Criticisms are either valid or they're not. The main thing you've proven is that you have an unhealthy amount of free time on your hands.Yeah, when you mention it, reads very much like this thread.![]()
Criticisms are either valid or they're not. The main thing you've proven is that you have an unhealthy amount of free time on your hands.Yeah, when you mention it, reads very much like this thread.![]()
Something I came across... A Tolkien professor... Interesting commentary about Disa at 20:18...
The Hobbit Trilogy is very much The Prequels of the Lord of the Rings world. Nowhere near as poor quality, but the same 'not as good as the originals, but still faithful, authentic, and capturing the main feeling of the world'.What I've seen so far doesn't impress me. The opposite even, it disappoints me.
Seems like yet another overly clean random fantasy world. Peter Jackson tried capturing magic in a bottle, and succeeded as he respected the craft and tried understanding it.
Many don't like The Hobbit trilogy and while it is true that parts of it come across as more-hollywood-esque, I'm still very happy with them and am content with what they offer.
It was still yet another visit in Middle-earth, even if it was akin to your annoying aunt doing mean remarks occasionally at your otherwise joyful family gathering.
This... seems wholly different, and not the "second age" different that is wanted. It's more like the basement of your abusive dad that keeps all your destroyed toys from when you were a child in there.
It's The Guardian. They can't see beyond their own and must project it."In fact, despite its array of wizards, magic objects, warring races and deep wells of mythology, The Lord of the Rings is a decidedly non-threatening tale: fundamentally a comforting story of middle-class heroes of multiple races who triumph over enormous odds to save their way of life by working together against a common foe. "
...middle-class heroes?
Something I came across... A Tolkien professor... Interesting commentary about Disa at 20:18...
JFC, get a life.Enjoy:
I combed through 20 pages of forum discussion in 2001 of Tolkien fans criticizing Peter Jackson and his LoTR movie before it was even released. They were basing their criticism on the teasers, promos, leaks, interviews, etc. It's striking (yet not entirely unexpected in hindsight) how similar some of those complaints were to what we've been seeing in the past few days. For the vast majority of the complaints/concerns people have expressed regarding the new RoP show, you can almost find a near perfect match in that 2001 thread. It doesn't necessarily mean those concerns aren't valid, but it helps to take a step back and gain a "historical" perspective.
In this post, I will show many of the issues fans had with PJ and his movie (before anyone watched it) and I've grouped them into several categories. I will give you both the actual quote (sometimes shortened) and a link to that specific comment in that 2001 thread. Of course, these are just comments from one thread on the internet so don't take them too seriously. The main purpose of this post is to remind people that the show is still months away and we still know very little about it and that a bit more patience, optimism, and open-mindedness would be healthy for ourselves, the fandom, and the show and its cast and staff. Also, these 2001 complaints are just so hilarious that no matter what you think about the new show, we can probably all have a good laugh together.
Just to clarify, obviously I've picked some of the most ridiculous ones in that thread, but the vast majority of the comments in that thread were very negative. In a few places I've also added some context or my own short comment in Italic.
Now enjoy (get comfortable, cause it's very long):
Insulting Peter Jackson:
- I have come to the conclusion that he is probably not a good director // Reminder that this was one month before the movie release
- I know that Peter what-his-name may have cinematic license, but DID THIS DUDE EVER READ THE BOOKS!
- Jackson is taking ludicrous and unecessary liberties with the movie! I must cry out WHY? WHY? WHY? Why not leave things as they are?????
- Tolkien created an extremely detailed and consistent universe; for the bastard peter jackson to disrespect it is unconsciounable
- From the many quotes I've seen from PJ and actors, they have a pretty warped idea of "lover of the books" and "staying true to the story". What a load of two-sided, speaking out of both sides of the mouth, drivel!
- They're spouting lies the whole time. I mean, listen to Sean Astin's quote! He obviously hasn't read the books himself, so apparently Mr. Jackson has been lying to his own cast as well.
- To feel better about him/herself, the director simply looks for something to change. Watch a housewife, sorry ladies, try to decide how to decorate a room and you get my drift.
- The writer [Tolkien] needs to get mean and face up to the child-like director and marketing freaks. // If that had happened, Tolkien would be known as Tolkien the White
- PJ appears to feel his changes are insignificant and shouldn't trouble anyone. Sheesh... what an idiot!
- I feel he intends this as his legacy ....... and is milking it for every bit of publicity it's worth. I mean no-one had heard of him before this! ( how the hell did he manage to get to be the one to do it I wonder )!
- Hollywood screwed LOTR to high heaven, maybe PJ could be killed by a chaotic fan // They might have said that sarcastically though. Not sure.
