Jtwo said:/b/ is a section of 4chan.
It's pretty goddamn we-todd-ed
eudaemonic said:I had to share this story:
The fiancé and I are in a Target today when we pass by an employee in front of a Sony BR display with a customer when I hear him say...
Clerk: "Sony already has all the 360 extra content for GTA4 on the disc... it was so big they almost didn't fit it all on there."
Customer: *amazed* "Really??"
Clerk: *confident* "Oh yeah..."
Me: *sighs and just walks away*
Choc said:I just thought of the DLC. Kate gets with you, Packie starts a fight, Niko vs Pakie fight. You win you get kate. hahaas for your question dunno, went revenge.
what is total crap about a dish served cold is Kate tells you not to go for the money, yet she dies because of it, CRAP!
EazyB said:Semi-unrelated car spoiler:I've got the car Bennie gives you at one of my safehouses but I'm afraid to take it out because I've never seen another one so if I lose it I could be screwed. Anyway to get it another one?
eudaemonic said:I had to share this story:
The fiancé and I are in a Target today when we pass by an employee in front of a Sony BR display with a customer when I hear him say...
Clerk: "Sony already has all the 360 extra content for GTA4 on the disc... it was so big they almost didn't fit it all on there."
Customer: *amazed* "Really??"
Clerk: *confident* "Oh yeah..."
Me: *sighs and just walks away*
Sean said:So is there a way to date LawChick and Sobechick again? I missed the scheduled dates for both of them. Got bitchy emails from them but there's no way to reply or schedule another time it seems (they aren't on love-meet.net anymore)...
Jtwo said:I have the whiz phone, but do you ever unlock a blackberry esque phone so you can check your email without going to tw@... or the ifruit phone?
Spruchy said:
Sean said:So is there a way to date LawChick and Sobechick again? I missed the scheduled dates for both of them. Got bitchy emails from them but there's no way to reply or schedule another time it seems (they aren't on love-meet.net anymore)...
Jtwo said:/b/ is a section of 4chan.
It's pretty goddamn we-todd-ed
Digital Limit said:So are employees given commission on Sony merchandise or something? I don't understand why people would lie, or how this misinformation gets out there.
Gully State said:Questions regarding multiplayer:
Is there a way for me to join games with more participants on PSN or selectively filter out games that don't have as many participants? Every game I join under quick match, the most I get are like 4 players.
I haven't found a way to search for games on criteria other than simple gametype yet.Gully State said:anyone?
Stoney Mason said:Here's an interesting thing.
I have a fear of heights. Being close to like a ledge even in say a high second story of a mall bugs me. It's not a crippling fear or anything. You get over it and I even like to ride roller-coasters but the gut level sort of numbing instinctual fear is always there if I don't control it.
GTA 4 is the first game, that has sort of triggered that for me in a virtual world. I just did a mission where I had to climb up a really tall building that was a bit precarious and as I neared the edges it tripped of the same type of fear in myself I noticed. And it's not fear just that my character will fall and die and I'll have to reload. It's an actual sort of real fear that myself the player as Niko will somehow fall and it will effect me. I think it's because it looks pretty realistic and as far as I can remember, it's the first time that it's ever happened to me in a videogame.
btw the chopper doesn't do it. That looks less real and doesn't trip of my fear sense. Just thought that was interesting.
Wollan said:Postmortem (for those who finished the game). Random memorable events (please add yours):
The kidnapping of the girl. I loved the struggle while driving, there's a cutscene in my car!. Niko ends up punching her straight out. I was amazed.
Three Leaf Clover - The bank heist mission, just perfect in every way. Will definitely go down as one of the supreme gaming moments for me. The first time I played it I wasn't as skilled in GTA4 combat as I am now and it was totally a fight on two different fronts with me turning 180degrees back and forth to keep the police back. Amazing (I also managed to finish it on my first try).
Niko generally messing with Bruce on how he would grow small balls. Also, Niko faking a second punch causing Bruce to scream.
