Ok, let's address your other points. I stated the specific type of player that bothers me. I didn't say that you were one. I didn't paint you with the same brush. Though as a blanket statement I think not regenning is kind of weak. As for whether it makes it a worse game to have it in there, that's debatable. I'd say know, especially in Titanfall since it forces you to vary your playstyle, and varied playstyles is a good thing in my book. Sure, sometimes you get doofuses going for certain challenges and completely sacrificing their performance, but to me that's still preferable to the game instantly settling down into using their favorite loadout exclusively.
Thanks for actually responding this time lol. I understand where you're coming from with the varied playstyles, but in my case the bolded is not true. Variety is the spice of life after all, and I don't need challenges or a superfluous progression system to help me with that, especially when IMO I've seen it hurt matches more than help. I feel more people than you give credit for actually change their playstyles so drastically in that moment (game per game basis) just to see "Challenge Completed."
I'm not sure if you play Halo, but any Halo fan that's been with the franchise from early on can probably explain in detail the harm these types of systems do to games/gamers.
And whether you personally don't like it or not, if you are 'protesting' by not regenning you're not making the game better. You're just avoiding the game the way it was designed.
Not protesting, rather I don't find the need to grind through everything again when I just want to play the game with everything unlocked. I don't want to regen, get the urge to use a certain weapon/combination, then feel shitty for having to grind through it all again.. It's not my style. Sure the game was
designed that way, but isn't that the beauty of games, not having to play them exactly how they're designed?