Part of me would really like to cause a shitstorm and to see all the 'Remain' campaigners call Boris out on his lies. Provoke a bit of friction by saying 'Hang on, you said we were out the EU. You lied.' And really kick up an issue.
On the other hand, I'm glad sense is prevailing and it looks like this will be a change in semantics only, and a hollow victory in the meantime.
The most important thing is that there are true democratic, legislative and legal ways of stopping this madness. Whether we engage them or not, is up for debate, but it's not all done and dusted as the saying goes.
To echo what people were saying earlier, I really cannot identify with half the country now. They are either ill-informed, ignorant, bitter or xenophobic. There are no other camps on the 'Leave' side as far as I'm concerned. You know, the prevailing message here now seems to be let's all work together. The reality is those who have the best chance of fixing this also have the best chance of fleeing for better opportunity. Those with social or geographical mobility, those in established jobs with options of moving with companies, the new graduates over the next two years. Leaving behind the elderly and infirm, those with young children and those with poor work ethic. There won't be enough 'good' left to salvage this mess.
The 'Leave' vote has sent a message that some people want to rock the boat, and burn the world. Now there is an expectation that those who are hurt will knuckle down and get on board with them. You went after the establishment and hurt the people. Now the shoe is on the other foot and quite frankly, I'm going to stop worrying and watch the backpedalling and mess with a sad satisfaction.
I don't think the referendum should be ignored. Part of me wants people to know that a vote on proper issues has consequences. It's not just some facebook poll that disappears into obscurity from your news feed. People need to feel these consequences (at least partially) or a politician needs to come clean and say 'Listen this was a disastrous idea.' It might make people actually realise how much their vote means and how much it can help/hinder the country.