I never really know what to answer to that, as I like a whole bunch of stuff, actually, believe it or not! Plus, I generally find myself unable to grade these things. Depends on the mood of the moment, really.
Just off the top of my head / my recently viewed threads, and since we recently talked about character arcs and I think the term actually fits in that instance, I'm enjoying Better Call Saul quite a bit.
I didn't quite say that. The problem is that the show did show us that she had kids, that she had recently re-married, that she had a new life in Jarden, and did nothing to show us that she was at the end of her rope until, well, she killed herself this week. That's a bit of a problem. Kind of a hard sell, if you will, storytelling-wise.
Well, she seemed to be doing okay until this week, at least...
Also, as I've already mentioned, I have a problem with this idea the show keeps pushing, that those people are entirely unequipped to deal with the seeming randomness of the Departure or the fact they don't know if their loved ones are still "out there" or not. That lack of closure isn't something exclusive to that fictional world, it really isn't anything new. We've had senseless deaths and missing persons for quite some time, now. Not that everybody manages to get over something like that, naturally, but the show makes it seem absolutely impossible: "we're all gone", "we're all broken", etc.
It's even weirder to see the show try and sell the idea that people would massively gravitate toward nihilism (even the kind that makes you dress all in white, write everything down and play cruel pranks on people) when there is something new about the Departure. We're not talking about a bunch of people getting randomly zapped by cosmic rays. Since only human beings departed (no other living creature, animal or even primate) and they, amazingly enough, did so with their clothes (yet not their baby seat nor anything else they were in contact with, judging from the first episode of the show), one has to assume it was caused by something intelligent that cares about mankind specifically. That's a pretty big fucking deal that should seriously embolden religious people (sure, we don't know why those were picked over others, but gods "work in mysterious ways", don't they?) and wreak havoc among atheists... but nope, nihilism it is, "nothing matters anymore, waaah". What the...?
I never really know what to answer to that, as I like a whole bunch of stuff, actually, believe it or not! Plus, I generally find myself unable to grade these things. Depends on the mood of the moment, really.
Just off the top of my head / my recently viewed threads, and since we recently talked about character arcs and I think the term actually fits in that instance, I'm enjoying Better Call Saul quite a bit.
I even felt bad for that guy on the boat. No, I'm not convinced that's the best suicide method, Nora. That seems about as "good" as jumping in front of a train. Could be an accident, definitely will fuck with the driver.
True, I was thinking of her situation as of season 3, specifically.Laurie hasn't shown many indications of being "okay" since the series began.
But that only began last week, and it merely looked like she felt Kevin was in trouble and she could help, then. She didn't seem particularly disoriented or distressed. In fact, the show appeared to play on that by making her the odd one in that group: annoyingly reasonable and well-adjusted, considering what the others' "mission" was in the first place.She did seem like she was sort of alright in the season 3 premiere, but that quickly fell apart when people started going Australia and hatching Neo Jesus plots.
Damn. That would certainly make science fiction really easy to write, but I completely disagree. Speculation can be more or less well thought-out. And in the case of The Leftovers, I think they seriously dropped the ball.If the departure happened in real life, everyone would go ballistic and there is no way to predict what would happen. One guess is as good as any other.
... I'm pretty sure it's just supposed to be humans, but you're making me doubt, with that chicken!Also, it wasn't just humans, if you believe Kevin Sr's story about the chicken(I actually don't remember if other animals were mentioned anywhere else in the series so I'm not trying to start a serious argument about that, but if you remember then feel free to correct me)
I don't know how this will end, but I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus literally comes down. Lindelof sure does love him some Christian theology and references galore.
Kevin is Jesus.
That doesn't make me feel sympathy. It makes me feel like she's selfish.
Dat phone call at the end with her Children did not make it a good note to go out on. It was a reminder that she's leaving people behind and that her possible death was wholly selfish.
Like I get she was trying to fill her life with things to make it worthwhile, but she was looking in the wrong places. Her Kids were there the whole time.
That doesn't make me feel sympathy. It makes me feel like she's selfish.
The world had changed into something that no longer made any sense to Laurie. She didn't know how to function in it. You could see this in the opening scene, soon after the departure. She had no idea what to tell her patient. Her impulse to kill herself has been there since that scene, but she kept trying to do things to recontextualize her world so that it might make sense again. Join the GR. Help people get out of the GR once she realized they were a bunch of looneys. Try and help people grieve. Be a rational mind to defuse all the irrational insanity going on around her.
Ultimately none of it worked. After all that, the world didn't make any more sense to her than it had at the beginning, and in fact had only grown more foreign and incomprehensible (the craziness with the 7 year anniversary).
She reached a point where she couldn't take it anymore, so she just let go and gave up.
The Most Powerful Man in the World (and His Identical Twin Brother)
Kevin's mission of mercy finds him assuming an alternate identity.
Can you carry a memo pad to the otherside?Kevin is going to be busy when he dies. Gotta learn the song, gotta give the message to Evie, gotta...Laurie? What are you doing here???
The penultimate episode airs tonight!
Man... This show... It's in serious conversation among the GOATs for me. Gotta see how these last two episodes go before I make any more declarations about its status, but I have faith the ending will be nailed.
After last episode what television station was airing Today's Special in the late 90's? That show was an awful Pinwheel clone.
Tonight's episode is directed by the gentleman who brought us International Assassin. No pressure!
1st season song, so awesome!
I would have thought that they'd use it for the final episode but I guess not.
Makes me wonder what the last episode intro song will be
1st season song, so awesome!
I would have thought that they'd use it for the final episode but I guess not.
Makes me wonder what the last episode intro song will be
Lmao @ the thud that happens when Kevin puts his dick on the machine 🤣
This moment has been culminating since his jogging dick print