Never had. Maybe disc problem or console overheating or smt.
It's a new 5tb HDD, I'm more inclined to think it the issue since it was fine till I moved it to it
Never had. Maybe disc problem or console overheating or smt.
Yh could be . Im on oem hdd and digital version no probs.It's a new 5tb HDD, I'm more inclined to think it the issue since it was fine till I moved it to it
I mean, you can cling religiously to your headcanon, I'm afraid you're still very wrong. The fact that you're convinced Joel was under the impression the cure was pretty much a lie, but at no point ever expressed it to Marlene, like for instance in the carpark of the hospital as a pretty fucking good reason for them not to kill Ellie when Marlene is bargaining with him really shows how your logic falls apart. At no point in the game does Joel hesitate to argue a point, he does it was Tess, he does it with Ellie. Guy is pretty fucking shouty when he's pissed and he's pretty pissed at the Fireflies. The idea that Joel thinks the cure is a fantasy and whe he's got Marlene in front of him saying that he needs to hand over Ellie to die for this cure he doesn't throw that in her face is just dumb.
You're also just ignoring the biggest part of this, and I know you're well aboard the "HUH DUH CUCKMANN BAD" train, but the guy wrote both games. The fact the author sees it as being the same as many others in this thread saying you're wrong really puts you on shaky ground.
Even if the cure wasn't possible due to the ineptitude of the Fireflies, the duality of Joel's actions were always hinted at. Joel feels guilt about it until the end and we even have a long walk after Ellie decides that she wants to do it. Because for her, all the killing and her surviving needs to mean something. The ending it's even a punctuation about the fact that both Ellie and Joel know what has been sacrificed, even if not out loud. Joel arguments that, whatever you do and whatever happens, you just have to keep living. That's what Joel learns and tries to transmit Ellie.I'm tired, but am I misunderstanding you?
Part of the point why people are mad is because in TLOU1 Joel finds diary pages or audio logs in the hospital to say that there were other immune people, they were operated on, and the dipshit fireflies couldn't manufactor a cure from it. Not to mention that the fireflies were getting wiped out by us military and running super low on weapons and food anyway. With no guarantee of a cure, and more historical evidence pointing away from it, it'd be sacrificing Ellie for nothing, so he saved her. Of course he did, that's the logical thing to do even before you start adding-in the losing Sarah factor.
Then TLOU2 comes along and tries to paint Joel as a bad man who regrets his choice. Completely pulls that out of its own ass to rewrite the first game. No thanks, Neil.
She’s a healthy girl for sure, very easy on the eyes. Love it.
Difference with vault is it’s used contextually, just like squeezing through tight spaces. Jump is always there, contextual or not.
I’m just finding a need for quick brick/bottle button (or being able to assign Molotovs/grenades/traps to it) far more than I am needing to jump whenever I want. Engagements are always under pressure and wasted time is punished severely. It may seem like throwables are quick to select and use, and they are, but when turning a corner and coming face to face with an unexpected enemy, the extra one to two seconds it takes to select and toss them is enough to take a shot, if not two.
Even if the cure wasn't possible due to the ineptitude of the Fireflies, the duality of Joel's actions were always hinted at. Joel feels guilt about it until the end and we even have a long walk after Ellie decides that she wants to do it. Because for her, all the killing and her surviving needs to mean something. The ending it's even a punctuation about the fact that both Ellie and Joel know what has been sacrificed, even if not out loud. Joel arguments that, whatever you do and whatever happens, you just have to keep living. That's what Joel learns and tries to transmit Ellie.
Joel might not be a monster in everyone eyes, but Joel it's a monster in his own eyes, he sees himself as a monster.
Then TLOU2 comes along and tries to paint Joel as a bad man who regrets his choice. Completely pulls that out of its own ass to rewrite the first game. No thanks, Neil.
You can?I just found out that you can sort of add a bullet time option to the game. The verdict is out on the story for me but the gameplay is superb.
Did anyone listen to the Vice Waypoint podcast review on this game?
It seems the review bombing seems to be from hearing the leaks and assuming the game has some sjw agenda? To those people, seriously fuck you. I hate extreme leftist shit as much as anyone with a brain but this game does NOT pander to that.
maybe you need to play TLoU1 again, the whole final chapter it's about Ellie's and Joel guilt.I don't believe Joel to view himself as a monster in TLOU1 at all. Not until TLOU2 hits, with its attempts to retcon the first game. Ellie, Joel and Tommy all act like different characters in TLOU2 anyway, compared with their TLOU1 counterparts.
