Tobor said:This worked. Thanks so much for your help. I want to play the game again, just not immediately.
I'm glad it worked for you. I almost got frustrated because I couldn't do any missions.
Tobor said:This worked. Thanks so much for your help. I want to play the game again, just not immediately.
raYne said:Except it isn't subjective considering many games do driving far better. It's opinion and a wrong one at that.
sionyboy said:What I'd like to see Rockstar do.... well, every developer actually.... is seamlessly integrate the music on your console/PC hard drive into the game. Just some aimless chatter/adverts between songs and then it plays a track off your hard drive. Custom soundtracks would be a lot better if they integrated into the game better (ie. only plays when in cars/bars/shops etc, rather than non-stop all the time)
voltron said:Yeah I don't know what everyones problem is. The cars are easy as shit to drive.
voltron said:Yeah I don't know what everyones problem is. The cars are easy as shit to drive.
womfalcs3 said:Damn the last mission. I can't get the helicopter to aim properly.
Vaxadrin said:Just hold X (or square) and slowly push the left stick forward. I actually did this by accident just trying to accelerate.
the psp versions of GTA did this, i was hoping GTA4 would have done thissionyboy said:What I'd like to see Rockstar do.... well, every developer actually.... is seamlessly integrate the music on your console/PC hard drive into the game. Just some aimless chatter/adverts between songs and then it plays a track off your hard drive. Custom soundtracks would be a lot better if they integrated into the game better (ie. only plays when in cars/bars/shops etc, rather than non-stop all the time)
womfalcs3 said:Damn the last mission. I can't get the helicopter to aim properly.
guise said:None of the songs I have ZiT'd have shown up on social club at all. The best way I have found is to just remember the name of the track when it gets texted to you and then just search for it on iTunes. Either that or go to wikipedia and look at the radio station tracklistings and look them up one by one on iTunes until you find the right one.
ZiT is such a great concept in theory, too bad that Rockstar Social Club is just an absolute shambles.
AgentOtaku said:aside from the bikes, I will wholeheartedly agree that the driving model itself is rather brilliant
I just don't like how Rockstar implemented the controls...specifically the lack of used range in the triggers....
Another_visitor said:Didn't have a problem with it. Out of curiosity, did you get a green huntley for the last delivery? I also remember Jacob phoning & explaining that there wouldn't be any more deliveries.
Sorry the bridge thing didn't work for you. Sounds like you're having rotten luck with the achievements.
voltron said:Yeah I don't know what everyones problem is. The cars are easy as shit to drive.
Vaxadrin said:On a similar note, it's kind of like how you have to look both ways before crossing the street. It's such a fundamental real-world concept, yet such a foreign video game concept, that I always find it hilarious when I forget to look, say "ooh a hot dog vendor" and blindly run out, only to get plowed by a hummer for half my health.
Vaxadrin said:I lol'ed because I thought they "ruined the game with scripted chase sequences".
Papercuts said:?
If it was scripted he would not have died...while a couple are normal chases that are perfectly fine, most aren't. Strictly speaking motorcycles,the mission where you chase the two bikers into the subway is scripted, and even though I was right behind then nailing them with bullets and seeing blood fly, the one died, and the other wouldn't until after a certain point. Hating the Haters or something like that is the same, the Faggio chase through the park is scripted and the guy won't die until after Bernie gets on, it's annoying.
I have no problem with chases if they aren't scripted and there's not an abundance of them, like you even said the mission you did was completed in seconds because of your skill with handling a motorcycle, but most are scripted and no matter how well you maneuver you need to wait to kill.
Papercuts said:Really? I guess I just took a few shots and since he didn't fall off I assumed to just wait because it was probably scripted. The other one is definitely scripted though.
U K Narayan said:Holy shit. This game is getting on my nerves.
Have any of you beaten the mission "Catch The Wave"? This shit is fucking IMPOSSIBLE. How do I beat this? Fuck this mission. Fuck this game.
It's for stupidPapercuts said:I know I hated this...but I can't remember which annoying boat mission it is.Is it for Bernie, Derrik, or that one mob guy who I can't remember the name of?
Dude, I tried this mission three times. I was really bent on beating this game, today. But that mission is enough to make me sell this damn game.i_am_not_jon_ames said:It's for stupid.Phill Bell
I read somewhere that the trick isto leave one enemy near you alive so that Phil doesn't go charging into the warehouse and get himself killed. But man the drive to that mission pissed me off after the third or fourth time.
How far in do you get? Do youU K Narayan said:Dude, I tried this mission three times. I was really bent on beating this game, today. But that mission is enough to make me sell this damn game.
I'm well over 80 hours invested in the game with two playthrough files and mp. Driving a car isn't exactly a problem and hasn't been since hour 1.FightyF said:If the game had realistic physics, you'd REALLY be complaining, along with hundreds of other people.
I really think I should make a "how to drive a car" video for the hundreds of people in the "What's wrong with GTA4" thread.
Apply real life concepts. If you are finding a car too hard to drive, simply SLOW DOWN!
Papercuts said:Really? I guess I just took a few shots and since he didn't fall off I assumed to just wait because it was probably scripted. The other one is definitely scripted though.
Chrange said:That's the problem - people don't get the easy kill and they scream "SCRIPTED!" like they know what they're talking about.I killed him the easy way - I ditched the scooter, stole a car and ran his ass over. Then I had to evade the police before getting Bernie.
voltron said:
Use this with that map.disappeared said:Wow, thanks for that map, man. I have the Canadian version of the game which came with two maps (one in French) so I'm just gonna copy all the pigeon spots down on that map.
TheOneGuy said:/weep
AndersTheSwede said:Couldn't find the answer to these in the thread.
For the mission where you have tokill an informer for the police chief by getting onto the roof with a sniper rifle... how the fuck do you get onto the roof?
And for the mission where you have toblock a tunnel with a truck to capture a escaping prisoner for the irish fuckers how the hell do you get away in the armored car? It's slow as shit.
Yes, and I followed them to the T. Er, if pics and videos had a T anyway.Won said:Are you talking about the gamesradar map? There are pics and a video to all pigeons.
eshwaaz said:It took me five tries to beat that mission, and I discovered that you don't need to aim at all. Actually, you don't even need to fire the guns - just dodge the incoming RPGs for a pre-determined amount of time and a cutscene will trigger.
nice!!!!flunkie4455 said:
When I say they're not there, I mean they're really just not there. ;-;Won said:Hmm 188 is kinda hard to see, took me a while even with pic and video. 197....uhhmm open your eyes?![]()