- May the dreaded swan boat sail over your grave peter jackson and Glorfindel's white horse personaly pee on it // r/BrandNewSentence
Insulting the cast:
BTW, this is how Ian defended the movie and PJ (which the fan called BS): "The devotion to that man [Tolkien], I think, was equal to everyone's devotion to Peter Jackson. It was never, 'Ah good, we've got this storyline, let's see what we can do with it.'... When this film comes out, it will just say 'New Line [Cinema] presents The Lord of the Rings. It's not going to be 'A Film by Peter Jackson.' Now, wouldn't you think you'd earned the right, having brought this project to life, to have your name up there? The man you meet is the man we saw every day. He's only got one pair of shoes. He's always in shorts. He's always in the same shirt. He generates such enthusiasm just simply by being himself. He's not a star, but his knowledge is formidable. You can go to him and absolutely get your answer."
- Liv Tyler is every bit as guilty as Jackson. She volunteered to destroy the character for money. To her it was just another script. And she, rich as she is, decided she would take part in the blasphemy that is what has happened with her character. Any actor with a conscience should have turned that down when they considered the disappointment of fans.
- If he wanted Liv Tyler to be the action heroine.... cast her as Eowyn. I think that it is ironic that PJ cast her in the tame role of Arwen and casts a nobody as Eowyn.
- As for Christopher Lee...well..We are talking about a guy who was not beneath taking cheap roles in wretched Hammer Films productions of every incarnation of Dracula imaginable, so I can see where the money in his pocket was not else do you explain why he has said nothing about his character apparently being killed at Orthanc
- I think what you see in the cast list are people who... don't really have a career anymore but are willing to ignore the fact that they are prosituting themselves and Tolkien's writings so long as they get paid...(This is the ONLY thing I can use to describe Christopher Lee, who claims to re-read the books every year)
- We already know Ian McKellen's done a lousy job // Oh do you??
- What a bunch of BS. How anyone can listen to this guy any longer is unfathomable to me. // (Ian McKellen (Gandalf) defended PJ against fan criticism before the movies was even out, and this fan called it a bunch of BS)
- Jackson [has] ugly characters playing the beautiful ones... FoTR has Elrond's actor and Cate Blanchett.
- Doesn't Celborn look like an a number one WUSS!! Why couldn't they have picked someone with a little more presence.
Arwen shouldn't fight, ride a horse, or have many dialogues, or... kiss Aragorn?:
And a big shoutout to Liv Tyler (Arwen) who was harassed by fans who dubbed her XenArwen as in Xena Arwen because she did fighting in the movie, and then straight-up said in an interview that "If you don't want to see what another person does with the part, then don't go to the movies." I don't think many actors today have the courage to say that to fans.
- She's just supposed to be this little Elven-hottie that sits in the Hall of Fire & has next to no lines, and Aragorn marries her in the end. // Wow... just wow...
- in the book as others have stated already, she simply sits there looking pretty
- theArwen-warrior-spell-casting-witch-ifyouwanthimcomeandclaimhim-steroid wench REALLY REALLY BOTHERS ME!!!!!
- I think that by turning her into this warrior sorceress Mr. Jackson is twisting and cheapening her character
- And I'm not someone who always hates "political correctness." But this is different entirely.
- If the movie (I mean all three parts) was made to represent the book as closely as possible, as should have been, women would have had an incredibly small role in this film, and would have been nearly absent entirely... But political correctness (also known as BULLS**T) in Hollywood won't allow that.
- Lets make the characters more "exciting" and "politically correct", regardless of how Tolkien wanted it... Why don't we just make Lassie a cat. Down with PJ! // (He's referring to the movie/tv show about a dog called Lassie)
- the screenwriter is a woman, and as we all know middle earth is a very sexist planet, so in the interest of pleasing half of the audience of the movie a woman would need to be shown more often and as someone more important
- Arwen looks like a little girl pouting fit and have to have he[r] grammy come and console her
- not to mention they show Aragorn kissing Arwen, yep .
Gandalf looks weird/stupid:
- Gandalf grabbing Frodo and asking "IS IT SAFE?" like some crazy old man.
- Gandalf becomes a sputtering madman, "Is it here? Is it SAFE?!?".
- And Gandalf, sputtering like a senile old man?!
- Yeah right, Gandalf is a nutcase who is stupid enough to bump hid head in a house he visited many times.
- It sounds like Gandalf is a stooge; what does he do, fart when you pull his beard???
- He does seem a bit of a scaredy cat in the clips. Well if it's any consolation he will die before the end. You might be wishing for that bit to come quick though. // First time I've seen anyone hoping to see Gandalf die faster...
