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Game Information:
Game Title: The Last Of Us Part I
Genre: Action-adventure, third person shooter, survival, post-apocalyptic, thriller, remake
- PlayStation 5 (September 6, 2022)
- PC (TBA)
Developer: Naughty Dog Info
Developer's HQ: Santa Monica, California, USA
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
- Standard - $69.99 USD
- Digital Deluxe - $79.99 USD | contents
- FireFly Edition - $99.99 USD | contents
Review Aggregator :


Critic Reviews :
ACG - Jeremy Penter - Wait for Sale
Video Review - Quote not available
Console Creatures - Bobby Pashalidis - Recommended
The Last of Us Part 1 was always going to be a divisive title, that's a given. The Quality of Life updates themselves are incredible from the new AI to the combat upgrades but it's still the exact same game you experienced in 2013. If anything, it's a testament to the wizardry at Naughty Dog and how far they've come.
Dexerto - Daniel Megarry - 8.5 / 10
The Last Of Us is as brutal, challenging, and enjoyable as it always has been. With hugely improved visuals, small but meaningful gameplay changes, and a great range of accessibility options, this Part 1 Remake is without a doubt the definitive version for both newcomers and longtime fans.
GamesHub - Edmond Tran - 5 / 5
The Last of Us Part 1 doesn't create any lasting memories about the experience that weren't already there from the beginning. For that reason, my thoughts about the game's existence as a product remain dubious. But as a creative work in and of itself, The Last of Us is still exceptional, and I'm happy to have had reason to experience it again, in a new context and an updated format.
Gaming Nexus - Henry Yu - 10 / 10
Naughty Dog delivers again with its timeless masterclass narrative experience, this time rebuilt from the ground up following contemporary gaming standards. With modern graphics and unparalleled performance, The Last of Us Part I is the definitive way to enjoy the multilayered and complex story of Joel and Ellie. It remains a genre-bending action survival game that challenges the status-quo by weaving together multiple elements. An expanded array of accessibility options, gameplay modifiers, and extra modes allows this remake to be experienced by anyone from any background and that's not an easy feat.
GamingTrend - Richard Allen - 80 / 100
As a game, The Last of Us: Part 1 still deserves a high score after all these years, but I give that score hesitantly, as I am acutely aware that previous releases offer more content and that this release was not created for those who have already played through and enjoyed the game in the past, but rather to welcome in new players or for those who wish to harness the full power of their PS5. While this is the most technically impressive version of The Last of Us that we will likely ever get, it is anchored down by its previous releases, while simultaneously missing important components those versions had, namely the superb multiplayer. Despite some interesting bonus features, new cosmetic items, vastly improved AI, and a few quality-of-life changes, there may not be enough here to justify the purchase for anybody except newcomers. That said, the impressively robust suite of accessibility options is a welcome addition worthy of praise and will hopefully provide an opportunity for a new generation of fans to experience this story.
Hardcore Gamer - Kevin Dunsmore - 4 / 5
Quote not yet available
Merlin'in Kazanı - Ersin Kılıç - Turkish - 82 / 100
Last of Us Part I has managed to modernize the game that was released 9 years ago in terms of gameplay and visuals. Although there is a price problem for those who have just played the Remastered version, I can say that it is an adventure that should not be missed by those who have never played it.
Multiplayer First - James Lara - 8.5 / 10
@Elder Legend - Gaming Instincts - 8.5/10.0 - VideoIf you ask me if I think it's worth it, here's what I'll say: If you're a new player, most definitely. If not, just wait. No one's rushing you to go out and buy this one, and I think it's clear that the target audience is geared towards bringing in new players, rather than catering to the old. It's perfect for new fans, imperfect for old ones.
Regardless of the statements above, The Last of Us Part 1 is still a very solid package, and a lot of love was put into it. The game itself aged greatly, the gameplay improvements are nice and make the game more enjoyable to play than ever before. The additional accessibility features are a nice touch for those who have disabilities, the Dualsense does add to the immersion, and the Permadeath and Speedrun modes are great for those who want to challenge themselves. The cut-scenes are a joy to watch once again, and the game is definitely a looker. So if you want to impress your friends or your significant other, then show them this game running on a big-screen TV because it sure is a treat to look at.
If the game was a bit cheaper and included the multiplayer, then this would have been an easy 10 out of 10, but that is not the case here. I know that Naughty Dog is developing a standalone highly ambitious multiplayer game set in the universe of The Last of Us for the PlayStation 5 and that's where they want to put their resources into. But I still find it a tad odd that they decided not to include the multiplayer that already exists in the original game. Is it because of the servers? Or are there far more technical complications that would just end up taking too much of the development time to put it into the remake? I am not a developer of any sort or a programmer for that matter, but I do understand how deadlines work and budgets. I am sure Naughty Dog thought about including the multiplayer at some point in development but decided to go against it for whatever reasons. Still, I think the lack of the original multiplayer is a disappointment.
