Actually, this post is what I expected from the game. Like my dislike towards LP3 is due to it being a threat towards the things I loved about the series, but overall it seems solid, average to possibly good, and I wouldn't mind it's existence if it had been a spinoff entry or just some unrelated game. When it was the next entry in the franchise it was kinda heartbreaking, also I'm not a fan of later prequels.
I really appreciate you for taking the time to write this up Al, much love man. I totally agree, I've grown to have so many beefs with Capcom for this gen after 2009 it's ridiculous. I really wonder what the hell happened to them. I'll let the fighting games slide, people still like SFIV and MVC3, it's to be accepted, but other choices in directions for other games, DmC, LP3, and BOF. Like you really have to wonder. The only thing Capcom does now that makes me happy outside of Monster Hunter and revisions, is Zack and Wiki, and Gundam Vs Gundam. Did Inafune really strike that big of a blow? It's like being a Sonic fan 2004-2007 all over again.
Also I thought his name was Jim? They changed it?
No I'm a fuckin idiot, I was thinking of his voice actor Bill Watterson, got mixed up
I absolutely understand your disappointment as well. Taken on its own I think Lost Planet 3 is a fine game but it's so different I don't blame fans for not even being interested in it. I felt the same with Ninja Gaiden 3, one of my biggest disappointments this gen though that was admittedly still more of an action game, just a very poorly done one.