Elrond looks off:
- he's just as homely as he was on The Matrix!! Except he's supposed to be beautiful as Elrond!! What happened??
- I can't look at Elrond without hearing him say "How are you going to speak Mr. Anderson, when you mouth?"
Galadriel is ugly:
- Galadriel isn't nearly beautifull enough
- Cate Blanchett?? Don't ask me from what gene pool PJ picked his elves from...
Lurtz (the Uruk Hai that killed Boromir) isn't in the books so shouldn't exist:
BTW this was mentioned at least 20-30 times in that thread. But it's pretty repetitive so I didn't include more.
- And this Lurtz dude, what is with adding him in? I'm not sure if he is actually purple/blue, but in a couple pics I have seen he is purple/blue... He kind of reminds me of... Barney the purple dinosaur *shudders* in a way. // New meme: Boromir killed by Barney the purple dinosaur
- I'd say it Lurtz. And, I don't think it even sounds like an orc name.
Orcs popping out of cocoons is weird and breaks lore:
This was mentioned at least 30-40 times in that thread. People were really really obsessed with how Orcs reproduce for some reason...
- JEEEEEZ!! If it couldn't get any worse!! Orcs from pods?
- I... was absolutely horrified, it was the most disgraceful thing I had ever seen in my life.
- You would think, since the orcs were made in mockery of the elves, they would reproduce as elves do. What is with the pods and cocoons!!! Does PJ think they're ants or some sort of bug???
- This is really disturbing me, because PJ is sick enough to put something like this in LOTR. Tolkien would probably have a heart attack if he could see this stuff being done to his wonderful book.
Victims of false rumors or paranoia:
- LOTR without Treebeard? How does he think to get rid of all the orcs at Helms Deep?
- My deepest fear is that Jackson... has so much desire for Frodo to be liked and so wants there to be a "happy ending" that he might just... let Frodo destroy the Ring at mount doom
- My question, is....from where does the strength come from for that moth to carry Gandalf away from Orthanc and many leagues across ME... Can you imagine on the battlefield in front of Morannon...."The moths are coming! The moths are coming!!" // This one got me good I gotta say. Premium meme material!
- A moth? Gwahir would accidentally eat him, never mind listen to a message from him. // The man actually has a point here lol
- Elves and Uruk-hai have Samurai-style armor
- Who knows what kind of climax RotK will have? Maybe Frodo can put on the ring, use it to cut Smeagol in half, turn it on Barad-dur and blow that up, then take it off and throw it in saying "Later for you!" all the while Limp Bizkit's latest plays in the background (with special guest vocalist ... I don't know, some rapper.)
- I really hope there is SOMETHING of the real story left. This thread scares the hell out of me
Hollywood is ruining LoTR for money/political correctness:
- You don't just take that and bastardize it because Hollywood, who as you've said does that to movies, wants to get its mud hooks on it and create a big money maker.
- Hollywood seeks money. Art is secondary. Everything else, except in rare cases, is secondary. Producers and directors are hired to make "shock-value" and attract audiences.
- If Hollywood could get away with it, he [Gandalf] would have a machine gun in his hand and saying,"I'll be back!" // Ok, I actually need this to happen when Gandalf falls off the bridge in Moria
- the movie is not made for the fans. it is made to make MONEY. it is all about profit.
- Hollywood corrupts art to make money. They needed to bring in a charater "politically correct" to have a female role model. Tolkien was not politically correct and that just doesn't sit well with Hollywood
- Every time there is a movie that we have deep forebodings about, we still go to it to "see what it's like". It happened with Aliens III, Alien Resurrection, Episode I, and a dozen others. After we see the movie, we find we hated it after all, yet we still gave them our money! In the end, it doesn't matter to Peter Jackson or New Line Cinemas (curse them both!)
"I'm a Tolkien purists":
- Many changes! Blasphemy!
- I just don't think that it is truly Tolkien and I do believe that it will distort the way "newbies" will view the real LoTR and Tolkien in general.
- Do you even do any research?... some people do care about what Tolkien intended even if you don't... What are you here for? // (A purist was borderline cyber bullying someone who dared to want to give the movie a chance)
- This isn't just a movie. This is supposedly a serious attempt to put the Lord of the Rings, one of the greatest literary works of all time, on screen. It's not just "entertainment;"
- We (as a generic term) are in fact probably the best authorities on how these movies should be. The "normal person" might not see problems, but that is because the "normal person" does not understand.
- From his letters he was quite adamant about what PJ 's doing now. It's to be expected that nowadays people will sell out great literature for entertainment. It's even sadder that people who know better (Tolkien fans) don't really care. After all, it's only entertainment.
