You forgot FIVE BILLION TRANSISTORS!!!you forgot
One billion dollars
300k servers
40x xbox360 powers via cloud majic
2 exclusive shown during reveal
You forgot FIVE BILLION TRANSISTORS!!!you forgot
One billion dollars
300k servers
40x xbox360 powers via cloud majic
2 exclusive shown during reveal
They have 46+ million accounts, but that's not nearly the same as 46 million people paying for Xbox Live. The last time they reported it, paying Live customers were about half of the total.They have over 40million paying Xbox Live players currently on the 360, yet people are bitching it should all be free. If you are in business or even remotely clued into making money, why would you walk away from 40+million paying customers?
They have 46+ million accounts, but that's not nearly the same as 46 million people paying for Xbox Live. The last time they reported it, paying Live customers were about half of the total.
Live Free, no. Live Gold, yes.I thought you had to pay to use XBL to begin with?
To be perfectly honest, if this was the first moneygrabbing bullshit move by Microsoft, I wouldn't be so much against it.
But they've already made suckers of their customers by offering services that are free everywhere else for a fee - and I'm always anxious to see greedy corporations full of hubris humbled. And that together with all from the first post (and a dash of TV TV TV to boot) is the full reason I really wish the whole situation bites Microsoft in the ass and bites hard.
Because if it doesn't, they will never learn and might even end up fucking up the industry by demonstrating just how much they can get away with.
I thought you had to pay to use XBL to begin with?
GAF: I want to sell and buy used games
MS: We will support used games. You will be able to sell your games. More details later
GAF: Fuck you. I never give a shit about the online passes on PS3 games, and I fucking loved the day one digital sales on PS3! But for some reason I hate you because you are doing things that already happen!
Sony: We bought Gaikai
GAF: I love you Sony! You are so good! I have no idea what you will do with Gaikai but I already loved it!
MS: Cloud is the future dude
GAF: You liar!
If you mean part of the actual 1 hour filmed presentation, then of course you're right. I'm using reveal for a catchall of all the info we received on the day of the presentation.
That said, they revealed other than that ->
NFL Deal for $400 Million
EA Sports Engine (which is just a multiplatform engine)
Quantum Break (with a comically bizarre video)
Halo TV with Spielberg
New Xbox Controller
Xbox One Design
It's a shame that this "drm shit" undermines what may have been some decent things. I think the new Xbox Controller seems rad, for example. Will buy for my PC when available. But this "drm shit" is also so bad that it by necessity obfuscates all this other stuff... it's that terrible.
Getting the complete picture is not something that should take a lot of time in the first place.
Aww nice summary but I thought you were going to really relate it to a play.
Act I: Hype
People are excited for the Xbone, but bad omens abound. Some shrug the negative rumors off as fanboy hate, and Microsoft declares its noble intentions
Act II: Reveal
The tragic MS falls into the trap we all saw coming, and plays right into its customers' worst fears.
Act III: Fallout
MS stands by its policies, whether out of delusion or hubris, has an underwhelming E3 and ultimately fails upon launch, but not before doing almost irreparable damage to the rest of the industry. Fortinbras makes a speech
The good news is that if MS does this I actually might really stop gaming. Online only, DRM, kinect always on, 1984 bs ... there is literally no better time to stop gaming. I could go to Sony yeah, but I've been feeling like I need to be more productive and stop wasting so much time and money on videogames anyway.
This next generation is only going to be more time, more money, and more frustration and at the end of the day I won't even own the dang games --- Microsofts servers will.
The last part is my favorite - the media and their role in legitimizing Microsoft's efforts. I wish I had access to more information on the motives behind these statements, but there is definitely a push toward acceptance and hype of the Xbox One with a strong diminishing effect of any negative opinions. Of course, all media outlets strive to do this in the interest of servicing those who grant them information and perhaps payment.
Will all the stealth marketers please stand up.
GAF: I want exclusives
MS: 15 new exclusives!
We don't know what they are at all. A lot of them could be Kinect or simple XBLA games. Right now they're just telling us to be excited about a number.
GAF: I want new IPS
MS: 8 new IPS!
This is a good thing. I was happy about this. We just don't know anything about them. They could be uninteresting or just plain bad.
GAF: No Kinect crap
MS: not a single Kinect game showed!
They showed off only 2 first party games via trailers. I'm sure we'll see the Kinect games come E3 when they reveal those 15 new exclusives and do live game play demos. Also, they confirmed that Kinect 2.0 is included with every console and required to be attached for the console to operate. That alone is what I'd call "Kinect crap", as someone who games in a small-ish room that Kinect doesn't work in I don't want to pay for something that I'll never be able to use.
