Is there anyway to tell what campaign missions you've won with either faction?
*shakes head*
Well, that's annoying. Was looking at the achievements and saw the bar close to full on the faction ones and now I just have to go in guessing.
After this, I'm done flexing my e-penis. Earlier I posted my Xbox One are my PC stats.
I don't play this on PC as much as I do on Xbox One though.
Holy shit. I always wonder how people are so damn good at fps's. I struggle to maintain a 1.0
After this, I'm done flexing my e-penis. Earlier I posted my Xbox One are my PC stats.
I don't play this on PC as much as I do on Xbox One though.
I'm certainly starting to notice some COD bros infiltrating this game, with their "I'm hiding up here all game long so I can have the highest k/d ratio". Silenced weapon and all. This is what COD has devolved into, especially with Ghosts, but thankfully this game doesn't really reward that style like Ghosts does.
Initially I was annoyed at the lack of leaderboards and comparing stats with friends, etc. But I'm starting to see the good that comes from that not being there. The k/d e-peen doesn't mean as much when your friends can't see it. Thankfully this means most people can just play to win, and I'm enjoying the game so much for it's purity in that sense.
Good God. And I was getting excited because my last 10 games against players went over 2.0 recently.After this, I'm done flexing my e-penis. Earlier I posted my Xbox One are my PC stats.
Yes, we were playing today and encountered some hardcore campers. The k/d dick waving contest is annoying - especially when people play super conservatively and don't go for objectives. I like to keep my own stats high, but it is nice that stat sharing isnt huge in Titanfall.
Also, going for objectives gives you crazy XP, so I'm not sure why e-peen people aren't all over it, since levels are public and k/d is not. +500 for a single flag capture? +75 every few seconds for sitting on a hardpoint? Fire up a Fast Learner card with the latter...Yes, we were playing today and encountered some hardcore campers. The k/d dick waving contest is annoying - especially when people play super conservatively and don't go for objectives. I like to keep my own stats high, but it is nice that stat sharing isnt huge in Titanfall.
After this, I'm done flexing my e-penis. Earlier I posted my Xbox One are my PC stats.
I don't play this on PC as much as I do on Xbox One though.
After this, I'm done flexing my e-penis. Earlier I posted my Xbox One are my PC stats.
I don't play this on PC as much as I do on Xbox One though.
I wish I could figure it out. This preset looks great.would someone that is using SWEETFX with this game would someone tell me how I've tried and tried. it doesn't work. I use it with alot of games but it doesn't work with Titanfall :/
Thank you kind sir, downloading the deluxe edition and saved myself $35![]()
My Kills as Titan are so much lower proportionately than either Meow or Kydd; I think I actually have more as a Pilot. Whoops.
I probably need to spend more time in my Titan instead of letting the AI run it. And also more time hunting Pilots rather than going toe to toe with the other robots.
There's someone who reached Gen 10 already!
And Gaf is mentioned respawn loves us <3
And Gaf is mentioned respawn loves us <3
That's a fan site.
Extraction is always so tense, deciding when you do or don't go without getting wiped out. Always the 1 hero sacrificing themselves for the team in their Titan like the scene from Matrix Revolutions. :')
Is there a burn card that makes you not show up on radar? I watch mine pretty closely but then I get my fucking neck snapped.
Speaking of, the neck snaps in this game are brutal as hell.
Nice! Was chasing an 8.0 K/D before I got off a bit earlier. Will try again for it later. Good stuff.Beaten
Rodeoing is so obnoxious! If I pop smoke the second the warning comes up... They can still get me to almost half life and jump off safely before the smoke can kill them.
So guys I'm having this weird dumb ass dilemma, I'm not sure whether to stick to the xbone version or the PC version, both are good as far as I'm concern my pros and cons are:
-xbone pros: comfy sofa couch, controller, lots of people
-xbone cons: that limited FOV, as someone who grew up as PC gamer I just cant get used to this horse view angles, not even in a big tv. Visuals are OK for console but that frame drop can be annoying at times.
-pc pros: The rush is bigger, action is intense because ya know M+K, I have nice rig so I haven't notice a lot of frame rate drops
-pc cons: I'm getting old being in a PC for a lot of hours takes a toll in my back and wrist. While I still managed to have a positive KD/Ratio match balance is already a problem. Not sure how healthy the population is going to be in 6 months for now.
I would actually play both whenever I feel like it, but I want to get to 10th gen on this one.
Seems like they designed it to take 80-100 hours to get to Gen 10, which seems low to me. I've put more hours than that into a lot of games, including singleplayer ones like XCOM or Football Manager. It'd be weird for the metagame to end so "early" into the game's lifespan for so many.
Also you still have 0 ejection kills, damn.![]()
I'd go with the Xbox. My lower back is the same sometimes. Comfort is the most important thing to me while gaming.
I've stopped worrying about my K/D ratio so much and just focus on helping me team win. It's way more fun that way and not as frustrating for me.
In Attrition I focus on getting Titan kills and spectres since I find that easier and I help my team with the points. One of my friends sits in places and camps, gets like 4 pilot kills and 0 deaths.
He then tries to call me out on my lower pilot K/D ratio but I consistently finish higher on the board because I wrack up the points dooming titans. Aren't titans actually worth more points than a pilot kill in attrition anyway?
Those stats are insane though!
Goddamn. I wish I was that good at the game haha.
Wow I just went 0 pilot kills, 0 titan kills and 2 grunt kills.
Pondering suicide.
My PC is attach to my HDTV . I can't imagine any other way now
So guys I'm having this weird dumb ass dilemma, I'm not sure whether to stick to the xbone version or the PC version, both are good as far as I'm concern my pros and cons are:
-xbone pros: comfy sofa couch, controller, lots of people
-xbone cons: that limited FOV, as someone who grew up as PC gamer I just cant get used to this horse view angles, not even in a big tv. Visuals are OK for console but that frame drop can be annoying at times.
-pc pros: The rush is bigger, action is intense because ya know M+K, I have nice rig so I haven't notice a lot of frame rate drops
-pc cons: I'm getting old being in a PC for a lot of hours takes a toll in my back and wrist. While I still managed to have a positive KD/Ratio match balance is already a problem. Not sure how healthy the population is going to be in 6 months for now.
I would actually play both whenever I feel like it, but I want to get to 10th gen on this one.