So jandro DOES have fingersJandros just want humans to evolve
Thought he used gigantic keyboards with those hooves
So jandro DOES have fingersJandros just want humans to evolve
apropos of nothing
it's the wink that makes it great.
some random blogger said:I went to high school with a kid who would only drink out of a baby bottle. He brought a large baby bottle to school every day. At first, we thought that he was using it to sneak alcohol or something, but he wasn’t. He would bring it filled with chocolate milk and then fill it up with Coca-Cola and Sprite during lunch. He’d buy a can of each and mix them together. Like I said, it was a large bottle.
I didn’t know the kid that well and I didn’t have any classes with him so I never really talked to him that much. I knew his name. His name was Kevin. Sometimes I’d see him at parties on the weekends. He still had his baby bottle. He would fill it with beer and rum.
He dated my sister’s friend, Emily, for a little while. I had known Emily for a long time. She had been a friend of my sister’s since they were five or six. They were really good friends. She spent a lot of time at our house for sleepovers and stuff. Sometimes she would pee the bed, but I never made fun of her for it. I think most older brothers would have loved the opportunity to make fun of their sister’s friend for peeing the bed and I think she really appreciated that I never mentioned it even though I definitely knew about it because after the sixth or seventh time, my parents started paying me to clean everything up instead of having to do it themselves.
I asked Emily why Kevin only ever drank out of a baby bottle and she said that she didn’t know. They had only been dating for a very short time at that point and she didn’t want to bring it up and offend him or anything. I asked her to tell me if she ever found out. They broke up right after that and I kind of forgot about it because Kevin stopped going to school. I don’t know if he transferred or dropped out, but I never saw him at lunch or any parties after that.
I hadn’t thought about him in a long time, but Emily happened to mention him while she was over at our house recently and I immediately remembered the baby bottle thing.
“Did you ever find out why he drank out of that bottle?” I asked.
“Oh yeah, he told me why,” Emily said. “He used it because he heard that babies that drink out of bottles for too long or drink sweet drinks out of them get really bad teeth problems. He wanted all of his teeth to go bad so that they would fall out and he would be able to fit a softball in his mouth. He said that he wanted to have the world record for being the first person to be able to put a whole softball in his mouth and he wouldn’t be able to do that with all of those teeth in the way.”
some context?
We got context
Here is her tumblr page!!!
So who is simpin? I know one of y'all done sent a DM already
Done know what you talking boutWe got context
Here is her tumblr page!!!
So who is simpin? I know one of y'all done sent a DM already
Morning fam.
Mornin' peeps.
Evening lads and ladettes
Moening fam.Good morning, potheads..
They really do.Nightmares suck.
It's so tiresome and childish too.Man it is so interesting. NMS was a game just a small few talked about and was excited about. But now you think Sean Murray been out here 20 years promising Grey Goose and Hookers to everyone that brought the game.
Noice.I have a 4 day weekend and nothing to do
Godbless you DD.apropos of nothing
it's the wink that makes it great.
LOL That Did you Die tho is hilarious.
I'm curious to see how Nicki Minaj looks 30 years from now. It's why I'd never wife up a chick with a fake ass that's too big.
The CW cast it's Miss Martian. Shows black don't crack consdering she's 43.
The new Vixen
Vixen guest starring was a legitimate shot at drawing Arrow away from its own naval gazing. It didn't work. Plus side though, the character passed the introductory test.
Now if we could get her out of that shit LoT and into her own show......
You're too goddamn picky if you'd say no to Nicki Minaj.
Or failing that, into a good show, like Flash.Vixen guest starring was a legitimate shot at drawing Arrow away from its own naval gazing. It didn't work. Plus side though, the character passed the introductory test.
Now if we could get her out of that shit LoT and into her own show......
Arrow really fucked up in regards to vixen, her episode should have been a standalone filler to introduce her to viewers, instead of throwing her into the middle of Dahark story.
Or failing that, into a good show, like Flash.
I can see why they did it the way that they did though. Can you imagine the grief they would have gotten if they gave her a standalone instead of the weekly dose of Ollicity and the tag-alongs?
It might have all been for naught if she goes down in flames with a show that shouldn't be seeing a second season.
Yup! The flash is the only sensible vehicle for the DC/CW tv line to introduce anything decent. They keep expanding their hero cast on shaky as shit ground.
I'm sure Vixen would have gotten a solo series if wasn't for Supergirl.
I think legends can course correct with a more focused second season on the JSA and Legion of Doom
Yeppers.Yup! The flash is the only sensible vehicle for the DC/CW tv line to introduce anything decent. They keep expanding their hero cast on shaky as shit ground.
Watched that in the early of hours of this morning.
I hope you're right. Now that Vixen's on it, I'm going to have to watch it again.
Watched that in the early of hours of this morning.
Fucking jokes.
Who is the lady, i've seen her in quite a few DT vids. She's very beautiful.
Ahhh.That is Danielle. She's on her way to becoming an urban dictionary definition. She's a bit of a trip.
Sounds dope.Pizza, Stranger Things and Telltale Batman. Should make for a decent night.
Y'all peep that No Man Sky thread
niggas out here really making AIDS comparisons and shit and y'all thought I was crazy?
yeah the vitriol around NMS is gross. I will say that I think the whole marketing and messaging around the game was severely flawed, and made worse by the seemingly endless hype people themselves created online.
I cancelled my order last night with the intention of picking it up further down the line while I wait and see what they do to the game.
OT is chill and just people having fun or whatever
OT is chill and just people having fun or whatever
Jim Sterling's website got a DDoS attack after posting his review of the game. Y'all niggas are fucking babies.
Jim Sterling's website got a DDoS attack after posting his review of the game. Y'all niggas are fucking babies.
I really don't get it at all.This is the worst thing I've read in a while
Welp, it can only go lower at this rate.
NMS is just a preview of September. #FFXV