Well, that depends on how long you've been playing.little later after Joel got killed.
I know I’m very slow gamer.
Well, that depends on how long you've been playing.little later after Joel got killed.
I know I’m very slow gamer.
Dude... You're literally slating the sequel because it doesn't match up with your own headcanon of how you think the first one went down. You've been shown that actual quotes said to Joel but can't actually point to any moment where Joel says what you think he was *really thinking*.Why not depict excitement when something is based on hopes & prayers? Are you a writer? Is this a hard, fast rule? Do people never feel nervous excitement?
& it doesn't matter if they saw it as a cure, because there was no proof it was a cure. They wanted it to be a cure. They desperately needed it to be a cure. They tried to tell themselves it was a cure. But the fact is there was no guarantee.
Played 4-5 hours. Graphics are fantastic. Parts of it really come alive when gunfire, sunlight, grass, and clickers come together. Gameplay wise it’s solid, but nothing incredibly new.
Pressing triangle on every object and opening doors is a nice feeling to come back to. Pressing X (cross) a lot makes a difference after a while.
I’d say it’s very well put together game. I have a sense of deja vu. If you really compared this game to a lot of AAA games you’d find TLoU2 achievement in the scale of their design. God of War probably touched on it, but on a smaller scale. Death Stranding did it, but it was broken up (in some ways) with smaller missions. The real meat and bones of it are treated like Game of Thrones. A lot of satisfaction to whatever bad thing that happens. I am just waiting for more shit to hit the fan.
Yeah that’s given me a jump more than one time sneaking up on them. Their speed running at you looks to have been doubled as well.I like it when their body stands straight up because they think someone is behind them. It’s like their spine is having a spasm.
I know this game is significantly longer than TLOU1 but at this rate it seems to be that way more because of elongated exploration sections and extra combat encounters vs significantly more story scenes.
Survivor difficulty just feels poorly designed to me. For a game about scavenging what little you can find to be used as makeshift weaponry, it seems odd that I can take out an entire patrol of gun-toting bad guys and get exactly 0 ammo. The game just shoehorns you into a stealth-only play style which doesn´t necessarily make it more difficult so much as it just makes it more one-dimensional. Especially since stealth is considerably easier than gunfighting.
I also find it baffling that a game with so much visual polish felt it was adequate to just have the one fucking sneak-kill animation. I´m about 5 hours in and the 'crouch-walk, triangle, repeat' loop is starting to wear pretty thin.
Not that far I think. Just saw dogs for the first time.Reads to me that you're very good at Survivor mode; however, I'm struggling. I've reached the part where you hide in tall grass outside of a school cafeteria to take out WLF members, which is just after you take out about five of them in a part of the school where there's a library on side of a hall and a class room on the other side. What part have you reached?
Then you must be farther, because I'veNot that far I think. Just saw dogs for the first time.
Then you must be farther, because I've yet to encounter dogs. I'm essentially at a part just after you free yourself from being held captive by WLF members by cutting yourself free and rescuing Dina.
Oh, man, my opinion of this game is going to make me so unpopular. Let's just say that I'm typing this because I thought I'd find something to do after turning the game off for the third time ... The bottom line is, I don't like the story, don't like the stealth and don't like the characters. So far I've only enjoyed ONE level and I can't remember which one because I just want to finish and have it done with. The first game walks all over this in every department except graphics.
All you can do is give it a fair shake... nobody should feel any different towards you for being honest.
You got swept up in the hype and the actual product isn't matching your standards I'd say.
I found the prologue in this game to have much better pacing and a stronger impact than the first game and the first games prologue is by far the most gripping thing in the game. lol.
