SSD is useless as you have to wait for other ppl to load their games before the match begins. It'll only spare you from the opening load of the game. I dont recommend blowing 50 gigs just for that.
its the only storage drive i have at the moment.
SSD is useless as you have to wait for other ppl to load their games before the match begins. It'll only spare you from the opening load of the game. I dont recommend blowing 50 gigs just for that.
The time delay between spawns is smaller than the time needed to switch to the burn card I want.
That makes sense actually. Might offload it and create a symlink if it's not benefitting from the SSD at all.SSD is useless as you have to wait for other ppl to load their games before the match begins. It'll only spare you from the opening load of the game. I dont recommend blowing 50 gigs just for that.
Nope.Is there any way to choose what team you want to play as in campaign mode?
Hardpoint is starting to become my go to game mode.
I feel lobby time should be shorter.
Hardpoint is starting to become my go to game mode.
Kind of wish Titanfall did the Killzone thing of having 3 or 4 different game types trigger in a single match. KZ:SF was pretty boring, but that aspect of it was great.
Thanks to everyone that responded above. I was mostly worried about the performance side of it and a few people are mentioning some minor issues. Are there any specifics other than it running poorly on certain video cards? I'm running a GTX 770 with 4 gigs of memory right now.
I've actually only tried that and Attrition, but yeah. It really works. The points are well-placed, the timing is flawless, and the map size + player limit provides for both heated firefights around contested areas and completely alone stealth caps. I wouldn't be surprised if it stays my favorite mode.Hardpoint is starting to become my go to game mode.
Same here. Hardpoint brings human opponents together to fight. Attrition mode is too much bot fighting then Titan slug fests as players could be anywhere on the map. You will definitely run into human vs human encounters frequently with hardpoint.
Yup, the mutation aspect is great. Too bad it was implemented in a boring game. This feature set would be amazing for TitanFall. So you have a boring game with a great feature set and a great game with a lackluster, non existent feature set.
Are you complaining about dying on a map that you don't know and without familiarization of weapons of other players? Would you like everyone to jut stand around so you can get some kills and let you memorize the map? Of course you are going to die a bit when you first start playing, you don't know anything yet. If a person were to go Generation 2 which starts you at Level 1 vs. a brand new Level 1 player all guns being exactly equal, who do you think will win more often?
Hardpoint is starting to become my go to game mode.
Hold left trigger when you're on a wall.
This is some crap.
I get matched with brand new level ones who have played for 2 hours.
Even the people I'm matched with that are my own generation get rolled half the time.
Either it doesn't work or its not there, because I'm positive that I'm matched with random people, the games are way too inconsistent and don't add up in the slightest.
Maybe its there, just really really awful.
I will however, add that i have made an observation.
Whenever i head into matchmaking as a pre made.. We are usually matched up against other various sizes of premades.
time played vs skill? BS.
I'm level 6 in a room full of players all over level 20. A level 50 guy on the other team just went 23 and 1? I was killed by players using guns and tactics I have yet to learn on maps I have yet to memorize, somehow this makes a level playfield? Again, BS. This is the same thing COD does, you're either a god or a clod.
I've had a bad experience with the matchmaking overall. For some reason the game is heavily biased with putting you in IMC, so Militia team tends to have much better players. If I'm IMC most of the time I lose even if I have no deaths and 98 Attrition Points, because there is someone new on my team. Not a big deal, but when I'm in Militia it seems almost impossible to lose -- this is especially for the Campaign.
I did notice that the Tutorial determines your skill. Right from the bat I noticed a slight bug where you can still melee when you're not supposed to as it tells you about the Titan's mechanics, so you can just keep killing the Titan waves over and over. I think the grenade throwing and how many times it takes you to pass certain areas also determine it. When I first stepped out everyone was a lot better than the people I play against now.
You have to wait at least 2 seconds to spawn I believe. That is enough time to select a burn card. Even if it isn't, every player in the game has the same "handicap" so it is not an issue.
Did they fix it where if you call in your Titan under the Evac ship it will destroy it?
To be honest, i never thought of that.
I do win nearly every time I'm on the militia side...
Any skill determination that was done in the tutorial, if that would be the case at least.. Is gone for me now, it just feels like a crapshoot.
Except when i play with a pre made group.. We get harder games for sure.
Probably due to being matched against other pre made groups, which i like.. A lot.. M kes me want to play with friends more.
I would love clarification on that from respawn... Or at least confirmation that i am actually being matched against pre made groups, when i myself queue up as a pre made group.
If thats really the case, I'm surprised they haven't talked about it, because its an awesome feature... Assuming I'm right.
I just wish it ran better given how crap it looks.
It is though. I've already gotten to level 33 and done really well without using more than maybe 1 or 2.
If they had designed all of them to work for a set amount of time like say 5 minutes for example, then I would use them. As it is, I waste good time to use the card and then immediately die without getting the chance to use it to good effect.
It is though. I've already gotten to level 33 and done really well without using more than maybe 1 or 2.
If they had designed all of them to work for a set amount of time like say 5 minutes for example, then I would use them. As it is, I waste good time to use the card and then immediately die without getting the chance to use it to good effect.
Well to put it in perspective, my win ratio is 70% -- with Militia I only lost a handful out of 137 or so games... I have played a lot of Attrition though, I'm nearly Generation 3 waiting for either my brother of my US friend to finally jump online so I can play something Team based.
900p w/ all settings on High and 2x MSAA runs better for me than 1080p w/ all settings on Low and no AA. Substantially better.Yeah, and for some reason I ran the beta maps wayyyy better than I am the retail versions. Even with lower settings.![]()
I can't tell if this is sarcasm. I think it is.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm. I think it is.
900p w/ all settings on High and 2x MSAA runs better for me than 1080p w/ all settings on Low and no AA. Substantially better.
It is though. I've already gotten to level 33 and done really well without using more than maybe 1 or 2.
If they had designed all of them to work for a set amount of time like say 5 minutes for example, then I would use them. As it is, I waste good time to use the card and then immediately die without getting the chance to use it to good effect.