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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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Neo Member
My Origin ID is Typomancer, looking for friends to play this with.

The Arc Cannon is probably the most fun Titan weapon I’ve tried yet.


hide your water-based mammals
Regarding those nvidia drivers, if you notice some kind of improvement it may be anecdotal since it really does nothing for performance as far as I read. No SLI profile either. Some are reporting more issues with other games as well.


New Nvidia drivers:
This 335.23 Game Ready WHQL driver ensures you’ll have the best possible gaming experience for Titanfall.


Trust me, it definitely is not. I played the beta with the controller hoping I could comfy-couch the game. After playing about 6 hours using the controller, you can really tell that M/KB people will absolutely destroy you with their ability to scan an area and pinpoint your exact position twice as fast as you could ever hope to with the controller. I switched to KB/M and was doing exceptionally better immediately.

It really bummed me out. I really wish they had different servers for controller users on PC.

Maybe you just aren't good at video games?
I was going to go to midnight release because the thirst I have is unreal. But we have a baby dr appt tommorrow at 9am and gamestop is about a mile down the road. I can get a solid two weeks in before its baby time. Im going to make the most of it haha

LOL my baby is due in about 3 weeks. I know the feeling :p Congrats!
I'm not sure how you'd do the acrobatics with a controller, you need to be able to switch directions in a split second and without a preset system to handle camera work an analog stick would just be too slow.

I dunno, to each his own I guess. I played about equal time with KBM and controller during the beta and they were both about the same for me. However, I have many many more hours in with a controller in games like this since I was a console player for so long.
These were apparently only 3d vision profiles?

It's possible they just didn't have anything in the release notes.

For the people with Nvidia cards who played the game on the previous driver, does this new driver help at all?

Bleh, I have to wait a whole day since my copy is coming with my CE. Should have kept my digital pre-order and sold the one that comes with the CE to a friend. I want to play Titanfall right meow!


hide your water-based mammals
New Nvidia drivers:
This 335.23 Game Ready WHQL driver ensures you’ll have the best possible gaming experience for Titanfall.

Says who, just a few posts back

Regarding those nvidia drivers, if you notice some kind of improvement it may be anecdotal since it really does nothing for performance as far as I read. No SLI profile either. Some are reporting more issues with other games as well.

Again, nothing regarding improvements to Titanfall. Beware. If the current WHQL is fine, don't fix what ain't broken.


Trust me, it definitely is not. I played the beta with the controller hoping I could comfy-couch the game. After playing about 6 hours using the controller, you can really tell that M/KB people will absolutely destroy you with their ability to scan an area and pinpoint your exact position twice as fast as you could ever hope to with the controller. I switched to KB/M and was doing exceptionally better immediately.

It really bummed me out. I really wish they had different servers for controller users on PC.

Time will tell if I will need to switch over but for now with a couple hours on it, I am doing perfectly fine with a controller. I have a 1.7 using a controller. If I notice that I am getting destroyed, I'll switch back.

I'm not sure how you'd do the acrobatics with a controller, you need to be able to switch directions in a split second and without a preset system to handle camera work an analog stick would just be too slow.

It works pretty similarly to M/KB.


On the other hand, I'm sure there will be plenty of people who play Attrition just for the kills who ignore the capture points.

There aren't any capture points in Attrition. People who play that mode just for kills are playing it properly. :)

In Hardpoint you'll get lots of kills just PTFO. They capture points bring in the players so there are always people to kill. Save those burncards that let you go back to where you died for this mode. Can save you a long trip across the map.
This game tires me out like nothing else. I find myself playing it in bursts of three games, then having to take a break.

Just doing campaign so far, but I like all the maps I've played on except the one with the
flying dinos
I was going to go to midnight release because the thirst I have is unreal. But we have a baby dr appt tommorrow at 9am and gamestop is about a mile down the road. I can get a solid two weeks in before its baby time. Im going to make the most of it haha

My daughter is 4 now, but what I found suffers the most is sleep. It's gone down of course, but I'm still able to consistently game in the evening hours.

You'll be fine. Especially for a game as 'quick' as Titanfall. Get a couple rounds in and then get out. MMO's and MOBA's are out of the question though.


Just to reiterate whats been said, if you're running an NVIDIA GPU you really should try out the drivers they just released.


Thanks went ahead and got my stuff all updated and ready. This is my 1st ever multiplatform release where i've went PC, my 660 is ready.
Not going to bother fooling with workarounds though since I working tonight ah well maybe a few minutes tomorrow and then it's on hot and heavy wednesday!

As for the controller versus KB/M talk: I held my own with a 360 controller and was steadily top 3 at least 50%+ of all my games in the beta. Origin shows 14 hours played.


So i'm in the UK and was considering getting the digital US version for the Xbox One tomorrow rather waiting for friday (the same thing i did with PvZ). If i do this, will I be able to play the game fine or is it region locked?


Douchebag. Yes, me.
You can see the players who are using K&M, they bounce around like crazy and can turn a titan on you instantly with pinpoint accuracy.

Yeah, the Titan agility is most apparent when seeing KB/M in action. It almost feels like they slow down look sensitivity on the controller when you're in a Titan.


Saint Titanfall
Last call trying to start up a gaf Last Titan standing team (since I love that mode) if your interested ad me on Origin

Origin ID: Nemisisbreaker
So the campaign has unlocks for the multiplayer?
Yeah you have to finish one side to unlock Stryder and both sides to unlock Ogre in custom loadouts. Although its not really a campaign, you're still playing same TDM and Hardpoint games, just with briefings and cutscenes inserted.


Regarding those nvidia drivers, if you notice some kind of improvement it may be anecdotal since it really does nothing for performance as far as I read. No SLI profile either. Some are reporting more issues with other games as well.

Was just about to ask about SLI. Ah feels good to be back in the camp where profiles are needed and not delivered.

ACE 1991

Weird question: I'm preloading the game on my laptop as I get faster download speeds here than I do at home, I shouldn't run into any issues transferring the files into my origin folder on my desktop once I get home and want to play, correct?
As for the controller versus KB/M talk: I held my own with a 360 controller and was steadily top 3 at least 50%+ of all my games in the beta. Origin shows 14 hours played.

Controller feels awesome,

I switched in the Beta and don't plan on going back. There are some very tight situations where KB/M might win but I hardly feel like I'm handicapped using the controller. It was pretty surprising as well, didn't feel like my K/D was affected at all.

Now if they would just release the drivers for the Xbone controller on PC.
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