I didn't realise this was possible until after it had happened... like a rat up a drainpipe
This is cool, but I mean you are using a smart pistol... Shame.
I didn't realise this was possible until after it had happened... like a rat up a drainpipe
Yeah, I'm not buying that for a second.Have a hard time believing that.
I think this game is too fast for me. My reflexes ain't what they use to be.
I don't think I have had as this much fun playing a competitive multiplayer games since Goldeneye. And now I wish there was a paintball mode.
Can we all agree that Spyglass is much better than Graves?
Can we all agree that Spyglass is much better than Graves?
Anybody else find themselves using only one Titan custom class? That's what has happened to me. I don't feel like I need to switch between weapons and stuff.
Based on the end of the IMC campaign, they could add a game mode that isco-op horde type mode against Spectre AIs
Can we all agree that Spyglass is much better than Graves?
I'd be up for joining you for some LTS.I'm looking for a group that plays mainly LTS. That mode is fun as hell when you play as a group and rage inducing with PUGs playing like rambo
They should nerf the 101 carbine to not be so dead on accurate on full auto while ADS. It completely kills the point of the hemlock and single shot weapons as it has next to no recoil while using ADS and you hold down the fire button.
The other rifles are useless since the basic carbine does their job and more.
I called the retailer I purchased it from and they're more than happy to refund. I'm just torn between waiting it out and seeing what is done or going in for the refund while I can. I can always buy it later when it *is* working. I was just looking forward to this game so much. It's part and parcel of the reason why I bought the Xbone in the first place. If it doesn't even work, it's kind of a slap to the face.
I'd be up for joining you for some LTS.
Anybody else find themselves using only one Titan custom class? That's what has happened to me. I don't feel like I need to switch between weapons and stuff.
Have a hard time believing that.
Why does that seem far fetched? This is on a much much smaller user base of systems than stuff like COD which sells 15 million copies. Only like 4 mil xbones out there and only a portion of that will buy TF, and not every owner of the game is going to be on at once. COD and BF4 sold a ton more copies on more systems and only have a bit more player numbers online at a time
This game is not going to bring in CoD/Halo like numbers
YES! Decapree is the ID, I'm off today so I'm good to go all day.
Gears numbers easily but I think you are over valuing Halo.
You on PC? I've only got the Xbox version.
Can we all agree that Spyglass is much better than Graves?
Halo 4, maybe. Titanfall can easily have as many players as that.
Cheapest place to buy this game right now (for PC) is ________?
Gears numbers easily but I think you are over valuing Halo.
The only tweak I want to the Smart Pistol is that I don't think it should target cloaked pilots. You see a cloaked pilot, you should have to manually fire.
Titanfall Tips and Tricks - Fastest Ways To Kill A Titan
Hmmm might be time to switch from the C.A.R to the LMG.
Do the weapon challenges carry over when you move to the next generation or do I have to start over?
Why that thing is worthless against cloaked pilots, if you got killed while in cloak by a smart pistol you deserved to die because it's far easier to kill you with almost any half decent weapon.
It still shouldn't point out a cloaked target that you would have missed when turning quickly.
The smart pistol is next to last in line when it comes to guns that need nerfs. People just need to man up and realize it doesn't matter what the other player was using, you were already dead.
The smart pistol is next to last in line when it comes to guns that need nerfs. People just need to man up and realize it doesn't matter what the other player was using, you were already dead.
Start over. The only things that carry over are your unlocked titans and burn cards.
This. If someone had enough time to get 3 locks on you they also had enough time to empty a clip of whatever other weapon into you.
Swing and a miss.
What's the point then?, that it helps you see cloaked pilots that any player could/should already see? (the cloak really isn't that good at hiding you from pilots). A pilot can easily see a cloaked player from across the map (its not meant for pilots, its meant for titans), and due to the locking range (even with extender) this makes your point kinda pointless IMO as its so short that the chances of a player missing a cloaked pilot at this range is so slim.I think you're missing the entire point.