GAF: Fuck you MS. I want whatever Sony throw at me! another Killzone wooot! Another Infamous woot! Knack is so cool, that guy I never seen before is a genius! woot!
Sony showed games and game play. They didn't have any DRM or horrible PR to mock (although that Infamous guy was pretty hilarious). They just went straight to the point in terms of specs and didn't use buzzwords to describe the console for the entirety of the reveal. They focused on games for the majority of the reveal and didn't spend it on Sports/TV. Also, Mark Cerny actually has a long history in gaming (especially with great PS1/PS2 games) and is really respectable. To scoff at people being impressed that he was there is kind of rude/fanboy-ish.
Straw man arguments? I'm not even sure why I responded to these posts in the first place since you are just going to pass me off a fanboy that just doesn't like Xbox (despite me owning both Xbox consoles and loving them). I just think it's better for gamers to get outraged at MS now while MS still has time to backtrack and fix the DRM/used games shit rather than wait for the product to launch (with all that bullshit still in) and have us go "oh well".GAF: I want to sell and buy used games
MS: We will support used games. You will be able to sell your games. More details later
GAF: Fuck you. I never give a shit about the online passes on PS3 games, and I fucking loved the day one digital sales on PS3! But for some reason I hate you because you are doing things that already happen!
They gave us a ton of conflicting reports and we still have no idea what's going on. The fact they no one no one knows what's going on leads us to believe the worst. Also, tons of people hate the online pass bullshit with PS3/360 games. Oh and Digital purchases aren't the same as retail purchases. They have different expectations.
Sony: We bought Gaikai
GAF: I love you Sony! You are so good! I have no idea what you will do with Gaikai but I already loved it!
Gaikai is a streaming service so one can instantly assume what Sony could do with it, just in the same way people can assume what MS will do with their console despite having no "hard facts".
MS: Cloud is the future dude
GAF: You liar!
We have no evidence to support that it will be "the future" of gaming. No one has done anything with it. If MS actually provides games that prove otherwise then awesome, but I'm not going to believe in buzzwords. Also "cloud gaming" is scary because game servers go down so fast nowadays. If single player games stopped working after the game's server goes down, does that mean everyone's Xbox One game collection will inevitably not work once MS moves onto their next console? As someone who still plays tons of old games it's a scary thought.
And holy shit that game is so old and this still look so good!
If Sony went with this stuff, I think I'll tough it out on Wii U until the final true end. then sadly wonder the halls of a once great industry as I wait for it to regain its sense and have a rebirth
I think you're cool, I'm only ribbing on you because I know you'd be a good sport. Thanks for this thread.Every person is a liar and every person is a sinner, so cast ye thy stone if ye feels like it, but let's move on already![]()
They're so goddamned bewildered by what we are and what we want - in our niches and weird tastes and repulsion to their shitty decisions that they have to resort to putting a camera in our living rooms to examine what the fuck we're feeling. If you don't understand what a perfect metaphor that is for frightened, scared, diminished corporate structures, you haven't been paying attention.
With smash coming out in the nearish future that's not a bad idea.
What I am most curious about is exactly how much pressure Microsoft would reassert, via the sheer poundage of unique exclusive game experiences, to break the will of what seems to be a pretty unified front at the moment? They know they have tons of games, we know they have tons of games. But if they show those tons of games at E3, will that be enough to get the majority of gamers to be quiet about what they found out on May 21?
I only hate the practices surrounding the Xbox One and its anti-consumer measures, but if they were the eliminate most of them or dramatically reduce their impact, I'd be on board again. The problem is I'm not sure Microsoft have enough time to fully turn the ship around from the direction they've started to. All I can do is cross my fingers...
Of the potential customer base (let's say within a year of launch, early adopters) what percent do you think is actually pissed off about the situation?
I assume that the majority lie in the middle ground between myself and the masses that seem to be on GAF at the moment. That is to say it won't take more than one or two games I want to grab the system, even if it requires an online check every 24 hours, etc.
I've said it a bunch of times already, the only thing that would really irritate me is not being able to buy and sell 2nd hand games. If there is a little more effort required (say, purging some license from my system) then I won't really consider it a bother at all but if I can only sell off games at certain shops or can't sell off imports (live in Japan, at least 70% of the games I buy are imports) then it will piss me off enough to make the PS4 my main machine and only use the One for exclusives.
Just fucking don't buy an Xbox One. It is literally that simple. It is in the best interest of gamers and consumers for the Xb1 to fail.
Drag them to the pits Ami yaaassss I agree with everything you said![]()
EDIT: How long did it take to make this summary tbh?
nicely done, sir.
Link?OP needs to be edited with faceless007's post. That was glorious.