I understand why this is a $70 product, game development is costly these days, and it's an easy opportunity to make money with the hype of the PS5 and the upcoming HBO show adapting The Last of Us. Business-wise, it makes a ton of sense, but the price point may turn off some individuals as it's quite expensive, and the lack of multiplayer is not helping either. Hopefully, this review helped you make your decision, and as you know, we are always going to be transparent and honest around here. With that said, The Last of Us Part 1 gets an 8.5 out of 10."
Next Gen Base - Ben Ward - 10 / 10
A true remake of a seminal game, The Last of Us Part 1 doesn't bring anything new to the table from a story perspective, but what it does do is provide the definitive version of one of my favourite titles of all time. Visually breathtaking, it belies its nine year old roots to deliver a spectacular experience. Whether it's worth the money is up to the individual, but Joel and Ellie's story will never look, or feel, better than this.
One More Game - Chris Garcia - Buy
It bears repeating that The Last of Us Part I is an absolutely essential experience. There are no two ways about it; the $70 tag will be a sore point for those who have already played past iterations, which merits waiting for a sale, but the quality and experience brought about by a Naughty Dog release are unmatched.
The visual upgrades are truly noteworthy, upping the drama of each scene and doing wonders for an already stellar script. From the heart-wrenching opening scene with Sarah to the many tense conversations between Joel and Ellie, each line delivered hits harder, making for an unforgettable playthrough.
The suite of accessibility options also opens the game up to a much wider audience. Not content with just copying from The Last of Us Part II, Naughty Dog has also improved on it by adding options like allowing the players to feel the emotion of the lines delivered through haptic feedback.
Whether or not the game is worth the price tag will be a tricky argument that will persist long after its launch, but The Last of Us Part I is an exceptional title that can stand on its own merits and is the best version of a classic that will be enjoyed by a whole new generation of players for years to come.
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PSX Brasil - Paulo Roberto Montanaro - Portuguese - 100 / 100
Although it doesn't bring as many new features as one might expect from a remake, The Last of Us Part I is an absolute and sublime spectacle from start to finish. It retains all the best qualities that made it a absolute success in its original release and it improves on the technical details that add value to this visceral and impactful journey.
PlayStation Universe - John-Paul Jones - 9 / 10
There's no denying that The Last of Us Part I might be a tough sell to folks who expected a reworked content offering in line with the overhauled audiovisual presentation and other technical advances. For those with accessibility needs, the lucky few who have yet to experience The Last of Us at all or even just the number of players who want to immerse themselves in the ultimate form of Naughty Dog's opus, The Last of Us Part I makes a more than compelling case for its existence and stands shoulder to shoulder with the best games on PS5.
PowerUp! - Adam Mathew - 9.5 / 10
Part I is like the in-game axe upgraded with a roll of tape and a pair of scissors. Obviously, the original item was massively bloody capable already—of near perfect design in form and function. Even still, this thing has now somehow become waaay sharper than any sane person could have imagined. Give it even half a chance to get a piece of you, and it's gonna cut deep.
PushStartPlay - Richard Lee Breslin - 9 / 10
The Last of Us is still a powerful, hard-hitting story that still punches you in the gut to this very day. This remake isn't just a classic of yesteryear, but it's equally a modern-day classic of today.
Telegraph - Dan Silver - 4 / 5
Naughty Dog have worked wonders to bring their PS3 classic into the PS5 era but the £70 price tag could well put off players
Too Much Gaming - Carlos Hernandez - 8 / 10
Everything I loved about the first game is intact, now with a visual uplift and a few enhancements. But the changes in The Last of Us Part 1 didn't greatly enhance the finer points of this masterpiece, to an extent that I wouldn't recommend this release right off the gate.
WellPlayed - Zach Jackson - 9 / 10
While the original will always have its place in the hearts of many players, The Last of Us Part I is the definitive way to experience the beginning of Joel and Ellie's journey, even if the price is a little steep.
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 9 / 10
That leads to The Last of Us Part I being both the best version of the game and also extremely difficult to recommend unless money is not a concern. The Last of Us has aged well enough that you don't lose a ton playing the Remastered version, unlike the similar remake Demon's Souls, which took a cult PS3 game that many people had never played and gave it a modern updated release. If you're willing to wait for a price drop or sale, Part I becomes far more appealing because it is a wonderful improvement to an already impressive game. Aside from cost, there's no reason to go back to the older versions, and The Last of Us remains one of the best games in the Sony library.
Digital Foundry Review:
El Analista de Bits (PS3 vs PS4 vs PS5)
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