- It bothers me, especially when the book can stand alone on its own merit rather then needing the "help" of money grabbers who want to make it their own.
- Maybe when you take a few more English classes in school, you will see that.
- I will not, however, accept it as "Lord of The Rings" and will not promote the movie as "Tolkien".
- I think the worst part is that LoTR will never again be the same, people. All the marketing, all the merchandise, all the misconceptions. PJ's movie has changed the dynamics of what LoTR was to society.
- I will go now, without so great an expectation of seeing the LOTR... but rather I will simply go see some potentially decent fantasy movie made by some fat, ugly Englishman with a terrible beard.
- Down with PJ! And Down with the ignorant media promoting it and dragging JRR through the mud with their stupid, uninformed comments about ME...
Boycotting the movie:
- I am getting madder and more unmotivated by the minute to see this movie.
- I am reiterating my intention to *not* give the bastard Peter Jackson even a dime of my money. That's why God invented the bootleg download. I will *not* go see this movie in the theatre. I will*not* buy or rent it on VHS or DVD. I will download a free copy of the movie off of the Internet. I've never done this before and proabably won't do so again... but I will *not* give the bastard Peter Jackson a cent of my money.
- if half the things that I have read on this board are true, I will never go to see any of these movies... I would rather read the books backward, word for word, than go see this debacle. I would rather see Harry Potter twenty-seven times in a row than catch the slightest glimpse of an orc-pod.
- We must take a stand now and *all* vow *not* to see *any* of the movies!
- But, I didn't go [to see the movie]. And I won't go today, either. Or tomorrow. I choose to keep my integrity, unlike some people who direct block-buster movies.
Other miscellaneous ones:
- Sam and Merry are much too bold when confronted with the Nazgul
- he makes these really quite unnessecary changes, like having Pippin knock a skeleton instead of a rock down the hole in Moria. // This is some advanced nit-picking...
- Anyone know if the Legolas "shield surfing" is still in? // Yes! And it's a meme now.
- Galadriel floats on some cheesy amusement park boat instead of large swan boat paddled by two elves.
- "Saruman captures Gandalf by fighting a 'wizard duel' involving telekinesis, lightning, and Gandalf being slammed against the wall." Please don't tell me this is going to be some sort of children movie like Harry Potter or D&D. // Harry Potter and the Wizard Duel, featuring Gandalf and Saruman. I'd watch that!
- The Ringwraiths aren't all riding black horses. They look brown.
Something I came across... A Tolkien professor... Interesting commentary about Disa at 20:18...
"In fact, despite its array of wizards, magic objects, warring races and deep wells of mythology, The Lord of the Rings is a decidedly non-threatening tale: fundamentally a comforting story of middle-class heroes of multiple races who triumph over enormous odds to save their way of life by working together against a common foe. "
...middle-class heroes?
Perhaps consider reading The Hobbit and the LotR books; they’re incredible.Thanks for that video, it was very enlightening. I honestly never looked into the lore of LOTR's because the movies story was so basic, straight forward and self contained. I never realised that there was a 1st, 2nd and 3rd age, I know the first movie references the 2nd age but my brain just accepted it as hundreds or thousands of years ago. I realise now that there really is a hell of a lot of lore, pretty crazy. I really liked his insights to the trailer and makes me more excited for the series.
Amazon unlisted this "superfans" review, I wonder why...
Amazon unlisted this "superfans" review, I wonder why...
I doubt they read much, they just use a handful of principles for absolutely everythingAragorn and Gandalf, the middle class heroes we deserve.
Have people who write this shit even read the books?
I combed through 20 pages of forum discussion in 2001 of Tolkien fans criticizing Peter Jackson and his LoTR movie before it was even released. They were basing their criticism on the teasers, promos, leaks, interviews, etc. It's striking (yet not entirely unexpected in hindsight) how similar some of those complaints were to what we've been seeing in the past few days. For the vast majority of the complaints/concerns people have expressed regarding the new RoP show, you can almost find a near perfect match in that 2001 thread. It doesn't necessarily mean those concerns aren't valid, but it helps to take a step back and gain a "historical" perspective.
In this post, I will show many of the issues fans had with PJ and his movie (before anyone watched it) and I've grouped them into several categories. I will give you both the actual quote (sometimes shortened) and a link to that specific comment in that 2001 thread. Of course, these are just comments from one thread on the internet so don't take them too seriously. The main purpose of this post is to remind people that the show is still months away and we still know very little about it and that a bit more patience, optimism, and open-mindedness would be healthy for ourselves, the fandom, and the show and its cast and staff. Also, these 2001 complaints are just so hilarious that no matter what you think about the new show, we can probably all have a good laugh together.
