Core407 said:What is the reward for fully satisfying one of the friends?
Depends on the friend. Different friends offer different things.
Core407 said:What is the reward for fully satisfying one of the friends?
Lemming_JRS said:sorry for the dumb question but I've been playing this game for at least 8 hours and I still totally suck at driving, specifically cornering. What's the trick? Different combos of accelerator and brake just send me into some kind of squirrelly skid.
Is there some obvious trick I'm missing besides not sucking?
Stoney Mason said:[
EDIT: wow the payout was epic.
Eyemus Lutt said:I recently picked up my copy of GTA but there was no free trial month of LIVE. I thought you get one with each purchase, has anyone else not received one as well.
This means I can't get to try out the multi yet.
Eyemus Lutt said:On a side note, in the stats menu it shows the girlfriends I have Michelle and Kiki, but I haven't met kiki and don't know where to find her, any ideas.
bigmakstudios said:Someone please mollify my concern that my 360 is on its death bed.What could I have done to it?
Jtwo said:Kateis an annoying fucking bitch. She fucking bitches about her family, calls me a killer and taunts me to "kill her." She fucking bitches at me on the phone because I hadn't called her because I was doing missions. And she fucking whines and is like I'm sorry I'm sorry. The BIGGEST mistake in this game so far was having Michelle be undercover. I actually liked her character, and after sorta lending myself to her and her story to see where things went they just throw a complete curveball at you and are like... HAHA SEE? WE GOT YOU TO LIKE A CHARACTER. BUT TOOOO FUCKING BAD! NOW WERE GONNA FORCE YOU TO DATE SOMEONE INTOLERABLE. At 30 hours in this is the most disappointing thing in the game. Fuck Kate and her downey-ass family.
Downhome said:Did I screw up? It's about Roman, the depot, and the safe house:
I got to the point where his depot and apartment have been burned down, but I only did four taxi missions for him before it happened, and now I can't do it anymore. Did I screw up by not getting all of that out of the way? Does it even matter one way or the other at this point?
Weenerz said:Undress to Kill is kicking my ass atm, any tips?
Maggot9 said:kill the one guy counting the money in the office, then just run straight outside and chase the other two, they'll be together in an SUV.
TheGreatDave said:I see it as a challenge.
I'm going to get her shouting how good a conversationalist I am if it's the last thing I do. I've stopped playing missions and basically got in a loop of going out with her, fucking around for a bit, picking up a car for Brucie, sleeping, then calling her again.
She never likes my clothes or my car though. Bitch.
The more this game goes on, the more I play it like Animal Crossing. I try and keep my friendships up and buy all the clothes I can.
When you guys are saying these missions are difficult is this because you aren't taking your time nor buying body armor? I'm not dieing on any of these missions you guys are saying are hard. I don't even think my armor got hurt on Three Leaf Clover.Stoney Mason said:was epic and difficult.Three Leaf Clover
vumpler said:When you guys are saying these missions are difficult is this because you aren't taking your time nor buying body armor? I'm not dieing on any of these missions you guys are saying are hard. I don't even think my armor got hurt on Three Leaf Clover.
Stoney Mason said:Lol. I know it's sad but I also keep dating her because I'm like give up the p****
Topher said:I can't be the only fucking person who loves the new driving physics...
Honestly I can't really see a megaton of people playing this online in 3 months unless they make some major updates. On my friends list already 90% of them were playing CoD today as opposed to 100% playing GTAIV 3 days ago..Topher said:Same. I'm just tired hearing the bitching about it. I very much prefer the realistic weightyness of the cars. However, it's like people expect to pick it up immediately. In about 3 months, it won't even phase peope anymore. Anything worth learning takes practice.
Topher said:Same. I'm just tired hearing the bitching about it. I very much prefer the realistic weightyness of the cars. However, it's like people expect to pick it up immediately. In about 3 months, it won't even phase peope anymore. Anything worth learning takes practice.
vumpler said:Honestly I can't really see a megaton of people playing this online in 3 months unless they make some major updates. On my friends list already 90% of them were playing CoD today as opposed to 100% playing GTAIV 3 days ago..
vumpler said:
I don't like Dwayne he's such a pity whoreAz987 said:why wont Dwayne call me to be his friend dammit!
Full Recovery said:need some help:
Brucie sent me a text message for a side mission
He sent me a message/pic from Stevie about a Moped he wanted in chinatown on diamond st. Well, I get the moped, and it just says that I stole the moped and doesn't mark on the map where to drop it off or put it in the garage. What do i do?