Another thing to note about Ellie being up for the surgery... Not once does Ellie have the slightest inclination that 1. The surgery will kill her. 2. There's been other attempts before her. Had the fireflies given her this information and not rushed to prep an unconscious girl into fatal surgery, I'm sure a 14 year old girl would have at least had some 2nd thoughts.
Why there's Hiragana on my game?
I'm tired, but am I misunderstanding you?
Part of the point why people are mad is because in TLOU1 Joel finds diary pages or audio logs in the hospital to say that there were other immune people, they were operated on, and the dipshit fireflies couldn't manufactor a cure from it. Not to mention that the fireflies were getting wiped out by us military and running super low on weapons and food anyway. With no guarantee of a cure, and more historical evidence pointing away from it, it'd be sacrificing Ellie for nothing, so he saved her. Of course he did, that's the logical thing to do even before you start adding-in the losing Sarah factor.
Then TLOU2 comes along and tries to paint Joel as a bad man who regrets his choice. Completely pulls that out of its own ass to rewrite the first game. No thanks, Neil.
No. This is a really strange misunderstanding people have about the game. The surgeon's recording outright says that he's never seen anything like Ellie's case.Part of the point why people are mad is because in TLOU1 Joel finds diary pages or audio logs in the hospital to say that there were other immune people, they were operated on, and the dipshit fireflies couldn't manufactor a cure from it.
This part: "As we've seen in all past cases, the antigenic titers of the patient's Cordyceps remain high in both the serum and the cerebrospinal fluid." is referring to normal infected because in infected Cordyceps remains high in both the serum and the cerebrospinal fluid! That's literally it, there are no "others", Ellie is the first, 'like nothing he's ever seen'. It's worth pointing out that this recording tells us everything we need to know about Ellie, like the fact she isn't actually immune and why they're willing to kill her.April 28th. Marlene was right. The girl's infection is like nothing I've ever seen. The cause of her immunity is uncertain. As we've seen in all past cases, the antigenic titers of the patient's Cordyceps remain high in both the serum and the cerebrospinal fluid. Blood cultures taken from the patient rapidly grow Cordyceps in fungal-media in the lab... however white blood cell lines, including percentages and absolute-counts, are completely normal. There is no elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and an MRI of the brain shows no evidence of fungal-growth in the limbic regions, which would normally accompany the prodrome of aggression in infected patients.
We must find a way to replicate this state under laboratory conditions. We're about to hit a milestone in human history equal to the discovery of penicillin. After years of wandering in circles, we're about to come home, make a difference, and bring the human race back into control of its own destiny. All of our sacrifices and the hundreds of men and women who've bled for this cause, or worse, will not be in vain.
I honestly thought that the intention of making Ellie calling it bigot sandwiches and not accepting the apology it's just to show us how much she can hold gripes. We are told basically by the other characters that the mature thing to do it's to let it go since the old man is making a gesture making Ellie look immature. Cringy no doubt tho.I've just started the game and I am enjoying it. It looks amazing and plays smoothly. There is a bit of a jarring problem though - the dialogue can get really cringeworthy. A couple of early examples - the "I don't want to talk to that bigot" and "bigot sandwich" lines - they are a condescending way of the game telling you how to feel about a character instead of allowing the character to display it themselves. Oh and the eyeroll inducing "wanna fuck em up?" line Dina delivers before a snowball fight with kids. Really lame edgy line.
I am hoping as things ramp up this goes away. It doesn't match up with the writing or tone of the first game.
Yeah. The way they act in 2 is weird. And they try to make bad guys look good but they are still monsters.... Looks like very forced "everyone is good guy" from their perspective.., which sucks. And the weed had me cringing hard. The big nose is this dumb but Ellie? I don't believe it. They try to make it good guys into monsters which but they still have good reasons... And are clearly goodI don't believe Joel to view himself as a monster in TLOU1 at all. Not until TLOU2 hits, with its attempts to retcon the first game. Ellie, Joel and Tommy all act like different characters in TLOU2 anyway, compared with their TLOU1 counterparts.
