I have few complaints about Phantom Blood, mainly Speedwagon. Otherwise it is Bram Stoker's Fist of the North Star.
Battle Tendency...Eh. It's pretty good. Jim Jam bugs me from time to time, he's too good at his job. It's a bit slow to get going after they leave NYC. Speedwagon, teased to be dead, only dies in the final episode, offscreen.
Phantom Blood was pretty damn good. Kinda slipped during the midway mark but picked up the slack for the final 3 episodes. Dio was easily the best aspect of part 1. Battle Tendency was great. Much more memorable than Phantom Blood and was overall much stronger. Can't wait for part 3 to show up.
On a related note I don't get why people hated the dub, I liked the accents. They added to the overall camp factor of the show. That said, the Italian accents were absolute garbage and I'm switching to Japanese the next time either Bryce Papenbrook or Stephanie Sheh do their shitty Italian accent.
There's really only one or two voices/accent that weren't good (Stroheim's energy is nowhere near as high as the JPN one), but otherwise, the dub was better than I was expecting & if anything, added to the campiness by hearing the actual dialogue/describing the insanity in English.
Part 3's test dub was honestly fine for the most part as well. My only nitpick was Abdol's deeper than expected, but still tolerable voice.
First time watching with the dub and it was fine. A couple voices that were awful but nothing to ruin the whole thing.
They were good. A mixture between campy and awesome.
From what I've read there's so much weird shit in Part 6 that it's hard to really narrow down what it is that BatDan's referring to.BatDan's talking about something else.
it'll make sense when you go read itFrom what I've read there's so much weird shit in Part 6 that it's hard to really narrow down what it is that BatDan's referring to.
I think I'm still waiting for the new translation to be finished in color. Just downloaded volumes 3-7...it'll make sense when you go read it
From what I've read there's so much weird shit in Part 6 that it's hard to really narrow down what it is that BatDan's referring to.
You know, a youtube comment made me aware Speedwagon only uses his sick blade hat once, and then never again.
Really could have used that hat trick later Speedwagon.
I liked the one in Part 4 a lot and 5's isn't too bad at all actually despite fan complaints.I love OG Jim Jam. He's my favorite but I'm only vaguely familiar with the rest of them after part 3.
You know, as much as I like the art of some of the darker Zelda games, I always really liked the art of Oracle of Ages/Seasons.
There's this really nice softness to it that makes me smile.
Those were fun games. I kinda wish for an HD version for the Switch. I'd buy that, I'd buy that day 0.
It might be recent hype but i think BotW will be my best zelda game until nintendo makes a better open world one, because i enjoy playing through it just as much as my other faves, Skyward Sword and OOT, but it's way more replayable to me.
Guys I'm so excited for MK8DX.
Battle Mode Best Mode
I don't say this lightly but Breath of the Wild is the best game ever made and likely the best game that will ever be made.
BOTW would have been better if it wasn't open world
Now this is a hot take
I don't even know what my favourite "insert piece of media" is let alone gamesI don't even want to begin talking about what my favorite game is, I can't even narrow it down to what was the best game on a system.
not really
It means open world games suck ass and if a linear zelda game had the mechanics of BOTW it would be leagues better.
It means open world games suck ass and if a linear zelda game had the mechanics of BOTW it would be leagues better.
Hyrule Warriors is my favorite open world zelda"Zelda" is literally an open world series and always has been since the 1980s.