I’ve never played Days Gone or Horizon Zero Dawn so fuck yeah boi!!!!
Enjoy Bruv!
I like HZD much more, but Days Gone is still a good game too.
Remake Legend of Dragoon you fucking cowards.
That would be a masterful undertaking, I have no clue who would be tasked with doing it though, maybe Blue Point games or something
Days gone 2 Will be great on a PRO.
True, they'd probably be using UE5 too
5.5 years ago. yes.
we want Days Gone 2. Not Days Gone 1 almost 6 years later. Sony has gone absolutely mental.
? What does this have to do with Days Gone 2? We are not going to sit here and pretend THIS REMASTER being made is in place of Days Gone 2, stopping Days Gone 2, hurting Days Gone 2's development or anything weird like that
We got remasters and ports before for generations now and they've never stopped some other game from being made as they have nothing to do with other development going on. This is still a fucking business and it makes zero sense to leave money on the table if they can bring more into the install base of fans of this IP, so if you want Days Gone 2 faster, I'm pretty sure money would be a requirement.
So what would you rather have?
Those 25 developers who are talking 8 months or so to make this remaster, work on Days Gone 2 instead with a team of over 300
Sony would get less money as no remaster
Less would know about the IP as...no remaster
or 300 working on Days Gone 2,
with millions from sales from the remaster
with more fans thanks to the remaster
Keep in mind, in both fucking examples, Days Gone 2 would still be made, you are just basically choosing a option that has them getting less money and less people know about the IP
oh but hey, at least you don't have to see a remaster or something? smh