I get anywhere from 83-120fps usually plays at around 100+. Every setting maxed, but I'm running a [email protected], 2x 780ti's SLI with 16GB of ram. Game looks great to me
Man I originally thought I was gonna start playing this morning then stop once I got max level and prestiged... but damn the last few levels take forever. I'm thinking I'll be at about 11 hours played when I finally can move to gen 2
Nothing feels better than throwing an Archer rocket back the pilot and killing him.
Well some things come close but for me that's the tops.
I get anywhere from 83-120fps usually plays at around 100+. Every setting maxed, but I'm running a [email protected], 2x 780ti's SLI with 16GB of ram. Game looks great to me
What the hell is that ending? It isn't even an ending..
What? People are already hitting max level? Is it that fast?
Does shooting titan with carbines and such even do anything? Sometimes you got nothing to shoot and you just want to pop shots off at that Titan that's busy doing something else.
Why don't rodeo pilots jump off when I deploy smoke? They just continue to shoot and then die.
I've killed myself too many times by rodeoing a Titan and firing the Sidewinder instead of my rifle.
How? It seems locked at 60. I'm on a 144hz gsync monitor and it maxes at 60 with vsync off (needed for gsync). Or are you running with vsync on? I heard it has some bad micro stutter with vsync. At any rate it really needs optimization, it dips and drops constantly even on beastly rigs.
Bleh, I don't like the triple threat at all.
I also can't use these burn cards fast enough without my deck filling up. The struggle is real.
anyone have titan fall crash pc version?
There are kind of a lot of bad guns in this game.
Nothing feels better than throwing an Archer rocket back the pilot and killing him.
Well some things come close but for me that's the tops.
Anybody get the collectors edition? I really want the statue but for anybody who has it whats the quality like?
Force close the game and restart it. That's how I got like 5 achievements lolHey anybody else not getting achievements for the game?
Is no one playing anymore? I'm getting like no matches!
People already given up on this?
How is this guys. People complain about not being able to do anything alone. Respawn can put in a Time Trials mode. Set various checkpoints to make "tracks through a map and attach some leaderboards to it.
Do I have to just play through the campaign twice to unlock the Ogre titan? I dont seem to be able to pick what side I want to be on.
How is this guys. People complain about not being able to do anything alone. Respawn can put in a Time Trials mode. Set various checkpoints to make "tracks through a map and attach some leaderboards to it.
As a user of the shotgun I can confirm that it is some ridiculous bullshit.
Guess the game has a memory leak problem or something, because the first match I play runs very well, then after a few games it turns into a slideshow.
Guess so, first time I played through was IMC and I unlocked the Stryder, then it automatically went to Militia after that for the Ogre.
What game modes would you all want to see added. Personally, I wish there was a free for all mode, but I guess they'd have to remove all the minions for it to work.
Because yolo and stuff.
I wish there was a way to see your stats outside of game, like or Call of Duty Premium.
That's my Kratio so far. Happy with it.
How is this guys. People complain about not being able to do anything alone. Respawn can put in a Time Trials mode. Set various checkpoints to make "tracks" through a map and attach some leaderboards to it.
I've killed myself too many times by rodeoing a Titan and firing the Sidewinder instead of my rifle.