Goodbye Pharma industry..... http://uk.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-corporates-pharmaceuticals-idUKKCN0ZA26J
Well then
Goodbye Pharma industry..... http://uk.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-corporates-pharmaceuticals-idUKKCN0ZA26J
If she can and does block it really doesn't hurt her in any way. It's not like the rest of the country can affect the SNPs position.
Current entire UK Government
They'll pass English Votes for British Laws because clearly the Scots can't be trusted.
As a Labour voter myself, I'm intrigued to see what happens in the coming days.
Corbyn's a decent man and a thoughtful speaker, but he's not gavanalised the party at all.
In fact it seems in free fall.
With a general election around the corner and the country in no man's land, the Labour Party sorting itself out could be crucial for the future of the entire country.
So is it now believed that article 50 won't be activated until a new Tory leader is in place? Would Boris call a GE before activating article 50?
And this is why even though I would have preferred to remain, I'd rather leave than allow the Government to just ignore the referendum and be like "nah ain't doing that".If nothing else it really goes to show how out of touch politicians are in this country. The whole thing was hanging together by a thread.
Let their be riots. Hopefully the police will be allowed to do their job and lock up the racist thugs and the rest of us can get back our lives without the spectre of being in a country that pretty much decapitated it's head, to spite it's brain.
Wait. I'm being mean. Only black people can be "thugs". Yobs then.
Are Michael Gove and Boris Johnson really the only candidates left as PM?
Boris is a bafoon and Gove is a self declared Zionist.
Is this really where we've come to?
If Scotland were to vote for independence, would they want to be a republic or still have the Queen as head of state?
this is looking more and more like the biggest political fiasko and nation-suicide in the last couple of decades..
If she can and does block it really doesn't hurt her in any way. It's not like the rest of the country can affect the SNPs position.
I'm hoping for Dan Jarvis and a call to unite the strands of the party. Trying to fuck over the left is going to destroy the activist base.
If she can and does block it really doesn't hurt her in any way. It's not like the rest of the country can affect the SNPs position.
We've only had the initial day of actual trading on Friday. If the markets open tomorrow and things start tanking further then the evidence to rethink things could become too strong to ignore. At the moment it's still being handwaved away as Project FEAR.
Seriously, bunch of selfish asses for being concerned for the future of their country.
Why did YOU vote for Leave?
And this is why even though I would have preferred to remain, I'd rather leave than allow the Government to just ignore the referendum and be like "nah ain't doing that".
They have all shown their true colours the past few weeks. From the lies and scare tactics of both campaigns, to Cameron acting like an utter coward, Farage being like "oops didn't mean that" just hours after Leave won the vote, to labour tearing itself apart, and the fact that even though they've been spending money on tv time and ads reminding us to vote time and time again lest we forget....not one of them actually formed an exit plan this entire time. If it wasn't so messed up it would be hilarious. They've shown just how out of touch with the country they are.
Hence why we can't afford to hand over what power we do have to them. To give them the right to ignore us. Because once you hand over that power it's very difficult to get it back, and with clowns like these running the country I wouldn't trust any of them.
We went out for lunch today. It's crept up on me how often I find myself thinking "are they Remainers or Brexiters?" It's kinda bloody toxic.
Wow at the wording. "[The UK] has no effective government and is likely to break up"
Using the word "crisis", too.
I went out for a long walk today and was doing this a lot. The walk was meant to clear my head of all this nonsense.We went out for lunch today. It's crept up on me how often I find myself thinking "are they Remainers or Brexiters?" It's kinda bloody toxic.
fucking hell, the wet knickers in here are something to behold.
the one thing i agree with the leavers on is that we've been sleepwalking through a shite political state of affairs for the best part of the last decade, most of us were resigned to tories running the circus for god knows how long while labour ate itself alive.
there is an opportunity for something decent to come out of this mess and the coin is still in the air as far as i'm concerned. keep your head and the world will be yours.
Not only do you want to ignore a democratic decision, you're hoping that the police swoop in to deal with any protesters.
What will hurt Britain tomorrow is less the brexit and more that most of the political class collapsed over the weekendEh, I could see the markets bounce back a bit on monday as nothing has actually happened yet. The main effects of brexit won't hit till Britain actually leaves, though it will cause a large amount of uncertainty in the markets.
We went out for lunch today. It's crept up on me how often I find myself thinking "are they Remainers or Brexiters?" It's kinda bloody toxic.
We went out for lunch today. It's crept up on me how often I find myself thinking "are they Remainers or Brexiters?" It's kinda bloody toxic.
