the-dirt-with-peasants point of view. so it's not just funny, it's good satire.
in this scene from
Holy Grail, Terry plays a peasant woman who has no idea who the king is or what a "Briton" is, and her peasant husband spouts the kind of faux intellectual revolutionary rhetoric still favored by keyboard activists. it is still pretty funny and relevant. "Help help I'm being repressed!" of course the kind of social justice snowflake who thinks they've figured it all out would exist back then. throughout the movie, they are looking at the miserable reality of medieval life, they are finding what is funny in the reality of the situation. also doing really silly fantasy stuff just for fun.
they take a similar track in Life of Brian, finding the humor in the brutal Roman era, spoofing Biblical narratives, and poking fun at the intersquabbling of revolutionary political groups.
at any rate, RIP to a comedy legend. he has so many memorable and great roles.
i love his weird ass arms in "Find the Fish" from
The Meaning of Life.
my favorite skit of his was him as the perfect straight man for the classic "Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink" skit.