I hope MS should add an extra time at E3 to do a proper explanation to put all vague situations
Best situation MS should abandon all DRM shit.
It is so fucking insane to mandate all the things which the people's don't want.
You have to connect your machine within 24 hours? Else what>>>your installed games are useless after that?
No drm
GAF: I want exclusives
MS: 15 new exclusives!
GAF: I want new IPS
MS: 8 new IPS!
GAF: No Kinect crap
MS: not a single Kinect game showed!
GAF: Fuck you MS. I want whatever Sony throw at me! another Killzone wooot! Another Infamous woot! Knack is so cool, that guy I never seen before is a genius! woot!
Quote with linkLink?
Well, this is the disconnect I guess. You admit you only hold this view because of the detrimental effects (you think) are impacting the industry. You are asserting that a fundamental aspect of property rights and consumer rights as it has existed since the beginning of trade should be adjusted and recodified on a per-industry basis, not because it's inherently bad or unethical, but just because you think it's a threat to the industry's health. Which means you are essentially arguing for protectionism for corporations--consumers are free to exercise their consumer rights only up to a certain point, but if that free exercise is perceived to threaten the viability of the industry, then their rights must be limited in order to save the industry.
I don't think I can put into words my disgust at this demeaning display of groveling at the feet of your game developer overlords. Even a die-hard laissez-faire capitalist would not be so subservient, because even a capitalist would accept that sometimes industries die and that's the way the world works. As much as I enjoy games, there is no inherent good in this industry. The ends do not justify the means here; there is nothing that makes the gaming industry inherently worthy of preservation, not to the point that would justify carving out a special exemption for them where used games are somehow magically not OK when they are OK for every other packaged good on the planet. Just because your favored set of content producers couldn't properly adapt does not justify rewriting the rules of what "property ownership" means and fundamentally removing the ability to preserve, inherit, pass on, lend, and share its products.
The industry does not come first; consumers do. I have no sympathy for an industry that cannot properly stumble its way around a viable secondhand market like every other mature industry in the world. Sometimes your old product just isn't good enough, and the way you solve it is by making a better product, not by forcing consumers to adapt to your archaic and myopic business model with your dying breath. If this industry can't find a way to make money off the primary market -- even with DLC and exclusive pre-order content and HD re-releases and map packs and online passes and annualized sequels and "expanding the audience" and AAA advertising and forced multiplayer -- then, if I may be so blunt, fuck it. It doesn't deserve our money in the first place. If an entire industry has its head so far up its ass, is so focused on short-term gains, and has embraced such a catastrophically stupid blockbuster business model in the pursuit of a stagnant market of hardcore 18-34 dudebros that it thinks it has no choice but to take away our first-sale rights as its last chance of maybe, finally, creating a sustainable stream of profits, then it can go to hell. It doesn't need your protection, it needs to be taken out back and beaten until it remembers who its real masters are.
I especially have a hard time having any sympathy because so many of the industry's problems are of its own making. They chose to focus on shaderific HD graphics over long-lasting appeal and gameplay; they chose to focus on linear scripted cinematic B-movie imitations that were only good for one playthrough instead of replayability and open-ended design; they chose to pour so much money and marketing into military porn and fetishized violent shootbang Press A to Awesome titles, exactly the kinds of games that hardcore gamers, the most likely gamers to trade in games quickly were prone to buying and reselling; and perhaps most galling, they chose to give Gamestop loads of exclusive pre-order bonuses while they knew exactly what Gamestop would say to those customers once in the store. They kept making insanely lavish and nonsensical displays of spectacular whizz-bang, despite that being exactly the kind of game most susceptible to trading after one week because there was nothing left to do with it. And now they're discovering that putting so many insanely expensive eggs into one fragile and easily breakable basket is maybe not the most sustainable business model ever.
So forgive me if I find myself not caring one bit when the industry complains that it's just so hard to sell six million copies of Gears of Medal of Battle of Uncharted Angry Dudes VII in the first week and that's why they need to take away used sales for the entire platform. No, the problem isn't at this end.
Thank you! Excellent post.Quote with link![]()
I have to say, the line of thought that says "this reaction won't affect eventual sales because it is only a hardcore niche in a much larger market complaining" just seems totally faulty to me.
It assumes that, for want of a better term, the 'viral' contribution to purchasing decisions is relatively unimportant. I think a lot of people who are massive gamers are introducing many of their friends or family to things they would not notice otherwise. And it's a process that feeds back on itself.
In an age when advertisers are ever keen on finding and hiring the few people who have disproportionate influence on other people on Twitter etc., it seems weird to say negatively influencing hundreds of people will do nothing. Removing five hundred people who might each show a console off, or talk about a game on a console to 6 other people, who might talk to 3 others, who talk to...etc.