EDIT: The ambient/drone OST is by far better than the first games too. I didn't fuck with all that acoustic type music in the first game.
i'm playing on survivor and dodge is far from useless and when timed correctly gives you one hit kills wich you end up apreciating when you spend most of the time with 1 or 2 bullets per gun...I'm so angry with Neil at the moment. He's taken one huge dump on every TLOU fan in EVERY conceivable way. It's as if he had a checkbox and has systematically covered it all. Once again I've just turned it off because I can't stand playing anymore right now. The dodge is a pointless and irritating addition. The story is plot driven and not character driven. The sound when people are about to see you has been enhanced to such a degree that it's of no use. The listen mode isn't anywhere near as good as it was in TLOU. The dogs are annoying and stop you playing as you'd like. Collecting provisions and upgrades is tedious. I don't care about any of the characters, unfortunately, even Ellie after a while. I've upgraded stacks of stuff and it makes no difference at all. It's now a pew pew Uncharted wanna be. Yep, I'm pissed, largely because I bought it digitally and can't sell it. It took me 3 months to save the money to buy this ...
i'm playing on survivor and dodge is far from useless and when timed correctly gives you one hit kills wich you end up apreciating when you spend most of the time with 1 or 2 bullets per gun...
I try not to use listen mode because it's too convenient when the sound desing it's so good, but your gripe it's solved with upgrades, listen mode needs to be upgraded to be nearly as effective as before.
Nothing to say about the plot since i'm not too deep story wise because i'm taking my time with it(i'm in Seattle leaving the school), but combat it's top notch.
Talking about combat, i know that this was in the first one, but i didn't expect to trigger it while doing cqc.
Dodge is awesome. Far more an evolution of the gameplay than jump and prone for me so far. (Jump being the least)Yeah, dodge is far from pointless. It’s one of the most effective new mechanical additions in the game.
Jump is what I see as pointless, in fact I’ve forgotten it’s even possible unless I mistakenly hit the button. Everything works fine contextually to overcome obstacles as the first game did, and for how much it’s used, they wasted an entire button on it.Dodge is awesome. Far more an evolution of the gameplay than jump and prone for me so far. (Jump being the least)
Wait what?It took me 3 months to save the money to buy this ...
I'm so angry with Neil at the moment. He's taken one huge dump on every TLOU fan in EVERY conceivable way. It's as if he had a checkbox and has systematically covered it all. Once again I've just turned it off because I can't stand playing anymore right now. The dodge is a pointless and irritating addition. The story is plot driven and not character driven. The sound when people are about to see you has been enhanced to such a degree that it's of no use. The listen mode isn't anywhere near as good as it was in TLOU. The dogs are annoying and stop you playing as you'd like. Collecting provisions and upgrades is tedious. I don't care about any of the characters, unfortunately, even Ellie after a while. I've upgraded stacks of stuff and it makes no difference at all. It's now a pew pew Uncharted wanna be. Yep, I'm pissed, largely because I bought it digitally and can't sell it. It took me 3 months to save the money to buy this ...
Jump is what I see as pointless, in fact I’ve forgotten it’s even possible unless I mistakenly hit the button. Everything works fine contextually to overcome obstacles as the first game did, and for how much it’s used, they wasted an entire button on it.
Prone though I’m finding invaluable in heated firefights with many enemies. It allows a way to quickly hide and evade (unless a dog’s nipping on your heels). Speaking of which, killed the owner of a dog a watched it whine and try to wake up its master. Genuinely felt like shit.
So I had to put it out of its misery.![]()
Ok if it took you 3 months to acquire the funds - I urge you to wait until it’s cheaper. I made more than that panhandling when I was homeless.Wait what?
Jump is what I see as pointless, in fact I’ve forgotten it’s even possible unless I mistakenly hit the button. Everything works fine contextually to overcome obstacles as the first game did, and for how much it’s used, they wasted an entire button on it.
Prone though I’m finding invaluable in heated firefights with many enemies. It allows a way to quickly hide and evade (unless a dog’s nipping on your heels). Speaking of which, killed the owner of a dog a watched it whine and try to wake up its master. Genuinely felt like shit.
So I had to put it out of its misery.![]()
The breaking glass is DEFINITELY welcomeThere are sections now where you can use jump to access parts of the level that were not possible in the previous game and it makes the level design feel more organic.
For examples, you may come to a dead on a balcony but can run and jump across to the next balcony and enter a different building. It's a small change but it's the kind of thing that wasn't in the previous game. To cross gaps like that in the first game you'd have to go and find a ladder or something that you could use to cross which felt really cumbersome and 'gamey'.