Just to clarify, obviously I've picked some of the most ridiculous ones in that thread, but the vast majority of the comments in that thread were very negative. In a few places I've also added some context or my own short comment in Italic.
Now enjoy (get comfortable, cause it's very long):
Insulting Peter Jackson:
- I have come to the conclusion that he is probably not a good director // Reminder that this was one month before the movie release
- I know that Peter what-his-name may have cinematic license, but DID THIS DUDE EVER READ THE BOOKS!
- Jackson is taking ludicrous and unecessary liberties with the movie! I must cry out WHY? WHY? WHY? Why not leave things as they are?????
- Tolkien created an extremely detailed and consistent universe; for the bastard peter jackson to disrespect it is unconsciounable
- From the many quotes I've seen from PJ and actors, they have a pretty warped idea of "lover of the books" and "staying true to the story". What a load of two-sided, speaking out of both sides of the mouth, drivel!
- They're spouting lies the whole time. I mean, listen to Sean Astin's quote! He obviously hasn't read the books himself, so apparently Mr. Jackson has been lying to his own cast as well.
- To feel better about him/herself, the director simply looks for something to change. Watch a housewife, sorry ladies, try to decide how to decorate a room and you get my drift.
- The writer [Tolkien] needs to get mean and face up to the child-like director and marketing freaks. // If that had happened, Tolkien would be known as Tolkien the White
- PJ appears to feel his changes are insignificant and shouldn't trouble anyone. Sheesh... what an idiot!
- I feel he intends this as his legacy ....... and is milking it for every bit of publicity it's worth. I mean no-one had heard of him before this! ( how the hell did he manage to get to be the one to do it I wonder )!
- Hollywood screwed LOTR to high heaven, maybe PJ could be killed by a chaotic fan // They might have said that sarcastically though. Not sure.
- May the dreaded swan boat sail over your grave peter jackson and Glorfindel's white horse personaly pee on it // r/BrandNewSentence
Insulting the cast:
BTW, this is how Ian defended the movie and PJ (which the fan called BS): "The devotion to that man [Tolkien], I think, was equal to everyone's devotion to Peter Jackson. It was never, 'Ah good, we've got this storyline, let's see what we can do with it.'... When this film comes out, it will just say 'New Line [Cinema] presents The Lord of the Rings. It's not going to be 'A Film by Peter Jackson.' Now, wouldn't you think you'd earned the right, having brought this project to life, to have your name up there? The man you meet is the man we saw every day. He's only got one pair of shoes. He's always in shorts. He's always in the same shirt. He generates such enthusiasm just simply by being himself. He's not a star, but his knowledge is formidable. You can go to him and absolutely get your answer."
- Liv Tyler is every bit as guilty as Jackson. She volunteered to destroy the character for money. To her it was just another script. And she, rich as she is, decided she would take part in the blasphemy that is what has happened with her character. Any actor with a conscience should have turned that down when they considered the disappointment of fans.
- If he wanted Liv Tyler to be the action heroine.... cast her as Eowyn. I think that it is ironic that PJ cast her in the tame role of Arwen and casts a nobody as Eowyn.
- As for Christopher Lee...well..We are talking about a guy who was not beneath taking cheap roles in wretched Hammer Films productions of every incarnation of Dracula imaginable, so I can see where the money in his pocket was not else do you explain why he has said nothing about his character apparently being killed at Orthanc
- I think what you see in the cast list are people who... don't really have a career anymore but are willing to ignore the fact that they are prosituting themselves and Tolkien's writings so long as they get paid...(This is the ONLY thing I can use to describe Christopher Lee, who claims to re-read the books every year)
- We already know Ian McKellen's done a lousy job // Oh do you??
- What a bunch of BS. How anyone can listen to this guy any longer is unfathomable to me. // (Ian McKellen (Gandalf) defended PJ against fan criticism before the movies was even out, and this fan called it a bunch of BS)
- Jackson [has] ugly characters playing the beautiful ones... FoTR has Elrond's actor and Cate Blanchett.
- Doesn't Celborn look like an a number one WUSS!! Why couldn't they have picked someone with a little more presence.
Arwen shouldn't fight, ride a horse, or have many dialogues, or... kiss Aragorn?:
And a big shoutout to Liv Tyler (Arwen) who was harassed by fans who dubbed her XenArwen as in Xena Arwen because she did fighting in the movie, and then straight-up said in an interview that "If you don't want to see what another person does with the part, then don't go to the movies." I don't think many actors today have the courage to say that to fans.
