That was amazing in every possible way. Holy shitballs. The return of the season 1 credits and then Ann Dowd & Liv Tyler's names among the cast. You just knew it was gonna be a good 'un after that.
When the "hotel" ba-buuuuum music kicked in I think I got giddy.
In a way, I wish we never saw the flashforward of Nora or whatever that was back in 301 'cos we now know that they don't end up together, right? Unless they're pulling a fast one on us (which is VERY possible). I'm also glad they restrained from having Laurie show up in the other place. Their goodbye last week was so perfect, I didn't want them to ruin it. I presume we've seen the last of her, but I'm sure she'll be mentioned in the finale.
The sound effect of Kevin's schlong hitting that sensor lol They had a fun time in the foley room for that I'd say. They've now had a joke about the size of his package in all three seasons.
I have absolutely no idea where the show is going for it's last hurrah but I have no doubt it's going to be riveting television and emotionally draining.
What's up with Regina King only having one single scene this whole season?

That's probably the only disappointing thing about it. Seems odd to make her a regular and then have her film 5 minutes total all season. Jill & Tom only having cameo parts I can understand since their stories were pretty much told, although I hope they both turn up next week.