If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
It doesn't look bad, that's just a watercolor filter for artistic reasons.
And anyway a great game isn't about the graphics
The game is being ported to Nintendo Switch by Saber Interactive (NBA Playground and Shaq Fu ) in close cooperation with CD PROJEKT RED.
Digital version 32 GB.
The game is being ported to Nintendo Switch by Saber Interactive (NBA Playground and Shaq Fu ) in close cooperation with CD PROJEKT RED.
Digital version 32 GB.
Wow that looks bad
The game is being ported to Nintendo Switch by Saber Interactive (NBA Playground and Shaq Fu ) in close cooperation with CD PROJEKT RED.
Digital version 32 GB.
Ok Witcher 3 on switch...but at what prize?
Complete potato version more like.
I'm only joking, the more games the better.
Why is there people surprised by this? If you take Witcher 3 and downgrade everything and 720p res or who knows what res... why it shouldn't run? Looking the gif it remembers me Skyrim PS3/360
I mean it looks like shit but the portability factor makes it tolerable.
Well, just a few days ago we had people declaring it impossible, so I'm not surprised by the surprise. It takes more than just dropping the res and turning down settings though. Skim through the Digital Foundry video on it if you want to see just how much. Sounds like the port must be pushing Switch to the edge.Why is there people surprised by this? If you take Witcher 3 and downgrade everything and 720p res or who knows what res... why it shouldn't run? Looking the gif it remembers me Skyrim PS3/360
Brother, you seem a bit upset I used the world tolerable and missed the remainder of my post where there was some context to why I said it could be tolerable. I understand human reasoning is flushed down the toilet when triggered by a random person online. However, pulling shit-ridden assumptions out of one asshole, which who knows what goes in and out of it, is also pretty disgusting.Portable shit is still shit. Nintendo hardcore fans will be pleased with ANY port, doesn't matter how bad it looks or runs, just with the "but portability" argument.
Well, just a few days ago we had people declaring it impossible, so I'm not surprised by the surprise. It takes more than just dropping the res and turning down settings though. Skim through the Digital Foundry video on it if you want to see just how much. Sounds like the port must be pushing Switch to the edge.Why is there people surprised by this? If you take Witcher 3 and downgrade everything and 720p res or who knows what res... why it shouldn't run? Looking the gif it remembers me Skyrim PS3/360
Well, just a few days ago we had people declaring it impossible