Eric WK said:Thanks for the RROD, GTA. :lol
Eric WK said:Thanks for the RROD, GTA. :lol
womfalcs3 said:The missions have been really fun though... even the chase scenes. I loved the chases. Weaving in and out of traffic and averting obstacles.
isamu said:You ARE joking, right? This was one of the most ridiculously hard/tedious/frustrating games I've ever played. Even harder than Uncharted on Crushing or Gears on Insane.
Won said:Social Club will know when it happened. At least it does know with my "story complete".
But (very big but here) I think the rules state, that you not only need to have 100%, but you also need access to the 100% area on the side.
Considering how R* handles the club and all community things so far nothing can be said for sure. I think the whole extend thing was because of the slow update in first place.
that's what I was trying to get at. He wants me to chase the damn train around, like it's not on rails and I don't have a map of the train stops on my person. It's a terribly stupid mission.lionelhutz said:They give you a map with the game. There is also a map in the lower left corner of the screen.
I cruised through most all of it too, but I just finished it last nightwomfalcs3 said:GTA IV hasn't been hard at all. There has only been one mission so far where I've had to do it more than once (I'm currently 71 missions in). There were missions in previous installments that literally took me hours to pass. Maybe it's easier because of the improved shooting and new cop evasion system.
The missions have been really fun though... even the chase scenes. I loved the chases. Weaving in and out of traffic and averting obstacles.
Iamthegamer said:that's what I was trying to get at. He wants me to chase the damn train around, like it's not on rails and I don't have a map of the train stops on my person. It's a terribly stupid mission.
Just do the missions as they become available, you won't be missing anything. Different things may be in different order to guides/other people depending on what missions you choose to do before others, sometimes the time and stuff.RadarScope1 said:OK, early game question here. After I met Little Jacob for the first time and dropped him off, I started doing some other piddly stuff for a few hours and then started in on the Vlad and Faustin missions. I've tried to call the dude several times and he's not available. I thought I'd read that the LJ missions are some of the first ones in the game. Do I have to wait until I'm through with Faustin's story before the game will let me dig into LJ?
Also, Dimitri wants me to. But my stats say I've only completed 71 percent of the Faustin missions. What gives? I skimmed a couple of guides just to see if I was missing something but thewaste Faustinmission appears to be the last for Faustin...biker boyfriend
Even so, it can be a little annoying because the target camera often means you get a shitty view of where your car is going. But just memorize the layout of the tracks in comparison to the streets and follow that, don't take corners too fast to not risk crashing into roadside obstacles. Should be pretty simple once you get the hang of it. Accidentally hitting police cars is pretty annoying too.kylej said:You can always hit B or circle at any time and the camera will point in the direction of the train.
Speaking of which, losing missions when you're close to completing them coz of fucked up AI buddies pisses me off so much, and it seems to happen quite often to me. :/ Sometimes they stand there doing nothing when everyone is dead, but the building is surrounded by cops, other times they run in the wrong direction and you have to go back and make them follow again.Jason's Ultimatum said:The ONLY mission that pissed me off was the Phil Bell mission where you had to:loldrive the truck to the docks and take out those baddies. Man, no matter how many times I whipped out my bazooka to take them out, Phil would always die.
Jason's Ultimatum said:The ONLY mission that pissed me off was the Phil Bell mission where you had to:loldrive the truck to the docks and take out those baddies. Man, no matter how many times I whipped out my bazooka to take them out, Phil would always die.
Jason's Ultimatum said:The ONLY mission that pissed me off was the Phil Bell mission where you had to:loldrive the truck to the docks and take out those baddies. Man, no matter how many times I whipped out my bazooka to take them out, Phil would always die.
Skilotonn said:Anyone know what the special prize will be for the Social Club's 100% Club? It's only recently that I saw that it would be for 100% completion - I thought it was just for beating the main story, which I happened to do in the first 5 days...
I would have definitely had 100% completion a long time ago if I didn't slow down bug time with the game, and now I'm going for the 100%, which I doubt I get before tomorrow...
Does anyone know if the prize will be something to be used in-game or not, or if every single person will get it, or just randomly?
Hell, I registered for the site in the first week, and to this day there is nothing to click on on the site, and I tied my Gamertag to the account and everything - I don't even see that it acknowledged that I beat the game, or a percentage, nothing...
