Finally managing to get my Titan to land on an opponent Titan is such a satisfying feeling
Did this by accident yesterday. Was amazing!!
Finally managing to get my Titan to land on an opponent Titan is such a satisfying feeling
Challenge hunting for Regeneration is going to be the new "Run a person over with a Mongoose"
Did this by accident yesterday. Was amazing!!
I'm so glad that camping and sniping isn't really a thing in Titanfall.
Which map? I think it changes.
EDIT: I'll look into it.
I'd assume your ping would be roughly the same as whatever it told you on the main menu when you connected to the server. Do you really need to know your exact latency within 10 milliseconds?
During classic multiplayer on the IMC side. It's basically the theme as you're starting the match. I'll see if I can find an example.
I found it. Working on uploading it.
Over time you just get a knack for spotting pilots. They run differently, and are both less predictable and more direct in their movements than the AI.I was afraid it was a skill issue.![]()
I'm calling the new hotness Batmanning. I can't count the number of rooms I've run into, only to find one or more dudes hanging from the tops of walls, cloaked, sniping anyone who rolls into the room.
Over time you just get a knack for spotting pilots. They run differently, and are both less predictable and more direct in their movements than the AI.
Titanfall Jump Skipping Tutorial:
Did this by accident yesterday. Was amazing!!
Is letting the opposing team get all 6 of their Titans out and not doing anything to stop them a new thing now that people like doing? The past couple days I've lost track of how many matches where they have all of their Titans grouped together and 1 might get destroyed and if you go anywhere near them you have 5 or 6 Titans shooting at you at once.
At that point it's better to just quit as you need your teammates to call their Titans all down at once. In short, teamwork.
Is letting the opposing team get all 6 of their Titans out and not doing anything to stop them a new thing now that people like doing? The past couple days I've lost track of how many matches where they have all of their Titans grouped together and 1 might get destroyed and if you go anywhere near them you have 5 or 6 Titans shooting at you at once.
are there any modes without the ai creeps?
The .45? I love that gun.12 Kills in with the Auto Pistol. This is horrible.
I'm calling the new hotness Batmanning. I can't count the number of rooms I've run into, only to find one or more dudes hanging from the tops of walls, cloaked, sniping anyone who rolls into the room.
At that point it's better to just quit as you need your teammates to call their Titans all down at once. In short, teamwork.
Simple fix my friend...even better if you can get one other person to help you with this.
So im gen 2 and i have to pitch a tent with the shotgun on hard point. I really don't think i want to play another game mode love it so much!
Soooo with a Titan, I haven't let a drop ship go in a while. They're so easy to destroy.
Here's my mojo
Run up in Titan
Cluster Bomb
From there it's easy pickings.
I've tried the Nuclear Ejection trick and it does work but if they dash away from the explosion then it doesn't do anything to thin them out.
Man what a shit match. Our team barely hit 1/2 way while they got 250. Top guy on the opposite team was 4th Generation and got 42 Grunt kills and just wrecked everyone with that damn smart pistol.
I hate using a great burn card then dying within seconds of re-spawning. Such a waste.
One thing which is great. When you have a Titan ready just rodeo an enemies then once you notice the titan is powering down due to the pilot jumping out keeping aiming at the weak point and call the titan. It will 100% land directly on-top and they don't have a chance to move it.!156&v=3
I didn't even think of using anything else than regular weapons on the ship... smoke and nuclear eject are quite clever.
Apparently a lot of people do, though.
Yeah...if I keep getting in those types of matches I'm just gonna quit out. I hate doing that though but it might be my only way.
I've tried the Nuclear Ejection trick and it does work but if they dash away from the explosion then it doesn't do anything to thin them out.
Getting sick of getting stuck with crap teams. If you're shit, then farm minions and try not to die too much. Good God, some of these people...
Getting sick of getting stuck with crap teams. If you're shit, then farm minions and try not to die too much. Good God, some of these people...
I do well at farming AI...mediocre at not dying too much
Works great when they dont have any dashes left.
When I start a new multiplayer game my first few matches are just learning how not to die in the game.
I had one match today where it was 250-88 I believe. I was the "MVP" (and I use that term loosely) of our team. I just sat there and looked at the score shaking my head.
Titans the new warthogs in ctf?
Grab flag, jump on, escape before getting blown up