The Leftovers S3 |OT| The End Is Near - Premieres Sunday 4/16, 9pm on HBO

So, was looking through some reddit stuff...

Apparently there was a women talking about doing a heart transplant in International Assassin

And then when Kevin is being brought down to kill Patti

Another powerful, fascinating episode of The Leftovers. Can't wait to see how the series finale unfolds next week.

The shot of Kevin and Patty holding hands as the other world got nuked was beautiful.

Loved the line about how the GR ended the no talking and smoking traditions because they were stupid.

Kevin Sr. being miffed because Kevin started the whole drowning process without them.


There's gonna be so many unanswered questions like the deer, wild dogs, personal purgatory, and other stuff. But I'm completely fine with that.
That was amazing in every possible way. Holy shitballs. The return of the season 1 credits and then Ann Dowd & Liv Tyler's names among the cast. You just knew it was gonna be a good 'un after that.

When the "hotel" ba-buuuuum music kicked in I think I got giddy.

In a way, I wish we never saw the flashforward of Nora or whatever that was back in 301 'cos we now know that they don't end up together, right? Unless they're pulling a fast one on us (which is VERY possible). I'm also glad they restrained from having Laurie show up in the other place. Their goodbye last week was so perfect, I didn't want them to ruin it. I presume we've seen the last of her, but I'm sure she'll be mentioned in the finale.

The sound effect of Kevin's schlong hitting that sensor lol They had a fun time in the foley room for that I'd say. They've now had a joke about the size of his package in all three seasons.

I have absolutely no idea where the show is going for it's last hurrah but I have no doubt it's going to be riveting television and emotionally draining.

What's up with Regina King only having one single scene this whole season? :( That's probably the only disappointing thing about it. Seems odd to make her a regular and then have her film 5 minutes total all season. Jill & Tom only having cameo parts I can understand since their stories were pretty much told, although I hope they both turn up next week.


Neo Member
In a way, I wish we never saw the flashforward of Nora or whatever that was back in 301 'cos we now know that they don't end up together, right? Unless they're pulling a fast one on us (which is VERY possible).

I do not think we know for sure they do not end up together, maybe they just needed to change their names because the story of Kevin and his resurrections gained popularity for example. I expect we will see them together in the end in some form or another (in this life or another), similar to how season 1 and 2 ended, but maybe it is Nora who is coming "home" this time.

What's up with Regina King only having one single scene this whole season? :( That's probably the only disappointing thing about it. Seems odd to make her a regular and then have her film 5 minutes total all season. Jill & Tom only having cameo parts I can understand since their stories were pretty much told, although I hope they both turn up next week.

I believe it was mentioned in an interview that Regina King was only available for 1 scene because she was filming American Crime, unfortunately.
So, I didn't get this. What did any of the President/assassin segment mean in the end?

As Justin tried to explain in his post-ep Hollywood Reporter interview:

I think he killed the Kevin that's in his real life, the Kevin that's constantly running away and slamming doors on Nora, and trying or teasing to go to the other side by putting plastic bags on his head — whatever that is. He's literally cutting out his own dysfunction, and basically owning his shit for the first time, in a way.

Basically he always tried to run away from his problems, whether it was avoiding the guilt of still being here while the departed weren't, or avoiding fixing a relationship he could have saved with a person he loved a lot more than himself. He always had a way out. Now that he nuked his afterlife, there's no other way out. The next time he dies will be the last, and he's accepted that.

"We fucked up with Nora" are assassin-him's last words to President-him, and now the question is will he be able to fix it in the Nora-themed finale? I wouldn't say "go in expecting a happy ending"
Tom is somehow still a main cast member despite only appearing in maybe three episodes this season

He was just in the first two, actually. Jill was only in the first episode. They both were heard last week on the phone to Laurie, though. Mary is a main cast member too despite barely featuring this season.

The whole thing is very odd. I guess they signed on for 3 seasons and the creators then decided they didn't need them but when you have a contract signed you have to have your name in the opening credits no matter what.


Hmm, interesting. I've been thinking. They sure can write great and well-rounded characters. But they haven't yet convinced me if they can work around the big mystery of the entire show, namely the departure and what it all means. Building a character drama always works out if you play with the tropes properly, but with a show like this that BEGAN with several millions of people just vanishing, there's a good chance the finale will not satisfy people. We've gotten Garvey and his arc, and the payoff was sweet. Now it's time to see what more there is to the show and if they can make things more interesting, even if we just have one more episode to go.

