It is getting annoying, I don't mind shotguns in games but its feels like most deaths I have are from the shotgun. What I hate most about it is, when you watch a killcam and you get single shotted by quite a way out - though this isn't anywhere near as bad as putting a pull 5 shot burst directly into a pilot and then for them to magic leap and kick you to death.
I love the game, but these 2 things are really putting me off playing - its like playing shotgun + kick wars,
The shotgun is just to damaging and accurate at range (I have no issue with a close range one shots), it needs more spread or lower ranged damage.
Melee needs to be: close from behind = neck snap death, a bit away from a pilot in any direction = jump kick that hurts a bit and knocks you back, and close range any direction other than behind = knifed to death.