Motorcycle chases are some of the best missions. You've just got to be pretty careful when driving around on one.whatdidyousay said:I don't mind the driving at all. But I do HATE the motorcycle chases. Enough already!
yea, but then I can't see my car.kylej said:You can always hit B or circle at any time and the camera will point in the direction of the train.
farnham said:finished the game...(killed playboy x, francis mcreary and took revenge)
pegorino was a bitch in the last mission
he shot down my chopper like 5 times.. damn..
got the one man army achievement on the island of happiness after beating the last mission![]()
Won said:Welcome to the Scoial Club experience!
And the prize will some kind of a plastic/metal key with the IV logo on it as far as I understand. They are not yet produced so everyone who fullfils the requiremens will get one.
pj325is said:Yeah I don't understand the "right" way to do that mission, even though I somehow beat it. The first time, I hung back and shot guys from outside while dumbass phil went running in and got killed. The next time, I noticed it said "get through the boat yard," so I thought "oh, well i'll just drive through." Wrong. I tapped an exploding barrel with the van and died. Third time, I got out of the van to shoot that barrel so I could drive through (I had to get really close for it to explode, which is another awesome thing about the game), got back in, and phil had gotten out and was soon dead.
Finally, I just decided to try to stay close to phil as he retardedly went through the boat yard, and we somehow survived
Iamthegamer said:that's what I was trying to get at. He wants me to chase the damn train around, like it's not on rails and I don't have a map of the train stops on my person. It's a terribly stupid mission.
it's nt difficult but....god damnit, I hate Manny Escuela. Where did this guy come from and how long until he goes, seriously.voltron said:Its a terribly easy mission. The train tracks go over the road so you just loosely follow the train. Extremely easy.
dont know why this game freaks everyone out. So many people come in here crying about difficulty.
G-Bus said:So I'm playing some TDM and I click in the right analog stick.... holy shit it zooms!!! I couldn't for the life of me figure out how I get gunned down by someone using a pistol from half a block away while I unload 2 clips of machine gun fire on his ass.
Yes, remove the "maybe".womfalcs3 said:GTA IV hasn't been hard at all. There has only been one mission so far where I've had to do it more than once (I'm currently 71 missions in). There were missions in previous installments that literally took me hours to pass. Maybe it's easier because of the improved shooting and new cop evasion system.
The missions have been really fun though... even the chase scenes. I loved the chases. Weaving in and out of traffic and averting obstacles.
Sure, because Big Smoke or Ricardo Diaz were like angels in paradise.Rated-Rsuperstar said:I didn't develop any attachment to any of the characters. They were all vulgar and disgusting.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:Well I just beat GTA4. 7/10 Definitely my least favorite GTA since GTA3. While I did get use to the driving and the terrible autoaim. I didn't get use to the terrible story and characters. I didn't develop any attachment to any of the characters. They were all vulgar and disgusting.
brendanrfoley said:I respectively disagree. Niko is a tortured soul. He doesn't always want to kill, but he knows he's good at it. He's also desperate for money.
Early in the game, he says.. "The war ruined me." That's his character right there.
brendanrfoley said:The commentary is great.
I honked at a woman I though was a hooker. She turned around and said.. "Good luck trying to f--k me as I'm running!" Another woman next to her shouted "Oh my God, this is going on my blog!"
I was stunned.
neoism said:Guys got a question about random character's. I didn't do any all game so I'm doing all of them at once. Well, Brain the first one your suppose to do I did the first one where he gives you the 100$ and I when I go to the second location he isn't there. do they appear at random!
Seriously? I hear the same things all the time.Struct09 said:Also worth mentioning, I don't think I heard the same line twice from pedestrians during my 50 hours of play. I was very, very impressed by that.
Relix said:Hmm... is Carmen good? I was supposed to meet up with her, but I went on a pedestrian killing frenzy, crashed into the police station, ran away like an idiot not noticing the bridge to the other island was still closed and I gained 7 stars which proceeded to rape me immediately.
LukeSmith said:Listening-Age questions:
What Radio Stations are you guys enjoying the most? This is the first game in the GTA 3D series that I've had a really hard time finding a station that I liked.
Also, I heard the music from one of the trailers in-game earlier this a.m. (I think), the techno-y song, which Radio Station was that on.
LukeSmith said:Listening-Age questions:
What Radio Stations are you guys enjoying the most? This is the first game in the GTA 3D series that I've had a really hard time finding a station that I liked.
Also, I heard the music from one of the trailers in-game earlier this a.m. (I think), the techno-y song, which Radio Station was that on.
Struct09 said:Also worth mentioning, I don't think I heard the same line twice from pedestrians during my 50 hours of play. I was very, very impressed by that.
platypotamus said:"We're being invaded!"