Agree. Met a friend's new bf today and it was the only thing I was worried about.We went out for lunch today. It's crept up on me how often I find myself thinking "are they Remainers or Brexiters?" It's kinda bloody toxic.
If you think it's perfectly okay to discount people because they're older, I don't know what to say. The older generation only wants what is best for their children. I think it's downright shameful to discount them in so many ways. You don't get control of everything just because you're younger.
For the record, I don't have a horse in this race. Not from the UK. But as an outsider looking in, some of the reaction to not getting their way has been awful. Calling for more votes until you somehow get the result one side wants is the opposite of democratic.
Nope. Sorry I disagree - for the first time ever, I now feel utterly ashamed to be British. My country has just committed economic suicide on the world stage, backed by an agenda of racism and xenophobia. I don't understand my country anymore, and to use the right wing phrase - I want my country back.
This is such a watershed in British politics and life (and possibly the end of British life given Scotland leaving). I honestly don't feel at home here anymore - this isn't the place I thought it was.
The whole world changed overnight and that's not hyperbole.
My wife is Polish and before this was subject to casual racism at work around the referendum 'Ir's not you, it's all the others".
I'm afraid what it will be like for her now.
I am also ashamed of my country. Is this how National Socialism started?
Danke.Stop being a meanie it's not the UK's fault that they're having a hard time right now, man you guys are kicking people when they're down! Merkel! Car manufacturers!
/GAF leavers
I've gone from shaking my head in disbelief about the fact that the UK voted for Leave to shaking my head about the headless chickens running around. But we don't really WANNA!
I'm sorry sane-UK Gaf, you're always welcome here in Germany.
Im pretty sure if you pressed 9/10 people on the street you would find one value or belief they have that, were you to know it, would make you think of them quite differently.
I mean fuck there are things I wont talk to my own family about because I know if we do im gonna hear some shit I dont want to.
I think there has to be a general election now before anything happens. I can't imagine anyone wants to do it without being sure they have the support now.
We went out for lunch today. It's crept up on me how often I find myself thinking "are they Remainers or Brexiters?" It's kinda bloody toxic.
We went out for lunch today. It's crept up on me how often I find myself thinking "are they Remainers or Brexiters?" It's kinda bloody toxic.
Im pretty sure if you pressed 9/10 people on the street you would find one value or belief they have that, were you to know it, would make you think of them quite differently.
I mean fuck there are things I wont talk to my own family about because I know if we do im gonna hear some shit I dont want to.
Good stuffHad the same thing at a family party last night. Walked in to the pisser on my uncle and his friend basically saying they voted out because Immigrants have taken our jobs and now there is nothing left for young people.
I thought about starting a debate but then realised it stunk of piss so just went for option two. Pissed a little bit on my uncles shoes without him noticing. Felt good.
"Only wants what's best for their children"
The key word is wants here. Actions will always speak louder than words, and from Thursday we've seen that most of the older generation care more about themselves and their selfish idea of "taking back control" than the younger generation. Experts upon experts have said that a brexit would fuck the country's future up, yet they ignored it.
And no, calling for more democracy is not a removal of democracy. Nor are our elected leaders not taking a suggestion as legal fact.
Eh, I could see the markets bounce back a bit on monday as nothing has actually happened yet. The main effects of brexit won't hit till Britain actually leaves, though it will cause a large amount of uncertainty in the markets.
What will hurt Britain tomorrow is less the brexit and more that most of the political class collapsed over the weekend
Investors won't like this chaos
In a vacuum, a 2nd vote would be even more in favour than a 1st vote, as there are people that are against a 2nd vote on principle. A 2nd vote should be harder for Remain to win, not easier. There's no strong manning here.It seems to me that your nation is nearly as polarized as my own, so I can identify with your plight. However, is these polarized environments, I've noticed that everyone has their own ''experts''. How do regular people know who to trust? Everyone has an agenda and a bias, so don't bother denying it.
You completely misrepresent the argument being made by phrasing it like ''calling for more democracy''. C'mon now. That isn't democracy. Democracy would be holding a vote, making the change and actually see how the UK adjusts and giving it a chance in the 21st century. It isn't democratic to just keep holding votes and strongarming the other side and they're bent to your will.
Had the same thing at a family party last night. Walked in to the pisser on my uncle and his friend basically saying they voted out because Immigrants have taken our jobs and now there is nothing left for young people.
I thought about starting a debate but then realised it stunk of piss so just went for option two. Pissed a little bit on my uncles shoes without him noticing. Felt good.