I want them to transcend and give me a WILD fucking finale that I'll remember for years.


Neo Member
But they haven't yet convinced me if they can work around the big mystery of the entire show, namely the departure and what it all means.

The entire focus of the series has been on the repercussions – grief, coping, moving on. The show has never been about why or how they disappeared, it's just what happens in the aftermath. At every opportunity where they've covered this, they have deliberately shown flawed humans making up answers, opportunists using the situation, people's faith being tested, etc.

Since the beginning of the show, both in the episodes and in Lindelof's statements, it has been a story about the people left behind, not the people taken. I would not get your hopes up. I think they've been pretty clear on this to avoid such disappointment.
Hmm, interesting. I've been thinking. They sure can write great and well-rounded characters. But they haven't yet convinced me if they can work around the big mystery of the entire show, namely the departure and what it all means. Building a character drama always works out if you play with the tropes properly, but with a show like this that BEGAN with several millions of people just vanishing, there's a good chance the finale will not satisfy people. We've gotten Garvey and his arc, and the payoff was sweet. Now it's time to see what more there is to the show and if they can make things more interesting, even if we just have one more episode to go.

I want them to transcend and give me a WILD fucking finale that I'll remember for years.

Don't hold your breath. The Departure was just a plot device to tell a story about loss. They were never going to explain it.
Hmm, interesting. I've been thinking. They sure can write great and well-rounded characters. But they haven't yet convinced me if they can work around the big mystery of the entire show, namely the departure and what it all means. Building a character drama always works out if you play with the tropes properly, but with a show like this that BEGAN with several millions of people just vanishing, there's a good chance the finale will not satisfy people. We've gotten Garvey and his arc, and the payoff was sweet. Now it's time to see what more there is to the show and if they can make things more interesting, even if we just have one more episode to go.

I want them to transcend and give me a WILD fucking finale that I'll remember for years.

How they went, where they went to, or if/when they're ever coming back doesn't matter. All this show ever wanted to explore was the reactions, the aftermath of such a situation. And they're not doing a spinoff to explain it either.


I wonder who the Chief of Staff on the phone was, since everyone in the "other" world was directly related to Kevin in the real world.
Does it even matter? On top of the complete lack of any semblance of logic or stake, absolutely none of that shit told us anything about those characters anyway.
All there was was that bit at the very end, where Kevin, in order to get out of this awful episode, had to realize that -surprise!- he was a dick to Nora. Just in time for the end of the season. Good thing it's also the end of the show, or you just know that epiphany would have once again been ignored right away in season 4.


Does it even matter? On top of the complete lack of any semblance of logic or stake, absolutely none of that shit told us anything about those characters anyway.
All there was was that bit at the very end, where Kevin, in order to get out of this awful episode, had to realize that -surprise!- he was a dick to Nora. Just in time for the end of the season. Good thing it's also the end of the show, or you just know that epiphany would have once again been ignored right away in season 4.

Not exactly looking for an explanation, but I want them to include that setup in the finale and work around that just as much as they've worked on the characterizations (which have been top-notch).


Guys, Laurie wasn't there because she wasn't dead yet. Kevin started this right after she left and everyone was still drugged. Laurie goes scuba diving the next day, after Kevin has already finished.


Neo Member
Guys, Laurie wasn't there because she wasn't dead yet. Kevin started this right after she left and everyone was still drugged. Laurie goes scuba diving the next day, after Kevin has already finished.

I think Laurie was dead the second time he was drowned because when John and Michael were dragging Kevin to the house from the pond they were running through the storm that was still coming at the time Laurie went scuba diving. Maybe Laurie was even dead the first time since we do not see Kevin go to the other place before everyone woke up, presumably the next day.


Neo Member
I don't think so - he didn't know that the the grandfather from s2 was dead when he showed up in the hotel, if I remember correctly.

If I remember it correctly, Virgil said he was going to guide Kevin in the other place, so maybe Kevin did not need to know he was dead.


Junior Member
Another powerful, fascinating episode of The Leftovers. Can't wait to see how the series finale unfolds next week.

The shot of Kevin and Patty holding hands as the other world got nuked was beautiful.

Loved the line about how the GR ended the no talking and smoking traditions because they were stupid.

Kevin Sr. being miffed because Kevin started the whole drowning process without them.

Well tbf without someone around to get him out of the water he was pretty much just offing himself (which is actually what he was trying to do imo and was spoiled by his father, and he then realized ok maybe there is something to this as I'm an assassin again and this shit is trippy so I'm cool with them pulling me out now).