- She's just supposed to be this little Elven-hottie that sits in the Hall of Fire & has next to no lines, and Aragorn marries her in the end. // Wow... just wow...
- in the book as others have stated already, she simply sits there looking pretty
- theArwen-warrior-spell-casting-witch-ifyouwanthimcomeandclaimhim-steroid wench REALLY REALLY BOTHERS ME!!!!!
- I think that by turning her into this warrior sorceress Mr. Jackson is twisting and cheapening her character
- And I'm not someone who always hates "political correctness." But this is different entirely.
- If the movie (I mean all three parts) was made to represent the book as closely as possible, as should have been, women would have had an incredibly small role in this film, and would have been nearly absent entirely... But political correctness (also known as BULLS**T) in Hollywood won't allow that.
- Lets make the characters more "exciting" and "politically correct", regardless of how Tolkien wanted it... Why don't we just make Lassie a cat. Down with PJ! // (He's referring to the movie/tv show about a dog called Lassie)
- the screenwriter is a woman, and as we all know middle earth is a very sexist planet, so in the interest of pleasing half of the audience of the movie a woman would need to be shown more often and as someone more important
- Arwen looks like a little girl pouting fit and have to have he[r] grammy come and console her
- not to mention they show Aragorn kissing Arwen, yep .
Gandalf looks weird/stupid:
- Gandalf grabbing Frodo and asking "IS IT SAFE?" like some crazy old man.
- Gandalf becomes a sputtering madman, "Is it here? Is it SAFE?!?".
- And Gandalf, sputtering like a senile old man?!
- Yeah right, Gandalf is a nutcase who is stupid enough to bump hid head in a house he visited many times.
- It sounds like Gandalf is a stooge; what does he do, fart when you pull his beard???
- He does seem a bit of a scaredy cat in the clips. Well if it's any consolation he will die before the end. You might be wishing for that bit to come quick though. // First time I've seen anyone hoping to see Gandalf die faster...
Elrond looks off:
- he's just as homely as he was on The Matrix!! Except he's supposed to be beautiful as Elrond!! What happened??
- I can't look at Elrond without hearing him say "How are you going to speak Mr. Anderson, when you mouth?"
Galadriel is ugly:
- Galadriel isn't nearly beautifull enough
- Cate Blanchett?? Don't ask me from what gene pool PJ picked his elves from...
Lurtz (the Uruk Hai that killed Boromir) isn't in the books so shouldn't exist:
BTW this was mentioned at least 20-30 times in that thread. But it's pretty repetitive so I didn't include more.
- And this Lurtz dude, what is with adding him in? I'm not sure if he is actually purple/blue, but in a couple pics I have seen he is purple/blue... He kind of reminds me of... Barney the purple dinosaur *shudders* in a way. // New meme: Boromir killed by Barney the purple dinosaur
- I'd say it Lurtz. And, I don't think it even sounds like an orc name.
Orcs popping out of cocoons is weird and breaks lore:
This was mentioned at least 30-40 times in that thread. People were really really obsessed with how Orcs reproduce for some reason...
- JEEEEEZ!! If it couldn't get any worse!! Orcs from pods?
- I... was absolutely horrified, it was the most disgraceful thing I had ever seen in my life.
- You would think, since the orcs were made in mockery of the elves, they would reproduce as elves do. What is with the pods and cocoons!!! Does PJ think they're ants or some sort of bug???
- This is really disturbing me, because PJ is sick enough to put something like this in LOTR. Tolkien would probably have a heart attack if he could see this stuff being done to his wonderful book.
Victims of false rumors or paranoia:
- LOTR without Treebeard? How does he think to get rid of all the orcs at Helms Deep?
- My deepest fear is that Jackson... has so much desire for Frodo to be liked and so wants there to be a "happy ending" that he might just... let Frodo destroy the Ring at mount doom
- My question, is....from where does the strength come from for that moth to carry Gandalf away from Orthanc and many leagues across ME... Can you imagine on the battlefield in front of Morannon...."The moths are coming! The moths are coming!!" // This one got me good I gotta say. Premium meme material!
- A moth? Gwahir would accidentally eat him, never mind listen to a message from him. // The man actually has a point here lol
- Elves and Uruk-hai have Samurai-style armor
- Who knows what kind of climax RotK will have? Maybe Frodo can put on the ring, use it to cut Smeagol in half, turn it on Barad-dur and blow that up, then take it off and throw it in saying "Later for you!" all the while Limp Bizkit's latest plays in the background (with special guest vocalist ... I don't know, some rapper.)
