Man it is so interesting. NMS was a game just a small few talked about and was excited about. But now you think Sean Murray been out here 20 years promising Grey Goose and Hookers to everyone that brought the game.
*looks at above posts*
...and people wonder why I don't come here often.
Morning man
Hope it doesn't happen often
So we just let JC back huh?
I take it there was/is backlash?
jesusSlayven must be stopped!
Shit was some of the oddest nonsense, but it felt real as fuck. Got shot too! 😃
Fucking agent of chaos..
Morning dudeMorning fam.
Wuttup, Miles..
a bit
Thought something supernatural
Morning dude
Man it is so interesting. NMS was a game just a small few talked about and was excited about. But now you think Sean Murray been out here 20 years promising Grey Goose and Hookers to everyone that brought the game.
And now you know why developers are scared to talk about their games pre-release, because people will blow up something mentioned years before a game comes out that doesn't make it to final release.
I've looked and the only time he talked about instanced lobbies was way back in 2014. 2 years is an eternity in game dev. It's pretty obvious the feature didn't make it off the floor. And when you're indy you like to talk openly about your game and what you're doing, like running thoughts.
But without hype, we wouldn't have the ongoing tragicomedy that is the DCEU.
"Gaf, my girlfriend says that she is a model but she doesn't have pictures anywhere but on Instagram and men are always paying for her to fly to exotic countries. What is going on?"
God it must be awesome to be a white dudeGood morning BCT'ers!!!!
Let's play today's round of "guess how much prison time white frat dude got for raping a woman"!!!
And the answer is!!
*dramatic drumroll*
Wow what a surprise, come back tomorrow for a game of _______ while black!!!
nigga you need help
In today's game of ________ while black, meet our contestant. A white girl from Norway who is on the road to finding six warning shots in her back.
In today's game of ________ while black, meet our contestant. A white girl from Norway who is on the road to finding six warning shots in her back.
In today's game of ________ while black, meet our contestant. A white girl from Norway who is on the road to finding six warning shots in her back.
Bruh, I would date her only if she stayed in her blackface.
I'm just praying the makeup don't come off when she around family.
This is so cute.
I mean. Can we talk about these amazing ladies?
Is that why she's wearing it? As an experiment of some sort? If anything, they might be relieved if the makeup starts coming off. LOL
I love how browner our gymnastics squad has gotten.
Is that why she's wearing it? As an experiment of some sort? If anything, they might be relieved if the makeup starts coming off. LOL
I love how browner our gymnastics squad has gotten.
I don't get the appeal of chicken and waffles
Is that why she's wearing it? As an experiment of some sort? If anything, they might be relieved if the makeup starts coming off. LOL
Catching up on my subscribed threads and ran into this:
in other news
I don't believe in mixing those thingsCatching up on my subscribed threads and ran into this:
I don't believe in race mixing
In today's game of ________ while black, meet our contestant. A white girl from Norway who is on the road to finding six warning shots in her back.
Mornin' peeps.
I have no idea why her average white chick ----> Kylie Jenner ----> Alicia Keys evolution is even a thing, I just found the pic on the Coli
Keep them separate
Humans are filthy tbh so he has a pointGoddamn
Humans are filthy tbh so he has a point
I don't believe in mixing those things
In today's game of ________ while black, meet our contestant. A white girl from Norway who is on the road to finding six warning shots in her back.
Y'all need Jesus
apropos of nothing
it's the wink that makes it great.
I like this postapropos of nothing
it's the wink that makes it great.