Being able to break glass windows, jump, climb and swing on ropes all makes the environment feel more realistic and allows for more interesting level design. These abilities do definitely enhance the gameplay in my opinion. It may feel subtle but I've noticed it a lot as I very recently played the first game which feels very antiquated in comparison now.
Ah, that’s a valid point, I forgot about the sprint+jump combo. Good call.There are sections now where you can use jump to access parts of the level that were not possible in the previous game and it makes the level design feel more organic.
For examples, you may come to a dead on a balcony but can run and jump across to the next balcony and enter a different building. It's a small change but it's the kind of thing that wasn't in the previous game. To cross gaps like that in the first game you'd have to go and find a ladder or something that you could use to cross which felt really cumbersome and 'gamey'.
Being able to break glass windows, jump, climb and swing on ropes all makes the environment feel more realistic and allows for more interesting level design. These abilities do definitely enhance the gameplay in my opinion. It may feel subtle but I've noticed it a lot as I very recently played the first game which feels very antiquated in comparison now.
Can bust car windows too. I’ve spent too much time smashing every one I see. Damn OCD.The breaking glass is DEFINITELY welcome
The game is full of plot holes and stupid decisions that all characters make its so Walking Dead style its ridiculous how many 10 out of 10 it gotGripe regarding up to Seattle day 3 (story spoilers) Is anyone else bothered by this whole idea that there was only ONE surgeon in the world who could have made a vaccine? It’s a small detail in the flashback when Ellie’s listening to the recorder - but why is there so much certainty in this game around A. She is the only immune person B. That killing her would have undoubtedly lead to a vaccine and C. Now it doesn’t matter though because the one surgeon who could’ve made one is dead? Like in the real world wouldn’t you treat all these ideas as only possibilities? Hypotheticals? Rather than absolute fact?
Ah, that’s a valid point, I forgot about the sprint+jump combo. Good call.
Still, those parts are fairly few and far between, and there’d be no real loss to player freedom to have the game automatically make the leap upon running to the edge. My problem is that for the usefulness of its utility, it doesn’t warrant an entire button dedicated to something so seldom used and that the game could do, leaving it open for something more pertinent (like quick tossing the brick/bottle without having to have it selected).
He's worrying about what he did though. If you, even potentially had the chance of saving humanity but you chose a selfish action, you would probably do the same thing.But that's the thing, Joel is not acting in character during that "confession". Apart from his sad tone regarding his lie to Ellie & how she feels about it. That I can believe would weigh heavy on his conscience. But he knew what we knew. The "cure" was nothing but hopes & dreams.
Yeah, but if you were to play it real you wouldn't have a game at all. It's still the best zombie game by a half mile. I was playing Days Gone last week and really enjoyed it but this is one another level. The gameplay and AI are fantastic.The game is full of plot holes and stupid decisions that all characters make its so Walking Dead style its ridiculous how many 10 out of 10 it got
She’s a healthy girl for sure, very easy on the eyes. Love it.Dina is low-key thicc
Difference with vault is it’s used contextually, just like squeezing through tight spaces. Jump is always there, contextual or not.Yeah I see your point in the sense that jump isn't used that frequently. Vault is also on X though and that is maybe used a bit more frequently? Some of the chase sequences wouldn't have worked as well without the vault mechanic and I do vault up onto things quite frequently when exploring the levels.
Also, to quick toss a brick it's really just down on the dpad (to quickly select it) and then R2 to quickly throw it, so it is pretty quick and easy to pull off when you're in a pinch.
Dude... You're literally slating the sequel because it doesn't match up with your own headcanon of how you think the first one went down. You've been shown that actual quotes said to Joel but can't actually point to any moment where Joel says what you think he was *really thinking*.
You're letting fan theories tar your opinion but you're ignoring what the actual game said...
He's worrying about what he did though. If you, even potentially had the chance of saving humanity but you chose a selfish action, you would probably do the same thing.
It's not about the truth of the story, which is that it was a desperate, messy act that probably would have had little consequence for humanity either way --- but what the years of thinking about that have done to him. Remember Joel and Ellie aren't exactly getting along at the beginning of part 2, so he's weighing whether or not it was all worth it.
That sort of thing happens to people a lot when they make a crucial decision. They begin to resent making it and start fantasizing about what could have been.