- I really hope there is SOMETHING of the real story left. This thread scares the hell out of me
Hollywood is ruining LoTR for money/political correctness:
- You don't just take that and bastardize it because Hollywood, who as you've said does that to movies, wants to get its mud hooks on it and create a big money maker.
- Hollywood seeks money. Art is secondary. Everything else, except in rare cases, is secondary. Producers and directors are hired to make "shock-value" and attract audiences.
- If Hollywood could get away with it, he [Gandalf] would have a machine gun in his hand and saying,"I'll be back!" // Ok, I actually need this to happen when Gandalf falls off the bridge in Moria
- the movie is not made for the fans. it is made to make MONEY. it is all about profit.
- Hollywood corrupts art to make money. They needed to bring in a charater "politically correct" to have a female role model. Tolkien was not politically correct and that just doesn't sit well with Hollywood
- Every time there is a movie that we have deep forebodings about, we still go to it to "see what it's like". It happened with Aliens III, Alien Resurrection, Episode I, and a dozen others. After we see the movie, we find we hated it after all, yet we still gave them our money! In the end, it doesn't matter to Peter Jackson or New Line Cinemas (curse them both!)
"I'm a Tolkien purists":
- Many changes! Blasphemy!
- I just don't think that it is truly Tolkien and I do believe that it will distort the way "newbies" will view the real LoTR and Tolkien in general.
- Do you even do any research?... some people do care about what Tolkien intended even if you don't... What are you here for? // (A purist was borderline cyber bullying someone who dared to want to give the movie a chance)
- This isn't just a movie. This is supposedly a serious attempt to put the Lord of the Rings, one of the greatest literary works of all time, on screen. It's not just "entertainment;"
- We (as a generic term) are in fact probably the best authorities on how these movies should be. The "normal person" might not see problems, but that is because the "normal person" does not understand.
- From his letters he was quite adamant about what PJ 's doing now. It's to be expected that nowadays people will sell out great literature for entertainment. It's even sadder that people who know better (Tolkien fans) don't really care. After all, it's only entertainment.
- It bothers me, especially when the book can stand alone on its own merit rather then needing the "help" of money grabbers who want to make it their own.
- Maybe when you take a few more English classes in school, you will see that.
- I will not, however, accept it as "Lord of The Rings" and will not promote the movie as "Tolkien".
- I think the worst part is that LoTR will never again be the same, people. All the marketing, all the merchandise, all the misconceptions. PJ's movie has changed the dynamics of what LoTR was to society.
- I will go now, without so great an expectation of seeing the LOTR... but rather I will simply go see some potentially decent fantasy movie made by some fat, ugly Englishman with a terrible beard.
- Down with PJ! And Down with the ignorant media promoting it and dragging JRR through the mud with their stupid, uninformed comments about ME...
Boycotting the movie:
- I am getting madder and more unmotivated by the minute to see this movie.
- I am reiterating my intention to *not* give the bastard Peter Jackson even a dime of my money. That's why God invented the bootleg download. I will *not* go see this movie in the theatre. I will*not* buy or rent it on VHS or DVD. I will download a free copy of the movie off of the Internet. I've never done this before and proabably won't do so again... but I will *not* give the bastard Peter Jackson a cent of my money.
- if half the things that I have read on this board are true, I will never go to see any of these movies... I would rather read the books backward, word for word, than go see this debacle. I would rather see Harry Potter twenty-seven times in a row than catch the slightest glimpse of an orc-pod.
- We must take a stand now and *all* vow *not* to see *any* of the movies!
- But, I didn't go [to see the movie]. And I won't go today, either. Or tomorrow. I choose to keep my integrity, unlike some people who direct block-buster movies.
Other miscellaneous ones:
- Sam and Merry are much too bold when confronted with the Nazgul
- he makes these really quite unnessecary changes, like having Pippin knock a skeleton instead of a rock down the hole in Moria. // This is some advanced nit-picking...
- Anyone know if the Legolas "shield surfing" is still in? // Yes! And it's a meme now.
- Galadriel floats on some cheesy amusement park boat instead of large swan boat paddled by two elves.
- "Saruman captures Gandalf by fighting a 'wizard duel' involving telekinesis, lightning, and Gandalf being slammed against the wall." Please don't tell me this is going to be some sort of children movie like Harry Potter or D&D. // Harry Potter and the Wizard Duel, featuring Gandalf and Saruman. I'd watch that!
- The Ringwraiths aren't all riding black horses. They look brown.
Amazon unlisted this "superfans" review, I wonder why...
