Papercuts said:The actual freeze times are shorter, but all of his drives seem to come out faster. Now the moves themselves are less telegraphed but you also may not have as many options as he previously had for landing it. It's mainly just re-adjusting the mechanic, which seems to be a pretty common thing for CS. A lot of people will need to take different approaches with their character's drive tweaks.
In ice? Yeah, I don't think following up will really be the issue. Doing legit combos with ice would still work(otherwise the drive is literally pointless), getting rid of the waggle just makes it less frustrating for the player who ends up jumping out of the ice or something by complete accident, or not waggling and seeing the Jin rack up a bunch of blackbeat combos. It may suck to lose that for Jin, but I personally think waggling out of ice in a fast paced game like this was a really annoying gimmick.
Yeah, you are right. This would be the only major nerf he would need anyway. I've come to appreciate most other things about his playstyle.
On another topic:
I know the new loketests are under way, and I hope they add overheads again. I'd also like to see DANGER levels come back after a second burst. I hear that they are trying to appease GG players who like to burst, and don't like penalties. I'm all for having longer matches, and new ways out, but I want the game complex not cheap.