Hah! Funny advert. Kinda reminds me of the old banned Xbox one where people where shooting their fingers all over the place.
COD Ghosts is pretty dead on PC.
Hopefully GMG sends out keys early for preload so those on PC can be playing the game instead of watching Keighley talk about it.
BF4 is fine for PC. Second most popular platform behind PS4. TitanFall won't have trouble grabbing an audience on PC.
BF4 is more popular on PS4 than PC? That doesn't sound right. I thought that series was PC all the way.
How likely will this drop to $30 within a month on 360?
Guaranteed? Good
Did they ever explain why they changed the name from MCOR to Militia? No big deal really, just something I noticed from the E3 reveal trailer.
The Militia is loosely divided into Brigades. Each Brigade is responsible for fighting in an assigned section of Frontier territory, which might span as far as several planetary systems. The Marauder Corps, a.k.a. the M-COR, is a small part of a much larger Brigade tied to the Freeport System.
Is pilot hunter a pilot only mode without Titans?
Need a 1440p version.High-quality wallpaper version of the box art:
Is pilot hunter a pilot only mode without Titans?
Add away, GT: sB Arcade
Btw, is there any extra DLC while pre-ordering?
There are titans, but only pilot kills count.
How likely will this drop to $30 within a month on 360?
Guaranteed? Good
My PC is capable. Just concerned about getting destroyed by KB/M players if I go the PC route.
The default rules of Pilot Hunter had the score set to 50 in case people wanted to know.
For the X1 version?=OK have everyone added so far.
Ok, then mine is mitu123.Everyone that posted yeah![]()
Origin Username: BY2K
Add away! See you guys on PC!
North America?
As other's have said, I haven't been this excited for a MP game for a long time. I was hooked on the Beta (PC). Added everyone on Origin that signed up.