I agree with you, a female bearded dwarf "indistinguishable to human eyes" would look ridiculous. But the females are also supposed to be incredibly reclusive and hidden away, so I hope that is what we are seeing.As far as Disa is concerned, I think the aesthetic is why they didn't have her or other dwarven females look like the dwarf males. Otherwise it would have looked like an all male species that effs each other and can't procreate. Human perception wouldn't suspend their disbelief. A, in my honest opinion, necessary change.
Aragorn and Gandalf, the middle class heroes we deserve.
Have people who write this shit even read the books?
Cringy as fuck. Also, why are all the comments below in Russian?
Diversity casting aside is this based on any actual Lord of the RIngs fiction? If not this is pure fanfic and I have no interest in it if so.
What makes you say that? They seem to somewhat know there stuff.Superfans? These people talk like they haven't read a book in their entire lives!
To be honest, I'm not sure if they can even read at all.
Cate Blanchett was too ugly to play Galadriel? I’d question that forum’s gene pool, not hers.
Galadriel is ugly:
Galadriel is ugly:
She is only looking better! Absolute smoke show in Thor and Don't look up.Sharp ears 0/10
Amazon unlisted this "superfans" review, I wonder why...
I'm sure, like, they have totally read, like, a book, like.Superfans? These people talk like they haven't read a book in their entire lives!
To be honest, I'm not sure if they can even read at all.
Amazon unlisted this "superfans" review, I wonder why...
So I found out this Corey Olsen guy has been doing LOTR's classes in LOTR's online since the start of 2017, there are over 250 videos. I guess I know what I'll be watching over the next year. lol
I only watched a few minutes but you weren't kidding with all the likes if this intro is anything to go by...I'm sure, like, they have totally read, like, a book, like.
Amazon unlisted this "superfans" review, I wonder why...
Probably going to have Gandolf talking about how much Ghaladriel slaps.Tolkien and his son, Christopher, would be apoplectic with rage if they were alive to see this.
Absolutely insulting to Tolkien. All these people care about are representation and sexy Sauron in a nightclub. I wonder if the writers will try and dumb down the language to appeal to the younger generation their aiming for? Maybe throw in a few modern slang words to really connect with the audience?
Tolkien and his son, Christopher, would be apoplectic with rage if they were alive to see this.
Absolutely insulting to Tolkien. All these people care about are representation and sexy Sauron in a nightclub. I wonder if the writers will try and dumb down the language to appeal to the younger generation their aiming for? Maybe throw in a few modern slang words to really connect with the audience?
All these people care about are representation and sexy Sauron in a nightclub.
If your beef with this is because of wokism or beards or some shit, then you shouldn't really be interested in this in the first place and you're just setting yourself up for some obvious disappointment.
Let it go.
Legitimate criticism will be moreso about whether or not the plot is captivating or original enough, not about how accurately it reflects Tolkien's works.
If you like or care about Tolkien's worldbuilding, this wokeism and beards shit is legitimate criticism.
We also have a good example of a creator mostly respecting his worldbuilding. When he didn't (FOTR time compression, elves at Helm's Deep, Azog as a foe) it was because of the needs of the movie as a medium. Same creator totally shat the bed with some choices, but at least he was consistent.
Rewatching The Hobbit, the shitty love subplot is barely there and is a minor edit away from turning into something else - which is quite obviously being attempted in their prison scene. If you cut Thranduil's line in BOTFA you might as well pretend it's not a love plot.
Amazon paid 250 MILLION or more just for the rights to this material. Why, if they were just gonna twist it all? If the only semblance to the material are the character names, what's the point? Turning Tolkein into generic fantasy like they did with Wheet of Time is the tragedy we don't want to happen.If your beef with this is because of wokism or beards or some shit, then you shouldn't really be interested in this in the first place and you're just setting yourself up for some obvious disappointment.
Let it go.
Legitimate criticism will be moreso about whether or not the plot is captivating or original enough, not about how accurately it reflects Tolkien's works.
I read that none of the characters are really described in the books, is this true?
Amazon only has the TV rights to The Hobbit, LOTR and the LOTR Appendices. The show is based on the first sections of LOTR Appendices A and B. This is less than 3000 words in total. Maybe add 200 for a short mention of how Sauron got to Mordor and was then BTFO in the Fellowship prologue.
There is very little characterisation in those sections. All it says about Galadriel is that "she's the greatest of all Elven women", is married and had a brother.
On some existing characters they can add details from the main LOTR text.
Now that never stopped Jackson; Legolas is implied to know what Galadriel's gift to Gimli means although it's not mentioned in The Hobbit, LOTR or the appendices. He also used Ted Nasmith's artwork without Nasmith being officially involved (it's the main influence on outdoors lighting and colour scheme).