LJ11 said:Did you check to see when it expires? Mine did the same thing, but the expiration date got bumped to Oct. from Sept.
Pardon my ignorance but where I can see this expiration date?
LJ11 said:Did you check to see when it expires? Mine did the same thing, but the expiration date got bumped to Oct. from Sept.
Darunia said:Pardon my ignorance but where I can see this expiration date?
voltron said:See - reading awesome shit like that that is the reason I cry myself to sleep every night because there is no save replay feature - ala Halo 3 - included.
Im crying right now actually.
LJ11 said:If you click on your subscription it should bring up a blade that gives you the details. I'm away from my 360, so I'm going on memory. They should send you an email telling you that you've extended you subscription as well.
rabhw said:Can someone who has beaten the game answer my spoilerific question below:
Is the game over after you decide whether or not to kill Darko Brevic (spelling?). I elected not to kill him, and I just dropped Roman home, and gave Benny (is that the gay characters' name?) a call. Is that the end of the game? If so, what the fuck?
rabhw said:Can someone who has beaten the game answer my spoilerific question below:
Is the game over after you decide whether or not to kill Darko Brevic (spelling?). I elected not to kill him, and I just dropped Roman home, and gave Benny (is that the gay characters' name?) a call. Is that the end of the game? If so, what the fuck?
Scotch said:No, there's a couple more missions
rabhw said:Are these missions given out through phone calls? I've been sitting for 30 minutes now waiting for some calls to come in, and nothing. The only icons I have left on my map are the ransom and assassination missions.
Rapping Granny said:also in one the first trailers to the game, you see Niko dive out of the car and into the gas station with an explosion to follow through, which mission is that?
Scotch said:No, there's a couple more missions
MMaRsu said:You never see that one lady on firefly island sayin "please no more killing"
MMaRsu said:No mission. They removed alot of stuff from the trailers or reworked it actually.
You never see that one lady on firefly island sayin "please no more killing"
MMaRsu said:You never see that one lady on firefly island sayin "please no more killing"
Iamthegamer said:So, how do i get zombie player in the 360 multiplayer and where's an mp3 o the main theme song?
levious said:hmm, wasn't that Faustin's wife? Wonder what that scene would have been.
Greg said:The game is starting to grow on me, even though the combat is absolutely horrible.
Slowest start for a GTA game.
MMaRsu said:Go to bed, sleep, save whatever, go to a show do something
Yeah, the game is perfect in every way, and I'm bad at video games.mileS said:besides the cover system (moving from cover to cover) I fail to see how the combat is "absolutely horrible"
my guess is you're just bad at it.
Weenerz said:I have 280k, and I already didam I going to be able to get my half million achievement with doing regular missions or do I have to go around and kill random civis?Three Leaf Clover
JCtheMC said:WHAT?!This is after the credits, after receiving a number of phonecalls?
ActuallyYou do, it's a random encounter. She hangs around the entrance of the boardwalk. Look for her sometime after Faustin is dead.
Greg said:Yeah, the game is perfect in every way, and I'm bad at video games.
Greg said:Yeah, the game is perfect in every way, and I'm bad at video games.
wayward archer said:So far the multiplayer exceeds every expectation I had about it.
Weenerz said:I havent even touched the MP of this game yet, I am too addicted to the single player.
Eric WK said:Multiplayer is so painfully mediocre it isn't funny.
Oh, Team Deathmatch to $10,000 on Algonquin with six people? That's a good idea, host. Or the alternative, oh Happiness Island with auto-aim on so people can sit in bushes and shoot me as I spawn despite the fact that they can't even see me? Another great idea, dude.
Free Mode is fantastic, but the Ranked portion of multiplayer needed a matchmaking system from the start. Leaving this many options in the hands of the Xbox Live community was the dumbest thing Rockstar could have done.
MMaRsu said:Ah cool man, thanks I'll look for her![]()
_leech_ said:So I ended up (midway spoiler?)and now I totally regret it. Hope I cankilling Dwaynesometime later on in the game...get back at Playboy X
Story missions? No. But you can still do assassination missions, races, dates, and pigeon-hunting.JCtheMC said:You neglected to answer my question
Are there more missions after the credits roll and you receive those 2 phonecalls?
Eric WK said:Multiplayer is so painfully mediocre it isn't funny.
Oh, Team Deathmatch to $10,000 on Algonquin with six people? That's a good idea, host. Or the alternative, oh Happiness Island with auto-aim on so people can sit in bushes and shoot me as I spawn despite the fact that they can't even see me? Another great idea, dude.
Free Mode is fantastic, but the Ranked portion of multiplayer needed a matchmaking system from the start. Leaving this many options in the hands of the Xbox Live community was the dumbest thing Rockstar could have done.
JCtheMC said:You neglected to answer my question
Are there more missions after the credits roll and you receive those 2 phonecalls?
MMArsu, you wanna go tonight? I'll be on about 6:30-7 PM EST if youre down to ride.MMaRsu said:Cops & Crooks with a room filled with Gaffers is great fun. Actually pretty much anything is. As long as you have a good host, I hate going into public games with moron hosts -_-. .
I'll join you guys. I had a fun time last time we all played together- hold down the Burger Shot!Iamthegamer said:MMArsu, you wanna go tonight? I'll be on about 6:30-7 PM EST if youre down to ride.
This is an open invite to all 360 gaffers, btw.