Nice, I wonder what Bungie reckon of it?
Just uploading my first video of the full game, there's even a megakill in this one!
If you're having issues with multiple GPUs in Titanfall, we're aware. Should be fixed in an upcoming patch.
Probably already asked but is there a way to rename custom loadouts?
Titanfall requires aproximatey 50Gb for PC, 18Gb for Xbox One, and around 1.2Gb for Xbox 360.
nice avatar
so I thought satchel charges detonate automatically when in range of an enemy? I probably read the description wrong....
One thing I noticed, that when an enemy jumps on top of a buddies titan, his titan seems to hunch over in a way so it's easy for me to save his ass and shoot the enemy off. Does anyone know if this is done automatically, or does the player inside the titan need to crouch down?
Are we going to find out why this is?
Probably already asked but is there a way to rename custom loadouts?
Are we going to find out why this is?
As much as I was looking forward to this on xbone, I am going to give it a miss. The frame-rate drops and screen-tearing are just not acceptable on a game that looks like this.
How could MS fuck this up so much? I don't blame Respawn at all.
I have plants vs zombies and infamous with MGS:GZ coming later so they will take up what free time I have.
Respawn please fix this for titanfall 2 or titanfall extra edition PS4.
I keep getting client desynch and I have no idea what to do. This is so frustrating.
I'm struggling to tell whether the slowdown I'm getting is performance or lag related (on PC).
I have a GTX 780 and I'm only running it at 1080p.
The gray box with resyncing connection or some such
i believe i read in IGN's review-in-progress that there isn't, which is pretty damn silly. hope they patch it in soonish.
The PC version has occasional performance issues depending on your system, but they can be ironed out by adjusting one or two settings.
And you can use the Mexican Origin store trick to get it cheap. ($38 or something like that)
Okay this size is realy laughable. They realy need to sort out some way to select what audio you need... 50gb is just way too big download.
I've gotten "Retrying server" with a dude right in front of me (PC) more than 10 times already![]()
Yeah I get that a few times and then it says Client Desynchronization and boots me from the game.
what are the settings? The stuttering using NVIDIA cards is driving me nuts![]()
In the nVidia control panel, set Adaptive Vsync and Triple Buffering to on for the game. It helps a lot but it isn't 100% fool proof. You'll still see some tearing and stuttering. Worse on some maps than others, but a lot better than if you use the game's vsync settings alone.
Blergh, anyone kind enough to explain how they unlocked the game via VPN on PC? I tried using TunnelBear with no luck (can't find data center, and when I turn off TunnelBear, game just disconnects me after it loads a level). Also tried that ugly looking VPN software that PC Gamer wrote about, didn't work either for some reason :/
so the in game vsync is whats causing all the stuttering/issues?