Another thing to note about Ellie being up for the surgery... Not once does Ellie have the slightest inclination that 1. The surgery will kill her. 2. There's been other attempts before her. Had the fireflies given her this information and not rushed to prep an unconscious girl into fatal surgery, I'm sure a 14 year old girl would have at least had some 2nd thoughts.
Yeah, that makes sense and to be fair I think the only cringy dialogue I've heard so far has been from Ellie/Dina which tells me it's more about writers as usual not knowing how to write teenagers/young people without trying too hard.I honestly thought that the intention of making Ellie calling it bigot sandwiches and not accepting the apology it's just to show us how much she can hold gripes. We are told basically by the other characters that the mature thing to do it's to let it go since the old man is making a gesture making Ellie look immature. Cringy no doubt tho.
lol Druckmann just outright calling people out on their retarded shit:
Yeah, the apparent "self insert" is actually modeled by a real person just like nearly every other character in the game. Who could have foreseen this?! People are fucking dumb.
Yeah, it's really odd, he looks really different in Narcos than he does in real life:He's the same guy who played Chapo? damn, with the beard and all, did not recognize him.
This literally straight up doesn't exist. It's crazy how many people I've heard say that, yet it's a lie. And no, he doesn't regret it, play the fucking game please.I'm tired, but am I misunderstanding you?
Part of the point why people are mad is because in TLOU1 Joel finds diary pages or audio logs in the hospital to say that there were other immune people, they were operated on, and the dipshit fireflies couldn't manufactor a cure from it. Not to mention that the fireflies were getting wiped out by us military and running super low on weapons and food anyway. With no guarantee of a cure, and more historical evidence pointing away from it, it'd be sacrificing Ellie for nothing, so he saved her. Of course he did, that's the logical thing to do even before you start adding-in the losing Sarah factor.
Then TLOU2 comes along and tries to paint Joel as a bad man who regrets his choice. Completely pulls that out of its own ass to rewrite the first game. No thanks, Neil.
There's one big area in the game, but not as as big as the "open world" map from Uncharted Lost Legacy. In most levels you mostly explore single buildings encountered along the way and even the ones with some environmental puzzles don't take longer than a few minutes for you to loot them. Personally I didn't find this to be a chore. In fact I enjoyed searching for loot and collectibles.I have a feeling this one is gonna outstay its welcome. Looting these big areas gets to be a real chore
Are you Shadow the hedgehog?When the whole industry is killing it self with woke themes
One man took upon him self to write realistic LGBT women character and u people hating it!
Ellie is Just a sad, violent, disturbing cunt, the way we all know lesbians are.
Thank you Druckman for standing on a side of the truth!
I mean....for women like that in real lofe are they sjw...?
Yeah that small forest area after the prologue is breathtaking!Some of the graphics in this game are beyond anything I've seen before.
You can really tell the game has been in development for a very long time as the details are outrageous.
I think the trees, plants and green stuff are head and shoulders above any game I've seen.
I wasn't planning on buying a ps5 till god of war 2 comes out but if they announced this is getting an update or a remastered then I'll have to just do I can be blown away by the graphics even more.
I honestly thought that the intention of making Ellie calling it bigot sandwiches and not accepting the apology it's just to show us how much she can hold gripes. We are told basically by the other characters that the mature thing to do it's to let it go since the old man is making a gesture making Ellie look immature. Cringy no doubt tho.
How many women realistically look like that in real life? Maybe a few body builders and that's about it. There's no women even close to that level of henchness in my gym and we have 100s of members.
Imagine how difficult it would be to get that big or maintain in a post apocalyptic world. Has she got a private gym set up somewhere? Is she eating 5 dears a day?
Clearly a pro-trans message and an attempt to blur men and women's physique.
You're breathtaking!Yeah that small forest area after the prologue is breathtaking!
Being able to see people through walls: I sleep
Women with muscles: REAL SHIT
Survivor in this is more bearable because you can actually stealth kill all clickers now whereas you needed shivs in the first game. Though the animation is made crazy slow on purpose so you have to think about when you're going to do it. Human enemies are crack shots, though.Playing this on normal when I've done Grounded already in 1 is probably a mistake.
I was liking it before, I'm loving it now.
I'll enjoy a grounded play through even more. The actual combat is the most cinematic of any game I've ever played. Everything feels so dynamic and realistic.
Good AI is actually this games best feature (yes I'm sure it trips up occasionally but damn).