Junior Member
Guys, Laurie wasn't there because she wasn't dead yet. Kevin started this right after she left and everyone was still drugged. Laurie goes scuba diving the next day, after Kevin has already finished.

We also don't know for sure Laurie is dead. Possible she comes up before the boat takes off.


Junior Member
It is possible that Kevin saw pictures of David Burton and Christopher Sunday on the news or in a newspaper for example.

Pretty unlikely he would have seen Sunday in a newspaper, as he wasn't actually the PM of Australia. Maybe his dad managed to get a picture though.

Either way Laurie not being there doesn't really have any relevance as he wasn't looking for her. Could all be in his head, or not. I mean ultimately it is all in his head regardless, it's just a question of if this alternate reality exists for anyone else or just him. All the strange shit happening and reflections and identical twin brothers and comical biometrics suggests to me it is all just in his head.

Doesn't​ change the fact he rose from the dead, again, though.


This is actually a very good point. First rule of TV: if you don't see them die on screen they're not dead.
I don't know that that rule applies when it's wrapping up someone's storyline 2 episodes before the last episode of the series that the showrunners know is coming. Seemed pretty final to me, but this show has gotten me before.
Guys, this show has supernatural elements. Kevin isn't going into fever dreams, he was dead and in the ground for hours when he first died in International Assassin.

It would be more absurd if Kevin wasn't actually going to this afterlife, and he was simply hallucinating multiple times and somehow managing not to actually die every time he attempts suicide.


"We fucked up with Nora" are assassin-him's last words to President-him, and now the question is will he be able to fix it in the Nora-themed finale? I wouldn't say "go in expecting a happy ending"

Well we've already seen a flash-forward that seems to answer that question definitively.


semen stains the mountaintops
I know we will never know but I do wish they would give us some details on what the fuck nuking the afterlife means. Does it destroy Kevin's afterlife and thus can never go back or did he, like, destroy EVERYONE'S afterlife? Cus the latter would be pretty shitty.


Neo Member
I know we will never know but I do wish they would give us some details on what the fuck nuking the afterlife means. Does it destroy Kevin's afterlife and thus can never go back or did he, like, destroy EVERYONE'S afterlife? Cus the latter would be pretty shitty.

I interpreted it to mean that he basically nuked his desire to ever return to that place and could move on and focus on trying to get back with Nora. It also felt to me more like a purgatory kind of place than the "final" afterlife, if you believe that its not all in his head.
I know we will never know but I do wish they would give us some details on what the fuck nuking the afterlife means. Does it destroy Kevin's afterlife and thus can never go back or did he, like, destroy EVERYONE'S afterlife? Cus the latter would be pretty shitty.

When he killed Patty in the afterlife she found peace. I assumed everyone in that purgatory-like place had something keeping him there. By nuking that world, he let everyone find peace. That's how I took it.


This is pure, baseless speculation, but I've had this feeling since we learned about it in the show that somehow Kevin might wind up getting zapped into the departed by the machine instead of Nora. Looking forward to next week... this season hasn't been the gripping affair S2 was but it's been pretty captivating nevertheless.

(BTW, bringing up the Laurie point, I halfway wrote a post about it earlier and then discarded it, but ultimately I do think part of the reason she wasn't there is because the show is trying to maintain that ambiguity, letting watchers decide what is real and what is not -- and I say that as someone who's been all in on the notion of the supernatural for quite some time)
Man what an episode. I caught up today after last weeks' Twin Peaks return extravaganza but after seeing the new episode I'm gonna be sad this show will be over :(


Whats crazy is i feel like this episode was literally the big showdown. They really didnt quite have the budget to live up to their ambitions. Like, they literally stopped the great flood and saved the world and the final episode is gonna be an epilogue wrap-up. Damn shame. First 2 seasons did a damn fine job hyping this up and they are kind of salvaging what they can now.
You're COMPLETELY missing the point of this show. There wasn't ever going to be a flood.


👏🏼We👏🏼 need👏🏼 to👏🏼 talk 👏🏼about 👏🏼 Kevin's 👏🏼
Guys, this show has supernatural elements. Kevin isn't going into fever dreams, he was dead and in the ground for hours when he first died in International Assassin.

It would be more absurd if Kevin wasn't actually going to this afterlife, and he was simply hallucinating multiple times and somehow managing not to actually die every time he attempts suicide.

I'm going to be very disappointed if the supernatural elements are completely glossed over. If Kevin dying time and time again is only a metaphor for grief and not something more tangible I think it will be a huge miss.
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