The overall terrific performance by Niko Bellic (Michael Hollick). Just a million different lines in the game that came through very powerful. Perhaps the most realized videogame character ever. Things that stick out in my head are 'I didn't fuck up okay!!' (Dimitri confronting him with lost shipment in the Adriatic), 'aaaargh, you motherfuckers!' (when in a heavy combat scenario, gameplay).. okay, maybe not the best examples in writing but the performance was SO spot on. And there was never ever a bad acting moment from this guy.
Niko telling folks of the terrible events of war. Children being lined up dead (throats slit, hands cut off) against the church wall.. 'the creature who can do this, has no soul'. Also he told Kate about Roman's mother being raped and killed, Roman not knowing this.
Halvie said:Can anyone tell me if the last 75% of the game I will basically just be doing jobs for? If so that is pretty fucking lame....just when I thought I was going to start liking this game.the feds
#3Linkzg said:#2
The usage of the cellphone. At first I thought it would be a glorified menu system, but it is so integrated into the gameplay it is amazing. When you date Lawchick, Niko mentions that she might be clingy and every once in a while she sends text messages like "call me! I need to see you!" and things like that.
The little touches. Things like when you first go into Michelle's apartment, Niko makes a comment about how everything in her place is brand new and she constantly is asking questions about Niko's life. Later on when you find out she is a cop, you slowly realize "oh shit! it all makes sense now!". It is also how the radio plays into it after beating a mission. It is awesome to hear about how what you did (or actually reading it online) on the news, only for it to be blamed on terrorist every time (lol).
Euphoria and general physics all over the place. Again, I was blown away when I saw my rocket get pushed away from a cab door and go flying into the air. Just amazing.
Job interview and later on the hospiial assasination. Something about walking through those areas and seeing all the guards you will have to worry about on your way out is awesome.
Papercuts said:And I have trouble remembering where I met two people(If you've done 3 leaf clover you should recognize) -I don't remember who Saint Micheal is, and Ray something I have to do missions for.
Rapping Granny said:My most hated character so far is Manny, man he's annoying and that follow the train mission is so retarded.
Xevren said:I didn't have a problem with the mission but yes, Manny is super lame.
Stoney Mason said:Manny is awesome. Screw you haters.
I was kinda shocked when he got killed. The gay character has been the only character I didn't like so far and that's mainly because he's a pretty bad stereotype. They dropped the ball with him
I'll probably finish off the game tomorrow. I'm pretty damn close. Very enjoyable game and well worth the money no matter how it finishes.
ElyrionX said:So anyone thinks the main story is a little too long? I've finished 81 missions and I'm feeling quite burned out from all the shooting and chasing and running.
Stoney Mason said:Not for me. I think it only sort of feels that way if you sort of cram it and rush to finish it in a relatively short period of time.
ElyrionX said:So anyone thinks the main story is a little too long? I've finished 81 missions and I'm feeling quite burned out from all the shooting and chasing and running.
I never checked out the achievement list in fear of spoilers until right after I beat the game. Once I did I saw the 30 hr achievement, and I was bummed that I didn't get it. After running around a little more I decided to check out my game clock and it was ~31 hrs. I loaded up my only save relatively close to the final mission and it was 30 minutes before 30 hrs. Luckily, after a couple tries I was able to squeeze in the last 2 missions within the 30 minutes but it was damn close.Digital Limit said:Nevermind. Just realized I'm already 30.5 hours in. Lol, this game is addictive.
Himuro said:I'm starting to understand why people like Brucie so much. The love meet profile is genius.
HK-47 said:Is there any way to get back the car Brucie "gives" you from street racing if you lose it? And what are good cars for racing?
Brashnir said:you can just steal another one. it's a Comet. The good cars for racing are all the cars that look like they'd be good for racing, basically.
BobFromPikeCreek said:Steal one in the classier parts of Algonquin? They really aren't that rare.